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Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weight??

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2013, 23:24
by Tigerlily99
Hello, soo i just start on the week of March 25th-fasting Mondays and Thursdays.First week done, i didnt notice any loss, just a gain, but could have been due to easter weekend- and usually end up at 600 calories, instead of 500 for women.

I'm 23, and 5'1 and weight 105llbs, But my problem area is my thighs, I think my thighs have slowly been growing since i turned 21 and now i realized that i just can't eat anything anymore:-(.

So, i would like to lose 10 pounds from my small frame- large thighs.
I used to weigh 115 pounds but over the course of 7 months lost 10 pounds but exercising and eating healthy - no crazy type of diet.

I started this diet because after i got to 105llb i stopped losing weight.
At christmas time i ate partially healthy but luckily managed not to gain any weight for all the yumminess of Christmas time...

So, has anyone who has been on this diet who only wanted to lose 10 pounds- has this worked for you?? I get it working for those who have alot of weight to lose but for those who need to lose less has it helped??

thank YOu:-)

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2013, 23:36
by BBT053
You can't spot reduce. You'll lose everywhere still. Your bmi is pretty low already.

You might want to consider toning exercise like Pilates or weights.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2013, 23:56
by Rufus
95 pounds at 5'1" is a BMI of less than 18. I would suggest you see a doctor about losing additional weight.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 00:25
by Tigerlily99
Hi, sorry i should have clarified.I AM 105llb , but would like to lose 5 to 10 pounds. So would like to be between 95to100 pounds.
I know it seems like a very low goal weight but i am very petite so at that weight it wouldnt look like if I am sick, believe me I am super short
but that is what i am used too, in 2 years i gained weight.

I know i can't spot reduce, and i eat healthy like 85% of the time, but my legs haven't really changed in 7 months alot despite eating healthy/exercising. And they say the last place you lose it is the first place you gain it at-for me the thighs

So,that is why i ask if people who have to lose 10 pounds or less if this worked:-)

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 00:48
by BBT053
I'm 5" 3 & 190 lbs so you're not that short.

Rufus is well placed to give you advice if you look at her posts.

We're not going to advocate losing weight to dangerous levels.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 01:56
by dominic
Hi Tigerlily99, the short answer is that yes it can work. Whether you should do it is another matter, anything under 98 pounds places you in the 'underweight' category based on BMI, and that is not healthy.

The bad place to have fat build-up is around the tummy - the waist measurement should be less than 50% of your height is the guide. But they say that fat lower down (on your thighs) is not a problem and might actually be good for you.

See the Ashwell shape chart - it sounds like your body shape is a pear, and that's good. Most of us are more apple-like, more's the pity for us - it was the apple that caused the trouble in the Garden of Eden and still does. :wink:

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 02:22
by Wineoclock
I just converted your pounds to kilograms and you are teeny tiny. I have a thigh that weighs what you do. Don't stress I bet your legs are lovely. If you want to fast for health then maybe do the 6:1 and don't lose weight you really don't need to.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 02:27
by Tigerlily99
Thank you for answering my question. I didn't realize that 95 would be soo shocking to people, because I have a healthy lifestyle and was that weight just a few years ago and was healthy.

Maybe I shall aim for 98 pounds first then aimed with toning my legs:-). Yeah, I am a pear- or at least started becoming one when i turned 20 haha.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 02:32
by Wineoclock
Hi Tigerlilly, I meant to put that I was writing with my motherly voice. I can do that as I have a daughter your age. I also understand large thighs as I have always had them. But remember us pears can hide our thighs better than apples can hide their tummys (sorry to the apples).

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 02:49
by Tigerlily99
Hi Wineoclock. ohh no I understand and think it is sweet how people I don't know were a bit concerned over my question:-). My mom always gets snappy at me when i tell her i want to lose a bit of

I know i should just eat healthy and concentrate on toning. I have known girls from high school and college who have had eating disorders and seen how it hurt their lives. I just want to try this diet to see if I can finally lose the last 6 pounds that was at my goal and in the meanwhile tone my lovely thighs:-)

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 02:56
by Wineoclock

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 04:12
by Sincere24
Considering that you are pear-shaped, I doubt 6 pounds will make a difference. What's wrong with a bit of shape, kind of comes with being a female lol. I'm pear shaped as well, so I definitely know what you mean, but I've realized the lower I get in weight the less I get up top as well. So I reckon you just need to reassess your expectations as you can't spot reduce nor can you expect to go back to the weight you were ages ago and eventually maintain in a sustainable manner...without driving yourself bonkers lol

I don't mean to be harsh, but just work with what you've got...small boned or otherwise always have your health in mind. I'm about your height 5'2 actually and can't possibly imagine being 105 let alone 98lbs.

Just focus on exercises such as squats, lunges,and dead-lifts to tighten your legs up a bit. Lastly be patient, at this point you should be losing about 1/4 of a pound a week.

Good luck

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 07:12
by Franglaise
I lost 13lbs and I started with a BMI of nearly 21 and went down to 19. So the diet worked for me, but I still need to do work on toning my thighs and tummy, even if my ribs and my hipbones are sticking out. You don't lose weight where you want to! I don't think a loss of 6lbs would make a lot of difference to your shape.

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 09:16
by BBT053
What a good set of replies.

Basically, women have more fat around their lower regions so that they didn't starve in times of being laid-up.

I'd be concentrating on being strong, fit and healthy. Look at paleo and IF online and get a good understanding of diet and exercise, as it sounds like you already do. Any leg exercise will also give you more bulk but then at your age, you want to be building yourself up anyway as bone and muscle mass starts to decrease past a certain age.

Numbers, particularly target numbers on a scale are imaginary pointers to health. I've got pictures of me at 9 stone, which my OH refers to as my "concentration camp look" ones...

Re: Does this diet work if you are already at a healthy weig

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2013, 11:10
by Moogie
I can understand where you're coming from with the thighs issue, but I don't think any amount of dieting will sort it out. Some of us just have bigger thighs. As I understand it, running is about the best way to deal with those tree trunks!

I've got a 'Legmaster Power' exerciser thing which seemed to help my legs a big for the month or two I bothered to use it before it started getting in the way.

The only other things I've tried that I found helped were body wraps. They're only really worth doing if you're going to keep to a healthy diet though, otherwise you'll lose the effect. I can recommend the Universal Contour Wrap (seaclay wrap) from Germaine De Cappucini (sp?) and ActiDerm's wraps. I've used the seaclay ones more and sort of trust them more, but the Actiderm stuff is less messy! I lost a few inches off my thighs using these wraps every couple of weeks for a few months. Of course when I went back to my old habits the size came back, but once I hit my target weight I'll be using them again to shrink a bit and hopefully stay healthy with 5:2 :)