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Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 20:58
by bobbyd98683
43. Make a batch of Lavender cold processed soap
44. Exercise
45. Look at recipes to make on feed days (sometimes not such a good idea).

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:17
by bartyslartfast
46. Play 'Singalonga stomach grumble'.
47. Stick "Fast Day: DO NOT CROSS" tape across fridge.
48. Drink Lady Grey tea when hunger calls.

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:28
by Domane
49. Poo-pick 24 hours worth of dung for 5 horses
50. Ride one or two of said horses
51. Clean tack for said horses

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:32
by TML13
52. Think of food
53. Dream of food
54. Plan what I will eat tomorrow

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:35
by Sallyo
55. Plan the week's menu
56. political organizing
57. bake biscuits for tomorrow.

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:38
by Heucherella
57. Take out one's hunger frustration on the jungle aka garden
58. Wash the horses feathery legs until they are a gleaming white
59. Learn to actually program in excel...

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 21:46
by Silverdarling
60. Look at online sites for smaller size clothes
61. Sort through wardrobe / disgard too big clothes / test try once-too-small clothes
62. Take clothes to charity shop / try on smaller size clothes in charity shop
63. Choose and buy smaller size jeans
64.... (You get the idea ... :grin: :lol: :cool: :wink: )

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 22:01
by fifipye
65. Paint your nails
66. Organise some photos to be printed out from your digital camera
67. Mark coursework (this bit only really applies if you are a teacher!)

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013, 22:37
by 43tweaker

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2014, 21:21
by CandiceMarie
Hey lets restart this one from mind is a blank, i am going to bed,but will be back to add some ideas xx good one Tweaker, xx

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2014, 23:45
by Julieathome
71: Make a Dildo (I woodturn and have grateful female friends)
72: graph out how to make a giant crochet hook
73: screw a bike hook to a wall.

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2014, 17:02
by CandiceMarie
74. Take a train ride or go on a mystery bus can end up great or otherwise..either way it's a laugh! we took a mystery bus trip to a place we had never been before....nothing there when we arrived :0) except the bus terminus! :confused:
But on the other hand we took one to a place called Stockton Heath and enjoyed poking round the shops there,and sitting in a coffee shop watching the world go by. :like:
75. Do a good deed for the day..anything from buying something small and delivering it to a friend/ neighbour,to offering to walk somebody's dog,or take a busy mum's baby out in his pram while mum gets a nap,or spending a few hours volunteering in a charity shop/ pet rescue. :heart:
76. Buy some pretty notelets and stamps and surprise friends and family with snail mail! We don't get enough letters in the post any more! :razz:

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2014, 19:38
by Minsmum
77. Look through your stash of "food porn"
78. Bake a cake and inhale
79. Have sex.........well it's exercise and it'll use up a few minutes!!!!!!!!!

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2014, 23:04
by CandiceMarie
80. Go outside and hug some trees!
81.Buy some monkey nuts and feed the squirrels in the park
82. Start researching your family tree
:grin: :lol: :grin: :lol:

Re: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2014, 00:19
by MaryAnn
83. go for a run
84. karaoke!
85. a spring cleaning project