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Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 12:42
by Jejum
Juliana, I'm so sorry, my brain isn't working properly. I'm losing but haven't checked in. Can you tell me what figure you need. Thanks

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 12:49
by gym-sparkle-90
I've been a bit naughty and weighed myself today, which is a day early... As it stands I've weighed in at 8 st 12.25 lbs which is 56.4 kg. I'm hoping to either lose a little more by tomorrow as today is my final fast day, or at least maintain. If I maintain then I only have another 0.9kgs to go / roughly 2 lbs :D

Fingers crossed! As today technically isn't my usual weigh in day, I'll update my signature tomorrow :)

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 13:18
by lizzieh
Tomorrow's my weigh-in day so will post an update then. I've been plateauing these last couple weeks and also very under the weather, but managing to keep to fast days (even though on non-fast days I've been having chocolate cravings..)
:clover: :clover:

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 13:48
by Juliana.Rivers
TheFrog wrote: G'day JR, I checked in back on page 81 but maybe I didn't use enough colour to draw attention to the fact that I reached my goal!

I lost 1.6 kg since starting the Christmas Club.

On top of all this I weighed myself this morning and I am still 59.5kg. :victory: :victory: :victory:

All my details are in my sig.

Member 47 checking out but focusing on the next week and a half trying to maximise weight loss so I have a little lee way over Christmas.


I did miss it . i must have been only 1/2 paying attention that day.

ive copied your post here

Time to party! I have reached my goal, woohoo!

With a total loss of 1.6kg since starting in the Christmas club I am now 59.4kg!

Thanks to @Juliana.Rivers I have been very focused on what I put into my mouth. I have cracked down on mindless snacking. It has been worth it as I lost just over a kilo this month and I haven't lost a kilo in a month since Jun-July.

My aim now is to stay focused until Christmas, lose within reason as much as I can so I can sit back and relax on Christmas day and enjoy the food guilt free knowing that I really can't ruin everying in one day. What I do put on in the week of Christmas-New Year festivites I know I can lose as I have tools that work for me.

I have now updated post one and made you GREEN

So glad i can help motivate you for quick loss. It's everyone here i guess im only trying to focus the spirit of weight loss. The tent has been good for everyone i think.

Enjoy the festivities, knowing that early Jan if there is any weight gain, you have the tools to get yourself back down to what you feel personally is your ideal weight.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 15:07
by MaryAnn
MaryAnn wrote: Hi Juliana

I haven't been updated in the first post. I reached goal on Dec. 7 and have lost 3.2 kg in Xmas club.


Otsukaresamadeshita! Thanks for your hard work!

edit: make that 3.6 kg lost :-)

I'll try again, too.

MaryAnn has reached goal!!

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 20:35
by Wmr309
I've now achieved a nice buffer as the scales showed a 68 for the first time in 20 years! I stepped on and off several times but settled for 68.6kg. I might even have some morning tea today. :lol:

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 20:49
by MelbMandy
Member #124 checking in with the great news that I've met my Xmas goal! True, this week was only a 100gram loss but that's all I needed to get to goal. Now only 3kgs to go to my ultimate goal.

Bring 2014 on I say!

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 22:19
by Juliana.Rivers
Jejum wrote: Juliana, I'm so sorry, my brain isn't working properly. I'm losing but haven't checked in. Can you tell me what figure you need. Thanks

HIya @Jejum

easy you joined around Oct 12 and your weight according to your progress tracker was 84.3kg .. now it is 81.7 based on actuals thus your total lost amount during club membership is 2.7kg. well done

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 22:21
by Juliana.Rivers
MelbMandy wrote: Member #124 checking in with the great news that I've met my Xmas goal! True, this week was only a 100gram loss but that's all I needed to get to goal. Now only 3kgs to go to my ultimate goal.

Bring 2014 on I say!


Yes bring on 2014 for your ultimate goal achievement.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 22:26
by Juliana.Rivers
MaryAnn wrote:
MaryAnn wrote: Hi Juliana

I haven't been updated in the first post. I reached goal on Dec. 7 and have lost 3.2 kg in Xmas club.


Otsukaresamadeshita! Thanks for your hard work!

edit: make that 3.6 kg lost :-)

I'll try again, too.

@MaryAnnhas reached goal!!

well done!!! and sorry i missed your announcement... and what a great amount of loss in such a short time.

Maryann has gone green!

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 23:15
by Bracken
I've now met my Christmas target, and am delighted that I seem to have my blood glucose levels under control.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2013, 23:40
by Juliana.Rivers
Bracken wrote: I've now met my Christmas target, and am delighted that I seem to have my blood glucose levels under control.

WHOOHOOOO PARTY TIME @bracken. WELL DONE BRACKEN ON GOING GREEN AND MEEETING TARGET and great to hear about blood glucose levels dont you love this WOL

GROUP loss has reached 160kg which does sound good.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 06:17
by Bracken
Thanks Juliana.

I think that it is probably the reduction of carbohydrate and dairy fats that has brought about the improvement in blood glucose levels, together with the impact of the weight loss itself. I think that I am a more thoughtful eater, hopefully without being obsessive about it.

I allowed myself a brief extravagance last night after fasting until my evening meal with work colleagues. I expected my glucose levels to be high this morning after half a bread roll, a little pastry and an eton mess dessert, but that was not the case. There was a slight elevation. I'm very pleased.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 07:46
by Chickvic
Number 29 reporting in :smile: 2.4lb loss this week so am happy with that, should reach my Christmas target on the 27th Dec - not likely :wink: Have updated my sig.

Re: calling all CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS Non checkeriners......

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 08:33
by spanner
Member number 76 checking in!
Another 0.5kg gone so I am now only 0.4kg from my Christmas club goal!
I soooooooooooooo want to go green for Christmas!!