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Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 04:17
by janeg
Checking in, although my number is like all numbers and just not stuck in my head. And I know you've reminded me julianna. Sorry :confused: :oops:
A whole 600g in a month! Wow wee! That's actually about the usual, so quite chuffed. My goal (unpublished) is just to keep reducing. Which I am doing. :victory:
So another month of 4:3 it is.
And I think I've finally cracked the waist size to be half my height!
Good luck Christmas Clubbers. You are all inspirational! :grin:
And many thanks to julianna for keeping the morale going! :like: :clover:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 04:25
by gillymary
Stats updated on signature
Status: slow at approximately = 162gm a week
Belly button measurement down another inch = grand total loss of 7.5 inches, :like: :smile:
Thanks Julianna for giving us the opportunity to have a group goal, it's fun here

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 09:59
by rawkaren
Updated as per my signature. I'm pulling up my socks though now, so I'm looking to beat my revised target.

Congrats to everyone who is already there and for anyone who is behind like me - come on everyone - lets do this!! :like: :like: :like:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 10:01
by gillymary
I agree Karen, I have my formula in mind

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:07
by pist1958
Member #84: Updated signature but still same goal for Christmas..

Weightloss since signing in to Christmas club: 4,2 kg.. :victory:

Weight right now 70,3 :like:

BMI 24,9.. Yeahhh I am NORMAL WEIGHT :razz:

Goal is still 69,9 - so only 0,400kg to go - I think I can manage that :smile:


PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:28
by Sue.Q
Suchard007 wrote: 74 pages on this thread now..... it's ENORMOUS!!!! :grin: No 22 checking in.. minor loss this week (even smaller than usual) a mere 1/8th of a lb - think it'll hardly register on the tracker, but I'll update it shortly. Good luck to everyone in the remaining 15 days !! :bugeyes:

Just trying to see if I get the quote thingy right :heart: :heart:

Well suchard its only enormous coz JR let the likes of
me+our "bigger" gang into the club. Lol :clover: :clover:
Next step I'll see if I can update my signature as requested.

Edit:: Wow I think I've managed to update my signature that's something else I've learned today :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:38
by Julieathome
Christmas member 38 peeking around the door.

Revising my goal to 235 instead of 230. I seem to have been bouncing around the 240lb mark for months. I would love to get under 240 and stay under it for more than 12 hours. Trying to get to the 230 is not going to happen, 10lb in 25 days is just not possible.

So revising upward and hoping not to let the side down and show a plus figure by Xmas.


PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:41
by Juliana.Rivers
Suchard007 wrote: 74 pages on this thread now..... it's ENORMOUS!!!! :grin: No 22 checking in.. minor loss this week (even smaller than usual) a mere 1/8th of a lb - think it'll hardly register on the tracker, but I'll update it shortly. Good luck to everyone in the remaining 15 days !! :bugeyes:


it isnt 15 days is it?

i make it 23 .. per

dont scare me. every day counts for the extra notches on teh scale we need to all lose if we are not maintaining.

tell me i have 8 more days than you say

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 11:59
by DeeWidiastuti
Commander Julliana, member #75 reporting for duty here ;).

Sorry I've been silent the last couple of weeks, I've been through some yoyo-ing stage. But I'm happy to report that just this morning I made my Christmas goal, with an extra 100 grams loss :p. My goal was 54 kg and today I'm 53.9!! Very happy about this :(

So now I'm going to work on getting my trend weight also to 54 kg.

Goodluck for all club members!!

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 12:13
by Auriga
I am still going for 60k for Christmas ,but have been yoyo-ing too for the past 2 weeks. It's my weigh in day tomorrow so will have a look at my signature then.

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 12:37
by coffeetime
119 checking in. I've changed my signature as requested, I'm on maintenance but if I can lose a lb or two I hope that will still count towards the Xmas goal?
Fast day today which should take my weight down but it always shoots back up again the next day. :doh: :cry: :frown:

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 14:05
by P-JK
member 129 reporting. Goal of maintenance remains the same. Weight gain prevented increases at a pace of 180 grams per week, so make it already 720 grams for this weeks count.

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 15:09
by Alf
Number 7 here and Yee Ha! I've reached target. Today's weigh in is 69.6 Kg. So I'm delighted. Also good news on the waist measurement as it's started shifting down again and is now around the 50% mark.

No new target weight set for Christmas but have put 65 Kg on tracker for whenever.

Keep on going everyone. It's a lovely feeling to reach targets you've set yourself

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 15:42
by Marybeth
Number 94 reporting after 4-5 days away celebrating Thanksgiving with family. I only gained 1/2 pound over my goal weight of 135, so I expect to be back on track for maintaining after fasting this week on Monday and Thursday. :smile:

Goal weight 135
weight today 135.5

Re: CHRISTMAS CLUB December 1 personal target reviews update

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 16:34
by PennyForthem
I did a post this morning and then it disappeared and I couldn't get back on before going out.
original goal 11 stones (154lbs)
Today 10 13lbs
New goal for Christmas 10 10

I took a salmon salad with me today and am having veggie curry for supper.