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Weekly Challenges??

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2017, 13:46
by cblasz
I was wondering if instead of a big challenge, anyone would be interested in doing weekly challenges. I've start doing this for myself this year. Picking something I want to make a habit of and challenging myself to do it for a week. (e.g. drink 8 glasses of water every day, get 10000 steps in every day, decrease my eating window, etc.) Some of them might not even be weight related (read more, get up earlier, etc.)

Each week people could post what their challenge will be for that week and then post their progress on it at the end of the week. If someone liked someone else's challenge they could do that one too.

What do you guys think?

Re: Weekly Challenges??

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2017, 21:14
by Sassy1
Sounds good to me. I think focusing on changes in behavior is a great thing to do - that is something that we (in theory!) have direct control over (unlike "losing x lbs").

And hopefully it will help generate discussion and activity on the forum.

Great idea cblasz!

Re: Weekly Challenges??

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2017, 22:28
by Hazelnut20
Yes, that's a fine proposal @cblasz - count me in! I need to be publicly accountable for making some much-needed changes...

Re: Weekly Challenges??

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2017, 01:05
by Sassy1
Me again. I don't know whether I should start a thread for a weekly challenge, given that only 3 of us have commented so far.

But I do need to have a weekly challenge. As I mentioned elsewhere, I haven't managed to have either a fast or light day for a couple of weeks, and I need to! So my challenge is to have 2 fast/light days in the next week, and to have no more than 2 squares of chocolate on those and 1 or 2 more days. And no other added sugar foods either on those days (eg no shortbreads or Christmas cake).

Re: Weekly Challenges??

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2017, 02:12
by cblasz
Excellent! I'm so glad you are both interested and that you already have a challenge for yourself. I think we can go ahead and start a thread. I think we should start a new one each week, do you agree? I'll start one for this week!