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WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 19:18
by The Bevster
Hi forum members,
I'd like to hear how people who have a few stones to lose, how they're doing and how they've done it so far.
I want to lose 5 stone, 11lbs so far gone in 5wks, feeling good and clothes are getting baggy already! It's not that difficult so far.
Drop me a line...

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 19:29
by carorees
Hi there

Yes, I started at about 15 stone in early November. Want to get to 10 stone. Nearly lost 3 so far! :-D

It has been so easy and I can't see any reason to keep on with this lifestyle for good. I don't know if I'll reach my target as it will be the lowest I'll have been for over 30 years but the weight loss is continuing with no sign of tailing off yet so I'm hopeful!

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 19:35
by The Bevster
Hi there, thanks for your reply, i'm new to this forum today.
...and WOW! That's a VERY encouraging loss since November! Well done to you! You must feel soooo much better already. I lost 6.5stone on WW some 15 years ago, slowly creeping back on, so I'm now (finally) ready to kick it back into touch before the lot comes back on! Overdid a tad today though, and felt quite ill after too much pasta at dinner time, so I'm really looking forward to my fasting this week, mondays,thursdays, might do half an extra day on friday... before i have bit of bubbly on friday night,
have you tried that little trick?

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 19:51
by Catscratch

I have about 8 stone to lose. I've been doing this for 5 weeks now and lost a stone so far. Weigh in for me tomorrow so fingers crossed!!
I'm enjoying this way of eating and am quite evangelical about it. It just feels like I can do this forever!

I have a holiday to aim for in June and that's helping to keep me really focused. Maybe a trip to Florida in August, I'd like to fit comfortably into the airplane seat. After that is my 50th birthday in September it would be nice to have lost around 3 stone by then. I think having some targets on the horizon helps.
This Forum is a real help, there is so much knowledge and caring advice - it's fab.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 19:53
by smoochiepink
i have about 4 stone to lose, have lost at least 12lbs since feb 11th

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 21:29
by newme2105
I want to go from 18st5 (start weight) to about 12st7 or at a push 11st7lb. I am 5ft 7 but although I was thin when I was younger I have always been big boned. When I weighed under 10st before I got married my ribs stuck out so don't want to take it to that extreme. A BUPA doctor told me once that 12st - 12.5st was a good weight for me to aim for.

The good news is on this diet I have lost over 12lb already! So my target weight is almost 1 stone closer... Only another 5 stone or so to go!

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 21:36
by PinkLady
I would like to loose about 7 and a half stone.

Seems alot, but from stories on here it doesnt seem like a hard task, weigh in tomorrow!

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 21:52
by Hippychoc
Well like catscratch I am 50 this year, and like smoochiepink I started feb 11th and have lost 12lbs so far, with 4 stone to lose.
Good to know I am sharing this journey with similar people, I hope we all achieve our goals!

Good luck. x

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 22:20
by anniep
Hi The Bevster,
I started this plan needing/wanting to lose 5st 10lbs so it's really encouraging to see that quite a few of us are in the same boat. I'm sure that with the support of this forum, we will all achieve our goals. I lurk every day on here but don't really post, not much to say that hasn't been said already. I find the forum a huge help especially when I feel that I'm not doing so well.
I go to the nurse tomorrow for my monthly weigh-in and I'm hopeful that I've lost a fair bit since last month. I'm another naughty one who steps on the scales most days but I don't take too much notice of the results due to the fluctuations. I know the rate of losing has slowed down but that's fine as long as the trend is downwards!

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 23:40
by cindyls
Okay, an American here! So I have to figure out this stone thing. I want to lose about 90 lbs., so that's about 6-7 stone? I've lost 7 lbs. since I started 3 weeks ago. So that's half a stone? lol. I'm learning alot more than just how to lose weight on this forum! Oh, I do have a question.....I figured that OH is the one you're married to, but what does OH stand for?

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2013, 23:43
by Catscratch
OH stands for 'other half' I think.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 04:33
by overweight j
I want to lose somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stone.

This diet is the result of a somewhat drunken New Years Day resolution involving getting my BMI down from over 31 to under 25 in a year. Basically this works out at about 1lb per week.

So far I've lost 1 1/2 stone and I feel I'm well on track to acheiving the objective.

I just wish the weight loss would be better distributed. Everywhere apart from the gut really. Still I imagine time will eventually solve this problem.

I have the occasional splurge on food but I suspect these are getting less frequent. I certainly value not considering calories on feed days and I'm not going to start unless the weight loss stops. I'm actually following a slightly different pattern from 5:2 - I'm 10:5 which involves 2 eat days followed by 1 fast day repeated. - It seems to be working OK.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 05:49
by Jayney
I have a target of losing a bit more than 8 stone. So far i have lost 2 and a bit kg so i'm right at the start. I find having realistic small targets is helping eg. My Mum comes back from Australia at the end of next week and I would like to have lost about 5kg and hope hse sees a difference. I ultimately would like to have lost the weight by my birthday in July 2014 which gives me a year and about 3 months but I think this woe could stick with me forever as I'm keen on the other health benefits too especially hoping to not get dementia.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 07:48
by Roxy
In total I'm looking to lose 8 stone. Last October I was touching 18stone, Lost about 20lb via calorie counting. I've lost another 6lb since starting 5:2, My target weight is 10stone.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:01
by Honeybee27
I too want to lose about 8 stones, I have lost 1 1/2 stone already in two months, so just hoping that the loss keeps going at a fairly steady rate! Plateaus get me down!! Good luck to all the people hoping to lose big time, and remember it
is not just losing it, but keeping it off that 5:2 will help with.