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Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 10:46
by Loopyloo
I break my day into 200 cal for breakfast and 300 for dinner. This recipe is so filling and really delicious... ... feta-salad

I used a low fat feta and it meant I was able to have lots of lovely lettuce with it! Gorgeous meal!

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 12:01
by Wineoclock
Thanks Loopyloo that looks yummy. I save my cals for dinner so I'm thinking some roasted beetroot and sliced fennel would work with it. Might have this for my Thursday fast dinner.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 12:40
by Madmois
Looks really good Loopyloo. Did you use tinned lentils or fresh ones?

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 18:05
by Loopyloo
Oh yum yes, fennel would be delish with it wineoclock (great name btw) just the right flavour with the tarragon.
I used tinned lentils madmois - makes the whole process quicker.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 19:33
by Doey
This makes 4 servings of 286 cals, I would be afraid I would eat it all! :-) Sounds yummy

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 22:17
by MaryAnn
That sounds yum!

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2013, 06:18
by Madmois
Failed at the first hurdle. My local LeClercs didn't stock quinoa, will have to visit the Bio store and the home of puy lentils doesn't sell them in tins, so it's dried ones for me. Am still looking forward to trying this.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2013, 06:53
by Wineoclock
I decided to check the calories on this recipe as it just sounded too low. Can't remember the exact result but it came out about 100 calories more than their calculation.
Would love someone to prove me wrong.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2013, 07:04
by pineneedles
Tried to prove you wrong Wineoclock but couldn't, sorry. I put the ingredients into Paleotrack (careful to calculate lentils to be drained weight) and got 363 calories per serving. Not sure what would account for the difference.

Still a feasible fast day meal if you cut down elsewhere.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2013, 07:26
by Wineoclock
Thanks Pineneedles.

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2013, 08:32
by Loopyloo
Oh no!!!!!!! My favourite meal! How on earth did they get it so wrong??? Sorry everyone for getting hopes up :(

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 07:53
by Madmois
Finally got to try this on my Wednesday fast. Adapted it a bit having read a similar recipe in the 5 2 recipe book and it was delicious and worth the 300+ cals, very filling.

Did see some cooked puy lentils but in typical Gersoise fashion they were cooked in duck fat!

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 08:08
by dhana
I love quinoa too and was saddened to hear, on radio 4 last night, that because of skyrocketing demand this wonderful seed is now prohibitively expensive for the Bolivians who produce it, whereas it used to be a basic cheap and nutritious staple in their diet. Apparently it is now cheaper for them to buy imported junk food! :bugeyes:

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 10:28
by janeg
Yep, I read that too dhana, something far wrong in this world isn't there?
Can anyone tell me what quinoa tastes like? I've had it once in a salad thing or it may have been a milky type pudding and really didn't take to it. Keen to try it but hate waste and it would only be me eating it...

Re: Main meal: quinoa, feta and lentil...286 cal YUMMMY!

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 11:00
by dhana
hi janeg! Excited waving...great to hear you enjoyed your break and you're safely back (albeit to the sandpit :razz: ) Hard to describe a taste, but it is slightly nutty (little bit like brown/wild rice) and should till have a little ^bite^ when cooked (think pasta al dente). The flavour is not strong, more subtle, but certainly more pronounced than cous-cous for example. I use it just to ring the changes from rice and cous-cous, and make a risotto from it sometimes to give it more oomph. Some cultures use it like our porridge and cook it until it's soft with more liquid (sweeten to taste or add whatever just like oats) but I tried it like that and prefer my pinhead oats! It has a high protein content btw.