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Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 06:24
by rawkaren
Hi everyone. I thought I would start this thread for anyone thinking of joining FastDay as part of their resolutions or for anyone already here and intending to press the restart button after the holidays.

Welcome all and sign up here! Tell us about what type of fasting you plan to do.

I plan to continue with Fast-5 over the winter just eating over the mid morning until early afternoon period unless I have a social engagement and then I will flip it around.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 07:26
by carieoates
Great idea Karen. I'm not restarting but continuing, but will be here to help if needed. And I'm a nosey so -and -so, so try and keep me out why don't ya.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 08:39
by Debs
Sounds like a plan to me! I feel like I am restarting having tried so many things to kick start things along this last year. I am having a trial fast today to see how I go!

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 12:06
by pist1958
I just started yesterday after a 7 month break... I will do 4:3 .. At least for a start. It worked very well for me before the break, usually fasting monday, wednesday , friday and weekend off .
Good luck to all of you . :like: I am happy to be back :clover:

Pia :smile:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 12:50
by maryannemcconnell
Hello there .. I am looking forward to my first fast of the year on Monday 5th. I was a 5:2er from beginning of last year for 4 months or so. Somehow fell off the wagon and, despite a few attempts to get back on - unsuccessful - I have managed to regain all the weight I lost then ... and more. Very, very determined this time - and will be doing 2 fasts a week, Mondays and Thursdays usually. In fact, can't wait for Monday to arrive. Feeling fat and sluggish! And finishing off the last of the Christmas cake!

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 14:36
by Tracieknits
BruceE and I will be joining in on Monday. I've already got a pot of soup made, and a few bowls of that are going in the freezer so Monday's dinner is already made. We avoid calories until dinner on fast days, having only black coffee in the morning followed by herbal teas and if desperate, a cup of chicken bouillon/broth in the afternoon :-)

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 15:58
by galexinda
Well this is completely new for me and I am just waiting to set up my tracker and get started. I had a practice run today counting calories and am now primed for Monday. Intending to do two 500 calorie per day fasts each week and hoping to reach my target by my Wedding Anniversary in April.

Happy New year to everyone and Good Luck whichever method you choose.


Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 16:59
by rawkaren
Oh a lovely mix of newbies and old friends! @pist1958 Pia. Great to see you back here! @debs. You and I have work to do before we see each other later this year! What an international bunch we are too!

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 17:12
by Lizbean
Hi @Rawkaren and I'm a newbie starter to maintenance - anyone else out there new to working out what this means for them? Good luck to all :like:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 17:18
by CandiceMarie
Hi karen,thanks for this x lets all make a pinkie pact to do our very very best this year!
I' m going low cal til Monday when i will resume Mon/ Thurs 5:2 fasting ..looking forward to seeing some good results!
Best of luck everyone! X

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 21:43
by mariondot40
Hi all
Been AWOL for a few months now had a lot going on and recently lost my father-in-law and not been sticking to 5:2 properly :-(
Been naughty over xmas and new year and we are away in our new touring caravan until the 8th January and will weigh in on the 9th Jan to see what the damage is and I am determined to get back to just under 10 stone again.
I know that I can do it and will do it:-)))))

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 22:10
by Sallyo
Yes, I'm back on deck this Monday. I had a break over the Christmas week and 'sort of' fasted on Thursday, New Year's Day. But Monday is the real start. I will stick with 2 fasts a week, Monday and Thursday. Try not to eat until dinner time. This Monday I'm having a squid salad. I already have the squid in the freezer. Welcome to all the newbies and returnees. I want to lose another 5 kg and reach the magic BMI of 25. I haven't weighed myself in yonks, so after the Monday fast, I will assess the damage and enter the stats in my tracker. Bring on 2015.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 22:30
by Debs
@Rawkaren, yes, we have added motivation this year to find out what works and stick to it for the next 6 months. Maybe I had better tidy up my fashion sense too, although if I don't have a sense of style now, I never shall!!!!
Yes, @Lizbean, a pact to get fit and fabulous this year!! Like it :lol:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2015, 22:41
by RachelT7
I'll be joining you all - will be going for 4:3 initially on Wed, Fri and Sunday.
I might see if I could try some new things too as I don't think I know all the different approaches.
Good luck all - happy new us! :clover:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 00:47
by chinchin
I will be joining in on Monday 5th Jan'. We will be traveling from Melbourne to Adelaide that day and I will be giving 16/8 a go. I doubt I can do a full fast whilst traveling by car for 9 hours, I've tried before and ended up eating way over 500 cals. I will have more control and I think 16/8 will help me keep the cals lighter for the rest of the trip. This is my plan... :clover: