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We have officially passed half way mark ... CHRISTMAS CLUB

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2014, 08:01
by Juliana.Rivers
Wednesday of this week was the half way mark...

Please measure, weigh, rejoice, cry or whatever emotion you feel you need to share with us.. please do so... i will update post 1 with all the updates over the weekend.

Fear not if you are nowhere half way to your target.. you can do a 6 week rev-up in the last 6 weeks.



Re: We have officially passed half way mark ... CHRISTMAS C

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2014, 09:57
by SSure
I'm still maintaining within my 105-110lb range, so that's fine.

After a good start, and despite the fact that I need it, I'm having difficulty with my sub-challenge of One Moment Meditation. I'm having a lot of trouble with my back and joints - so I could do with the benefits but it doesn't seem to happen spontaneously. I need to schedule specific times.

Re: We have officially passed half way mark ... CHRISTMAS C

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2014, 14:04
by peebles
I'm up three pounds and apparently fated to remain at that level. I have been fasting on schedule, eating the way I have been eating for the past 9 months since starting 5:2 and weight isn't budging at all.

My friend who went to the conference with me and has been fasting for a year gained the same three pounds, so one has to wonder exactly what was in the food on those buffets.

But I also have to figure that if I could gain that much weight over 5 days and keep it, I probably wasn't as thin as I thought I was the weeks before the conference . Perhaps the compressed fasting schedule burnt off more glycogen. Or something.

I will just keep fasting and accept this is what I weigh. I was supposed to not be weighing, but haven't been able to stop, though I have stopped logging into Libra.

OTOH, I am still 12 lbs under where I was in February, and the February weight was after a month of strict Ketogenic 1100 calories a day dieting. So things could be a lot worse. If I get through the holidays ten pounds less than I was last year, I will be way ahead of most old ladies my age. <G>