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Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2015, 07:06
by MaryAnn
Katharina wrote: #7 reporting a "gain" on last entry but have an overall loss of 0.6 from the start. (No gain and a slow down trend!)
Started 134.6 lbs, then 133.6, and today 134 lbs.
Annoyed it's not more stunning but soldiering on and managing to keep below the TDEE averaged for each whole week. I'm sure it will pay off.
(@MaryAnnI'm a bit confused by lists but keeping track myself. Perhaps I'm dumb. Are the weight losses/ gains recorded from the starting weight, or carrying on from the previous week....? )
Keep on the case everyone. :clover:

Hi Katharina, I've just been writing down what people put in their post. I think most people are reporting a weekly loss/gain, rather than a cumulative from the start. If they give an actual weight, I've been putting it in parentheses. I didn't want to specify too strictly because I know some people don't want to report the actual number, only the changes...

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2015, 07:05
by Loulou51
I don't think I posted a weight last week, I was dashing about and although I weighed myself I forgot to put it on the forum. However I've weighed this week and am staying the same as week 1. Both fasts this week collapsed at about 9pm. I'm swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays and although I'm not hungry after running I seem to be ravenous after swimming. I might try a new tactic of saving my meal until after swimming and see if that satisfies me. We'll see.

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2015, 07:44
by MaryAnn
swimming has a similar effect on me. I swim usually on non-fast days!

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 00:13
by MaryAnn
Yay! this morning's weigh-in put me at 64.1kg. Making progress, 100g at a time...

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 08:18
by Nicky_94
Well done @MaryAnn! Did you change your maintenance range in the end? I think I read you were thinking about it somewhere...

Just realised that I have not noted my progress (#16), weight was 64.8 at last weigh in at the end of Jan, so just within my maintenance weight range, and I have decided to not weigh again until mid February, every two weeks is enough! I haven't done yoga daily but have done it about 3 times a week, so not perfect but going in the right direction.

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 08:37
by fancyacuppa
A 1 lb loss for me since my last weigh in a fortnight ago - that's 3 lb total so far in the challenge :like:

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 08:53
by Janpartly
#30 checking in I have lost 1.5 lb this week very happy with that. I still have 6lb to lose for the equinox challenge though.

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 10:06
by Lori
#10 checking in with a 3.4 lb loss this morning! :victory: Biggest drop I've seen since beginning this WOL! That makes me down 2.6 lbs for the challenge so far.

I'm hoping not to totally undo my loss with a visit to my sister's this weekend. We tend to like to go out to eat and drink a few beers. :oops: Oh well...I'll be back to fasting 2 days next week!

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 10:55
by Brand-ie
No 21 checking in and I have stayed the same. 183.5lb this week. That's 3.5lb off target.

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 13:29
by Madcatlady
Oh dear - haven't been well etc since starting this and weight has been up and now down back to my start weight!!

Target is not going to be attainable now so I think the best I could hope for would be 13.13 which would get me back to my lowest since starting 5:2 then I can hopefully pick it up from there on the next challenge.

It's a battle sometimes isn't it!

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2015, 16:46
by carieoates
Madcatlady wrote: Oh dear - haven't been well etc since starting this and weight has been up and now down back to my start weight!!
It's a battle sometimes isn't it!

Yes a marathon rather than a sprint. Maddy

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2015, 08:50
by SSure
#8 I'm 105.8lbs today which is comfortably within my maintenance range of 105-110lbs, so :cool:.

tbh, I didn't think I'd have a 105.x lbs weigh-in today. I'm having a fair amount of trouble with my joints and back so at the beginning of the week I'd gone into the high 107.xlbs and remained there until Thursday. I had a 5-6 week period in November/December when my weight was drifting up to the top of my range altho' it felt like I wasn't doing anything different. Fortunately, it then moved down again without a conscious change. But, I was wondering if the same thing was about to happen again - and it still might during February in which case I'll just have to remember that it's happened (and self-corrected) before.

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2015, 09:38
by Golarne
58.8kg today. Ho hum, bouncing around daily, but feeling slightly up over all. I guess I haven't lost any weight because my two fast days were both more like low cal days, so not low enough to make up for the other days.
Good to hear about people doing well, though, especially during this cold weather.
Keep at it peeps! :clover:

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2015, 11:51
by WarriorPrincess
I post weight updates on Sundays usually, so I'll wait till tomorrow to see if my scales have decided to behave. It was all going comfortably in the right direction. I even restricted other calories accordingly on the day a moment of weakness happened & a bar of chocolate fell into my mouth. There have been no big slips - and in the last 2 days my scales have recorded a total weight increase of 1.25lbs. So disappointing.

I'm declaring a no-restrictions food day today & we're out for dinner tonight - I'll get back on the programme tomorrow!

Re: March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2015, 11:53
by egregious
# 23 checking in
Manged to lose 1.5lb this week, no idea how, as I was convinced I was going to gain due to eating a lot of crap. I weighed myself on Thursday eve (fast day) before tea and I was 4lb heavier than I am today so I must have been retaining water. TOTM maybe(?)
Anyway, I'm paying for the lack of healthy eating as have got yet another cold/sinus infection, so need to get back to eating properly again. I went a year without being ill at all, even when all around me were dropping like flies, then got ill just before Chrimbo and haven't been right since. It's definitely to do with diet.
Anyway here are my stats:
7th Feb loss of 1.5lb
weight: 10st 4lb
total loss 2lb