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Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 01:03
by Sassy1
Hi @chinchin
We do the Melbourne-Adelaide trip quite often - hope it is not too hot for you traveling on Monday!
When traveling I used to always feel the need to eat and would eat way more than a sedentary day required!
But I have found that if I don't have anything to eat to start the day (I used to always have breakfast before we left) I can often manage to fast until I get to our destination. Lots of black coffee and water! But I assume you are not having breakfast and still feeling the need to eat? I recall asking for food travelling tips, and one suggestion was beef jerky, which can help limit the hunger. But not starting eating still seems the best method, if you can at all manage it (as we well know from fasting in general). Do you have things to do in the car to keep you distracted? (I am sure you do.) iPad games work for me, and I do also use my phone to give me an internet hotspot to check the forum and other sites.
Safe travelling! :)

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 01:24
by Madcatlady
I will be back with a vengeance on Monday - I have eaten far too much rubbish in the last few weeks and it shows!

Family party here tomorrow so will get that and the leftovers out of the way on Sunday then I shall chuck out anything which might be a temptation.

I usually try to do 4:3 and may try to do fat fasting to start with for a few days kick start. I also need to get back to my exercise classes - have had a few weeks off. Should be able to do Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs and Sun next week - will let you know how it goes (on another thread somewhere!).

Good luck everyone - we can do it!

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 07:05
by Wendy Darling
Great to see all the new starters and returners. Welcome and welcome home :smile: I will be starting after a fabulous fortnight or so of birthday and Christmas over indulgences. I was deliberately under target to give myself some wiggle room. I put on 6lb and am now 1lb over target. Now, we all know that that a 6lb gain can't possibly be fat in those few weeks, so let's say it is water retention from those naughty delicious carbs. I had a big pile of stir fried veggies with salmon for dinner last night and was up early for a pee this morning, I could feel those carbs flowing out :lol:

I have made a meal plan for the coming week and a shopping list so that I know that I won't be caught short. Planning is key.
@debs go shopping with @rawkaren it would be an interesting exercise to see what the resident fashionista would get you togged up in :smile:
Good luck to everyone for Monday. We can do this

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 09:18
by Bracken
After a period of maintenance following abdominal surgery, I have decided to lose just a little more weight and to increase the amount of excercise which I take. So, I'll be returning on 5th January.

Good luck everybody :clover:


Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 10:54
by GeekyCat
Restarting on the 5th too.
Have not weighed myself since late November when battery on the scales died out. Replaced it last week but I do not need the scales to tell me I have put on a good few lbs.
Cannot wait as I feel sluggish from overeating and not eating as clean as I had gotten used to.

Also mean to log on here more frequently as the support from fellow fasters is really helpful.

Happy and healthy 2015 to all!

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 14:18
by StowgateResident
I will be joining you on Monday but, in the meantime, I am also fasting today (Saturday). The last of my visitors left yesterday and, as I find myself five and a half pounds over target, I thought that there was no time like the present! Good luck to us all on Monday! :clover: I suspect that the forum will be busy, busy, busy! :grin:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 14:23
by Julieathome
Does starting on the 1st January count for this thread. If so I'm in.

I'm not expecting much in the way of weight loss for the first month as I am still trying to bring my thyroid meds up to a normal level, or should I say to bring my metabolism up to a normal level, so that the TDEE actually applies to me.

Once I'm up to optimal, I hope to fly. I better had do, my daughter has invited me to Dubai for a week, so I want to get back into my summer clothes before I put this extra 23lbs back on.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 19:06
by SianS
Count me in too, my OH's birthday is tomorrow so we never start our New Year resolutions until the 5th.
I have gained about 1 1/2 stone since the summer, I don't know exactly how much as I'm not weighing till Monday morning. I do know that I dropped my son at Uni in September in size 12 jeans and took him back today in size 14 jeans.
Roll on Monday, see you all there .

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2015, 21:05
by gillymary
Count me in and I found Monday Thursday 52 the best strategy in past appreciating the company on the fast threads. Have to get back to keeping stock. So my fasting New Years resolutions is working towards the weight which is best for me, keeping active with a reign on carbs consumption

Am liking the mention of fashion and look forward to the gift that keeps giving which for my birthday gift from DS this year of a years subscription to vogue Australia

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 07:53
by Sarahg
I am back......again. Thanks for this thread I will be checking in often.
Did this in 2013 and lost a few kilos which was all I wanted to was hard and took ages and I posted and complained ,a lot.
Then I gave up.and slowly slowly the weight returned.
Kept trying to get back into it,even got my husband involved and he is doing great.but I. Just couldn't stick to it and gave up totally .I had actually been quite a healthy eater before 5/2 ,I become unrestrained and have now gained more weight.making me heavier than when I started 5/2 so enough ...
I am committing here
I am back
It is so nice to see others in the same boat
Will keep you posted.
And looking forward to seeing everyone's progress.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 08:29
by Wolfie
Not me, but I will start on Wednesday 7th when i go back to work after a very long vacation. Happy to say that I have only gained 3kg (6lb) since my surgery Sept 1st :smile:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 08:55
by Mahalo
Hello all and thanks for this thread and the great (re)starting and kick-off-energy here :smile:

I will do a restart on Monday and add Wednesday for sure. (Not yet sure about giving 4:3 a go or not). I kind of need stages from the very beginning. So I defined a first one 2015 for myself: ten weeks from Monday 5th and then see where I am at then. I am new to this site and fairly new to 5:2 (18th of November 2014). I like to experience the "clean" 5:2 (4:3) because in December I was not very careful like most of you/us :cool:

Happy to meet you and good luck :clover:
Mahalo Image
the best context of the sign loser referring to weight Image

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 12:11
by Sallyo
Here in Australia, Monday is looming. It's almost here. It's now 10 past 11 at night. The house is open to the cool night air as the day has been hot. I am wondering if in the morning, an Australian, like me, will start a 'Fasting Today' thread, as usual, or is this where we post? I will check here in the morning and see what everyone has to say, unless someone has already started the Fasting Today Monday the 5th of January thread. I am absolutely pumped about starting back fasting tomorrow. See you all.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 12:31
by SSure
Sallyo wrote: I am wondering if in the morning, an Australian, like me, will start a 'Fasting Today' thread, as usual, or is this where we post?

Hmm, I don't know that best answer to that, @Sallyo - I'm not 'Starting Today' as I'm in maintenance and kept my fasting schedule over the holidays so I'd feel a bit weird participating in this thread. But, I get that there'll be a lot of good energy here for people starting over or for new starters - so the needs of those should perhaps take precedence over the veterans/maintainers who have other threads to post in to sustain their motivation?

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 12:39
by carorees
Hi @sallyo. Please do start a fasting today thread tomorrow!