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Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:16
by BeccaB
I have about 4/5 stones to lose (my target is a realistic 4 but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't like to lose a little more!)

I've done it once before, years ago, but I piled it back on over the last 12 years...

So far I've lost 6lb in 4 weeks. I'm a little depressed at the moment because I'm finding the fasting easy but all my weight loss was in the first two weeks, not lost any in the last two. But I always lose weight very very slowly, just seems to be the way I'm I'm going to keep going. All the encouraging stories on this forum help a lot, so thanks guys! :-)

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:21
by BBT053
Honeybee27 wrote: I too want to lose about 8 stones, I have lost 1 1/2 stone already in two months, so just hoping that the loss keeps going at a fairly steady rate! Plateaus get me down!! Good luck to all the people hoping to lose big time, and remember it
is not just losing it, but keeping it off that 5:2 will help with.

Blinking eck, that's fast. I've been on ADF for 12 weeks & not lost a stone yet. If you do hit a plateau, divide your loss by weeks & cheer yourself up.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:33
by mariposa
I had 5 stone to lose, started beginning of January at 18 stone, this mornings weigh in was 16 stone 13lbs, feels great to be out of the 17 stones! Have found fasting surprisingly easy and have always struggled with dieting over the years as always felt deprived! Looking forward to the next stone to go, but so far so good! This seems very sustainable and suits my personality, I'm averaging just over a lb a week but my weight fluctuates a lot weekly and weight loss seems to be in chunks rather than a steady loss. Having lots of weight to lose can feel a bit much at times, but I've had my last baby (7 months old now) and I feel I'm reclaiming my body back! Good luck in all your journeys, this forum is great for keeping on track.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 12:26
by Catscratch
I know what you mean Mariposa about it being daunting to think of having 8 stone to lose in total. I try not to think of it in those terms I just set myself small targets. Congrats on getting down into the next stone. I started out at 18st5 and this morning was 17st1 so what's keeping me on track this week is the desire to be 16 stone something. then 15........Anyway all of us larger ladies should keep in touch, it's good to talk to people who are in similar boats.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 12:32
by hilaryjane
I would like to lose 6 stone and since January 14th have lost just over a stone. :smile: The last four weeks haven't been so good, dithering over a couple of pounds but that is probably down to me being more complacent and not being as strict with myself on the 'fast' daya! :frown: However, I have lost 3.5 inches off my waist so I'm keeping on with this WOE.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 12:36
by NoraBoswell
Awesome, all of you. :clover:

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 12:46
by Liz
I started this in August, with 10 stone to lose - I have lost nearly 4 stone so far, although I am having a bit of a blip at the moment, and it's back to just over 3 and a half - boo hoo! But it works, and if I can do it, as a serial failure at dieting over more years than I care to remember, then everyone can! Good luck to everyone - keep going, it's worth it.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 13:45
by Suchard007
I've shed 3.5 stone out of about 5.5 stone that I needed to get rid of. Started off with simple calorie counting then discoverd 5:2 last summer - since then the lbs have been coming off - slowly but steadily. Am aiming for just under 10st that'll give me a few lbs to play with, so to speak. There's obviously a lot of us here on this forum with similar weight to get rid off - not just the odd few lbs! - Good luck to each and every one of us - think it's amazing that we're all doing so well - may it continue for our lifetimes :grin:

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013, 22:17
by newme2105
Thanks all for sharing - very encouraging to hear the progress - and a few people like Catscratch have a similar weight to lose to me. I am currently at 17st7lb - I started at 18st5lb so really pleased with progress but looking forward to getting into the 16s next...

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013, 09:19
by Peta
I have 25kgs to shift (to me this seems quite overwhelming). I've lost 6.8kgs since Jan 21st on 5:2 & 19 fast days at twice a week (Mon & Thurs usually, sometimes swop for a Friday depending on work/meeting commitments).

I saw my doc the other day & told him about 5:2 (he didn't really know anything about it) and he said I weighed 88 kilos in 1997. I was so surprised and couldn't believe it as am now 105 kgs. I am just post menopause and gave up smoking 7 years ago and the weight has piled on in a blink - or so it seems to me!

It takes a long time to put it all on and there's no reason why it should all just drop off in a few weeks. My body has adjusted to wanting more food and less exercise. I walk our dog for 45mins - 1 hr most days and I do one to one fitness training in the swimming pool once a week - a massively tough workout with weights - up and down the pool x 86 lengths on Sunday + loads of other fitness exercises. It's as much as I can or want to fit Ito my daily routine. I run my own business and am disciplined...and not afraid of putting in the effort...and I'm certain I will reap the results.

Keep the faith, be honest, feel proud as every pound or gram slips away into infinity.... :wink:

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013, 09:39
by Claire4919
I started off at 15 stones 2 and lost about 3 stones on MFP. I'm now 12 stones 5 and I'd love to drop another stone. I have to accept I will always have a little tummy. My mothers genetic gift to me. But I feel great and hoping I can lose the last little bit after the plateau and maintain with not too much exercise.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2013, 17:14
by The Bevster
Many thanks for your replies, and YES! we're doing fabulously, as its easter, i'm having the break from fasting til tuesday, my weigh in was a stand still today, after i reeeeally tried yesterday. but last wk i lost 4lbs!! so can't complain and i do feel i've earned a little break after -11lbs so far, and while i was ill too, so there, i just justified my easter egg! heee.
But i've not lost sight of the bigger picture and i know i'll get there.
Good luck everyone, keep it going! It's great there's lots of positive support in here for us to lean on if we need.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2013, 17:43
by Sal151
Hi Bevster,

I have about 4 stone to lose, I have been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and have lost half a stone so far so I'm really pleased :smile: And it hasn't been to difficult.
I actually think I can do this and reach my goal weight, it's great reading how so many people seem to be losing the weight without having to diet every day. As soon as I go on a diet all I can think about is food and what I can't have! At least with 5:2 you know it's only for your fast day so you don't have to keep feeling the guilt if you fail. :grin:

Good luck everyone

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2013, 18:06
by gaitless
I started the plan 2 weeks ago at 296lbs. First weigh in this morning and I've lost 7lbs and 1in off my waist. I still have a very long way to go.

I have set little goals to strive for. First goal is to get to 249lbs. I don't know when I will reach that goal, but I know I will reach it with this plan.

My DH and I will be married 29 yrs this Sunday. I would love to be under 200lbs by this time next year. I don't know if a 97lb loss is realistic or not, but it's something I would like to shoot for.

Re: WHO HAS MANY STONES TO LOSE? I have 5 I want rid of...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2013, 18:39
by nycnyc2013
I'm so glad you posted this, as it seemed like the first few stories I read involved people with little to lose who were more interested in the other benefits. I have 40 pounds to lose (3 stone?) and have happily lost 4 so far with just 2 fasts.