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Re: ATTENTION CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS 10 day countdown begun!!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 03:46
by Denwoman
Member#123 reporting in. I've been hiding under the camp bed in the Christmas tent! Don't seem to have had any significant weight loss for months now. I have been going up and up then down and then up and now coming down again. I'm really sick of it. Have just come down again and now have dinner out tonight. Have skipped breakfast and had a light lunch in preparation so hopefully won't go up by too much! I am really determined to try to get back to the weight I was for my 50th birthday nearly 3 years ago. I only need about 1.5 kgs to hit that magical interim goal! I am really watching my non fast day intake at the moment to try to keep within the recommended allotment! Fingers crossed! I have a Christmas-ish birthday so have those festivities on top of Christmas and new year so always a challenging time weight wise.

Re: ATTENTION CHRISTMAS CLUBBERS 10 day countdown begun!!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 06:45
by Juliana.Rivers
Denwoman wrote: Member#123 reporting in. I've been hiding under the camp bed in the Christmas tent! Don't seem to have had any significant weight loss for months now. I have been going up and up then down and then up and now coming down again. I'm really sick of it. Have just come down again and now have dinner out tonight. Have skipped breakfast and had a light lunch in preparation so hopefully won't go up by too much! I am really determined to try to get back to the weight I was for my 50th birthday nearly 3 years ago. I only need about 1.5 kgs to hit that magical interim goal! I am really watching my non fast day intake at the moment to try to keep within the recommended allotment! Fingers crossed! I have a Christmas-ish birthday so have those festivities on top of Christmas and new year so always a challenging time weight wise.

your first sentence inspired my current thread subject line

thank you from emerging under the camp bed. You wlll get back to the weight of 3 years ago. you have both a) determination and b) from all the members of the forum. it is nearly Christmas after all and dont let the Christmas club interfere with celebrations. As i say to everyone now that it is December 14.. there is always January 2014 to make that target. thats a whole 30 or so days after New year revelries and eating.

im thinking that we might "extend" the christmas target that all that have set here so that we can get more Green members during the Jan month if you havent yet made it and just dont think you can. Might call it the Post christmas club. maybe i love it in here too much i dont want to disban the club just yet

and frankly i think if i am using Trend weight to run my target against i need more time too. see even Member 1 of the club is struggling. Yes i saw 69 last week but not often enough this week to get my Libra trend weight down. and scared this week isnt enough. have one christmas party to go to and thats always a massive feast topped off with Christmas pudding (made by OH) and Sticky rice with mango (one of the party goers is Thai)

what do you think everyone? i can extend this all out to Jan 30? if anyone has only 500kg or less to go keep going you might go green by Dec 24, otherwise make it Jan 30

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 08:25
by rawkaren
Reporting in. Back to my usual rate of half a pound weekly losses. So I need to pull my socks up this week.

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 08:30
by carieoates
That's a great idea Juliana, but I was thinking about drawing a line under 2013 and celebrating my interim goal achieved. Then between Xmas and 1st Jan I am hoping to maintain and not gain more than 4lb by doing 16.8, and maybe throwing in 1 fast. New year, New Start. I did set a doable target for myself!!! Which I have achieved.
So I declare that after the festivities I will be back on the decent to goal, and hope that I make it before my fastiversary.

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 08:44
by drilakila
Member 86 checking in and delighted to report. . . . . I have reached my Christmas goal!!! What a surprise! I really wasn't expecting a loss even though this weeks fasts have been easy and enjoyable.
How lovely to see my BMI change colour. Woohoo!
Oh and I took the tiny size 10 jeans back to M&S and got a pair size 10 I like. They fit! Just!
My broadband is playing up and I am lucky if I get 5 minutes online access so this has been done on my phone. Apologies for and mistakes! X

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 11:06
by Juliana.Rivers
drilakila wrote: Member 86 checking in and delighted to report. . . . . I have reached my Christmas goal!!! What a surprise! I really wasn't expecting a loss even though this weeks fasts have been easy and enjoyable.
How lovely to see my BMI change colour. Woohoo!
Oh and I took the tiny size 10 jeans back to M&S and got a pair size 10 I like. They fit! Just!
My broadband is playing up and I am lucky if I get 5 minutes online access so this has been done on my phone. Apologies for and mistakes! X

Well done @drilakila on reaching your Christmas goal. Even better when you dont expect it. Have turned you green on post number 1 to join the 10 or so lucky people in there thus far.

May you celebrate in the best way you know how.

The jeans sound super sexy. Enjoy,

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 12:53
by drilakila
thank you thank you thank you Juliana! x

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 12:55
by fixedwheel
Member #145 checking in

Stayed the same this week, which I am happy with.

3 fasts to Xmas, and 1.6lbs to go, tight but achievable.

Still feeling great.


Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 13:22
by Betsysgr8
Still slowly losing. Down 4 lbs from where I was when I joined, still hoping to lose a bit more before Christmas. Even if I just keeping losing 2 lbs a month I will eventually get to my long-term goal, slowly, slowly, slowly ... :)

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 14:24
by Paulyboy
Hi Juliana. Sorry for not reporting in. I've lost 9lbs in 6 weeks. 4lbs since the start of December.

Best wishes Paul. :lol:

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 14:39
by Minigill
Hi Juliana

I think it would be better to start a fresh in the new year with a new club rather than extend this one.

People can then decide if they wish to re join and newbies join in. I am guessing alot of new people will pop up Jan 2nd !

Start a fresh with new goals. I think if we extend this for Jan its going to get a bit confusing ! Some people may reach their final goal by the end of 2013 (my fingers crossed for me!), so I will move to maintenance and won't be checking in. Might join a maintenance club :)

Just my 2p worth :wink: :clover:


Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 16:13
by Isis
Member 88 checking in that I have lost one pound this week but with ten days to go I won't even reach my interim goal. However I have officially reached the 28 lb loss on this forum so two stone down & three more to go :smile: & I have actually lost 2 1/2 stone since just after last Christmas.

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 16:33
by Sue.Q
:heart: #105 reporting in with my first gain in the 8 months I've been doing this WOL ( except holidays)
:shock: 2lbs on :shock: :shock: :shock:
Looking as if my xmas goal is off never mind I've had 3 evening meals out in 8 nights so probably set my target to high for this time of the year :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 21:27
by CandiceMarie
Never mind Sue ..still 10 days til the big day
The Whoosh Fairy might be visiting you shortly to take dem 2 lbs back off you! X

Re: Come out if you are hiding under the camp bed. We wont

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 22:36
by Juliana.Rivers
Paulyboy wrote: Hi Juliana. Sorry for not reporting in. I've lost 9lbs in 6 weeks. 4lbs since the start of December.

Best wishes Paul. :lol:

1.8 kg since joining the club is lots for such a short time! well done.