Page 75 of 111


PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 10:03
by rawkaren
Half a pound down this week, half an inch off my waist and more than half pct bodyfat. Was not expecting this. So happy. However have revised my target as per my signature.


PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 11:25
by carorees
Number 8 checking in.

Well, after a great series of losses at my last report, this last week has seen a plateau:


My body seems very attached to 71.1kg just at the moment... *sigh*


PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 12:28
by Juliana.Rivers
carorees wrote: Number 8 checking in.

My body seems very attached to 71.1kg just at the moment... *sigh*

you must be eating and drinking what im eating and drinking carorees! my body has same fixation with 71.1 . sometimes i think the scales is trying to trick me :confused:


PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 12:30
by Juliana.Rivers
Suchard007 wrote: 74 pages on this thread now..... it's ENORMOUS!!!! :grin: No 22 checking in.. minor loss this week (even smaller than usual) a mere 1/8th of a lb - think it'll hardly register on the tracker, but I'll update it shortly. Good luck to everyone in the remaining 15 days !! :bugeyes:

yes a bit of a record and we have 4 weeks to go before we "close it"


PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 12:40
by Juliana.Rivers
Tomorrow is December 1 or its today depending when you read this. :grin:

anyway as mentioned in some of my posts recently


Basically regardless of how long since you started, look at your target weight loss and how much you still have to go and being realistic, and knowing we are coming near to party season if you havent already begun, then as yourself, "can you reach your target by Dec 25?"

No drama if you cant as you have a full fresh month ahead of you for January 2014 (not sure what its like in UK and USA and Canada, but in Australia forget planning anything between Christmas and Jan 1 as everyone is on a beach, at a barbie, doing house renovations, on holidays or acting as "skeleton staff" in their office and its too damn hot to think about losing weight). I guess we should all be a bit careful if we can but overall once Dec 25 hits, dont worry till about Jan 2 or 3.

so.. if you still have say 3 or 4 or more kgs to go its probably best you review your Christmas target a bit down. just so you are not disappointed. ''

2kg may be achievable in the 23 or 24 days to go but probably its a stretch (tell me if you disagree).

my "weight to go by Dec 25" is only 700g based on trend weight and 101 g based on actual recording of lowest weight achieved recently so im personally going to stick to my goal. If i get to the latter i shall party and if i get to the former will party even harder:-)

so after weighing yourself and reviewing your progress, please update your siggie.. it would be good if you mention the adjustment of target there but you dont have to. indeed you don't have to do anything you may wish to keep it "to yourself" which is fine by me.

i hope to get cracking with post 1 updates but i might wait till say Dec 2 or 3 when hopefully more clubbers will have "checked in"

So do what you can and keep smiling as you shrink to a great new body for Santa!

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 13:08
by lizzieh
I was 11 st 7 and a bit pounds yesterday when I weighed in (I don't count the 'bits'!) and my Xmas goal is 11 st 6lbs which is looking good.

The Xmas parties & lunches don't kick off for me until Monday 16th, so two more normal weeks at my average half pound a week means I SHOULD reach my Xmas goal by Friday 13th (not the best of dates to pin one's hopes on :shock: )

What happens after that is anyone's guess!

Good luck everyone! :clover: :clover:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 15:54
by Julieathome
My 'proper' weigh-in day is tomorrow, but I thought I would jump on my all singing all dance scales and check my body fat percentage.

Now when I got these scales about 4 months ago, about 4 months into 5:2, I was very disappointed because they wouldn't give me a body fat reading. I thought they were broke, but they did the readings for everyone else. Looking into it, it turns out that the scales couldn't measure body fat percentage of over 50%. So 4 months into 5:2, even with all the success I had already, I was still over 50% body fat.

Today, just out of curiosity I jumped on again and I am now showing a body fat reading of 45.6%. So at LEAST a drop of 5% on my body fat so far. I'm feeling rather chuffed about that. Though I'm dreading tomorrows weigh-in after a week of gym work.

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 16:05
by Melinda_in_NC
I set a Christmas goal of 5 pounds in 8 weeks, and I'm thrilled to say that I have almost met my goal in 4 weeks! I'm down 4.6 in 4 weeks. I'm now only 10 pounds from my goal weight , and I've lost just under 15 lbs so far.

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 17:35
by Isis
I am sadly going to revise my Christmas goal weight to 13 stone because I don't realistically think I will manage to get to 12stone 12lbs, if I achieve that it would mean I had lost 3 stone from just after last Christmas, & may now have to aim for that on my fastiversary. :cry:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 18:45
by callyanna
I have updated my data in my signature to reflect the fact that I am actually slightly UNDER my targeted maintenance weight. Reckon it's because I've cut back slightly on carbs and have fasted one day a week for a month. If I continue to lose weight I will either increase my TDEE slightly or do 13:1 as I don't want to lose any fasting benefits. At least it gives me a bit of leeway over the festive period to indulge a bit more than usual!

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 20:20
by wendyjane
Sorry, @Juliana.Rivers, but I won't be checking in till Friday the 6th, my normal weigh day. I do need two good fast days before the scale reveals whether Thanksgiving did any noticeable damage. But I think I stayed more or less under control, so hope not... :smile:

As you can see I did update my signature, and do sincerely believe I can keep my 3 pound promise to my tent-mates!!

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 20:42
by Katiemcax
Number 136 checking in for this week. After a slow 2 weeks of weight loss (0.8kg), I am happy to report that I'm down 2.2 kg total for 3 weeks! I added a kg to my December target because I'm an optimist :wink:

Stay strong everyone!

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 22:02
by dcsb
CC 92 here – Hip, Hip, Hooray – happy dance here. Met my CC target. Will aim for 2 more lbs. by Christmas.
Good luck everyone.
Christmas Club Member 92
Started – Oct. 23
Christmas target – 3 kg
Loss to date – 3 kg !
Updated November 30
Additional goal – 2 more lbs.

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2013, 22:19
by tickatape
Hi member 120 here! I set my target on the 7th November to lose 7lb by Xmas and get to a 4 stone loss - I have lost 5lbs so far - so only 2lbs to go. Very happy with the way things are going. Good luck everyone :clover:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 00:21
by Juliana.Rivers
Had a sneak at responses since my post late last night and thrilled to see many have met or about to meet target already.

OK if your weigh has to be delayed. Some people are less strict so catching those if i can.

will be interesting after a few days of posts just how many people i can make a green colour in post number 1. :=)

keep up the good work everyone!