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Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:25
by Juliana.Rivers
MaryAnn wrote: #106 (I think) reporting. I'm at 65.4 kg today. I'll never make goal, but that's ok. I'll keep plugging along until I get there. Those last few lbs are so difficult. I'm happy with my progress.

Well done @MaryAnnon the 2.6kg loss altogether in just a few months. Thats fantastic!!!!

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:31
by Juliana.Rivers
JennyH10 wrote: Yeah, I'm in the camp of "if I see the weight, that's enough for it to count" :wink:
I saw a new low this week. 9 stone 4lbs. Total loss of 4 lbs since starting this challenge and the lowest I have been in over a decade since before I had my children. I'm really happy as I knew I wasn't going to lose the full 8lbs but I wanted to see how close I could get. It's the most I've lost all this year (despite having a big gain during the challenge due to a holiday) and people are commenting on my weight loss again.
I am going to carry on fasting 4:3 as much as I can over Christmas and I feel a renewed sense of appreciation for IF and I have a gut feeling I'll get to my target in 2015 (one stone and 4lbs to go) :grin:

@Jennyh10... I was struck by your statement that you are now " the lowest I have been in over a decade since before I had my children. I'm really happy "

All the best for Christmas and 2015

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:34
by Juliana.Rivers
juliebulie10 wrote: Yey! Yey! Yey!! #48 checking in!!!

Down 2.2lbs...... taking me to 10lbs 6...... after a 'proper' week again! 1600 on food days, 500 or less on 3 fast days of veg soup/liquid only..... So pleased, 1.5lbs left to lose over next week to my (revised!) goal!!

2 meals out, 1 food day and 2 fasts to go before my final weigh-in on Thursday morning!!


JB x

Well done to you @juliebulie10especially as you set an extra challenge and revised your goal. Only 1.5lbs left so go go go .

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:37
by Juliana.Rivers
Gill wrote: #38 reporting in with a half pound gain. I still have 2.5lb to go and as I average under a half a pound a week I know I wont make it. So total loss for challenge so far 3.5lb, bit disappointing, but better than nothing. May declare 133 to be my goal weight (rather than interim) next week and go into maintenance for the new year.

Dont be disappointed @Gill .. you have done really well with a 3.5 lbs loss as it is a real loss and you should be proud of it. All the best and revising your goal can be a good strategy as im thinking the same for the new year. Giving myself a few weeks to decide.

Re: Week 12 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:38
by JennyH10
Thanks Juliana and all the best to you and yours too :-)
And thank you for running this challenge, it was exactly what I needed to kick start my weight loss again x

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:40
by Juliana.Rivers
Golarne wrote: Well done to the goal scorers! :victory: And to everyone else for giving it a shot.
This challenge has meant that I've started the festive season at a lower weight than I would have. Thank you!
#94 here
13th Dec 58.4kg (up 400g) Down 1.6 kg in total. Fasted only Mon, then festive/birthday meals, so could be worse!

1.6kg in a few months is fantastic! well done @Golarneand keep going. Glad it may have helped

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:43
by Juliana.Rivers
Isis wrote: No 3 reporting in. Well done everyone who has successfully completed their Christmas Challenge :like: :star: :star: I will not be one of you! I have lost another pound this week so I am working back to my pre-Japan weight but unfortunately I have no hope of even getting below 12 stone let alone 11 stone 8lbs! So I will have to keep plodding on to get there & eventually to my end goal weight of 10 stone next year. I am rather depressed that my tracker seems to have accurately predicted that I am unlikely to get there until October 2015 because of my slow averaged weight loss with holiday gains slowing things up. However I was always in here for the long haul & will now follow this WOE forever :smile: Thank you for organising the challenge Juliana :like: :heart:

Your welcome @Isis Well done on the great effort. Dont look too much at that tracker and the prediction. Mine is scary. With a lot of focus and good eating from Jan on, you can speed it up!

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:46
by Juliana.Rivers
mas54321 wrote: #96 here

I go by my saturday morning weight only, regardless of if i saw a lower weight in the week -eg this week i saw a great midweek result, but after the past two days of really heavy drinking/xmas party, it's showing a bit heavier this morning!

Anyway as of today
This week -1.5kg
which brings me down to 2digit kilos, my end of year target met, and 5kg below my xmas challenge weight. I've lost 18kg since 30th September, and 25kg since april (first start date) .... Here's to a better 2015 with everything else

wow wow wow 25kg since April.. great work @mas54321fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:48
by Juliana.Rivers
carieoates wrote: Number 40 here, I've bounced up to 12.3....better than I thought it would be. Fingers crossed for next weeks weigh in. I may leave my final one til Xmas eve. Is that ok? @Juliana.Rivers

Yes of course @carieoates, you can leave a final weight in to Dec 24

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:50
by Juliana.Rivers
SSure wrote: Member 26 - I'm 106lbs so well within my 105-110lbs range and in my comfort zone within that by trend. :)

I'm pleased to be maintaining.

Great to year @ssure- maintaining with success needs as much congratulations as a weight loss goal.

Re: Week 12 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:51
by MaryAnn
64.9 kg this morning. It's been about 6 months since I've seen this weight.

Thanks, Juliana, for running this challenge!

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:54
by Juliana.Rivers
Tammae wrote: I need to lose 2 lbs to make my goal. I could have it by now... but I got off plan over two weeks in November and gained 7 lbs!!! Today I am back where I should be so if I can lose 2 lbs next week I will make goal.

All the best on your goal plans @Tammae

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:57
by Juliana.Rivers
Madcatlady wrote: Hi #10 here I'm not reporting my current weight as due to working away and a Xmas dinner on Friday, it's not great BUT since last check-in I have actually seen 13.13 on the scales, 1lb under my revised target and 1 stone 3 from the beginning of the challenge so that will do me for now! Just need to get rid of as many pesky pounds gained this week as possible before Xmas.............

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

all the best on those pesky pounds @Madcatlady. Shall i say you have met the challenge goal?

Re: Week 12 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:00
by Juliana.Rivers
ALL UP TO DATE ON POST 1... im getting quicker! with 2 tab windows open to do the updates quickly. just as i get quick.. it will all be over (till next year!)

well done to everyone who has made target already and all the best those who are putting in a magnaminous effort this week to make target or to get at a more comfortable level. For those ready to pack it in and get to the Christmas parties ho ho ho.,. and seeya in 2015!!! Not sure who will run the next challenge but Im sure there will be someone... any takers?

Re: Week 12 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:03
by Juliana.Rivers
MaryAnn wrote: 64.9 kg this morning. It's been about 6 months since I've seen this weight.

Thanks, Juliana, for running this challenge!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S @Maryannfor a) making target (the 8th member here to make target) and b) for having a weight you havent seen for 6 months

loved running the challenge and love putting people through to goal.