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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2015, 10:10
by Kelly25-tr
Hello Lady Dodos
I am toying with the idea of doing some ADF and have been reading your threads with interest this morning. A successful 5:2 er I thought I had it sussed. Then I took a holiday at end of January beginning of February and ate quite freely there thinking I'd easily jump back to 5:2 when I went back home as I like it so much but for whatever excuse it hasn't quite worked out like that. I have put on about 3 kilos since New Year and I feel SO fat! I remember feeling great at this weight in the past but this has to go! I have done and liked 4:3 in the past .... not sure if I am bold enough for DODO but I am really tempted as I love fast days.
Today (Monday) I am fasting...... so if OK with yourselves, I may just run alongside you successful DODOs until I decide whether I am a fully committed member of your gang or whether I am just dabbling with 4:3. :confused:
PS Minsmum - your weekend sounds WONDERFUL :heart:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2015, 12:24
by nursebean
Hey Kelly! @Kelly25-tr you are more than welcome in here. In fact, the more the merrier! :wink:
I have bean in EXACTLY the same position as you. I had a week's holiday a couple of week's ago and I just let rip and ate whatever and whenever I wanted. If I'm completely honest, I didn't feel good doing it. I don't know about you but I felt swollen as the days wore on...
...forward to a week back in the saddle and I feel SO much better. For me, 5:2 leaves too long a gap of so-called "normal" eating. I think every other day is just right for me. If you've bean doing 4:3 and found it ok, you won't really notice much difference doing ADF, after all its only one extra day, every other week! I guess the only thing that may put people off is that you have to fast over the weekend. If thats when you do all your socialising you may find it a bit more tricky. I just love that one week I'll fast on a Monday but the following Monday I won't! Such variety :wink:
Why not give it a go? We're here whether you do or not. But us DODOs could do with some more members Image

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2015, 13:48
by Kelly25-tr
Thanks @nursebean, that is a really warm welcome.
Coincidence that we both did the same! URGH! I felt awful after my holiday too and am finding the 5:2 just a little too like "normal" to keep myself disciplined on non-fasting days. I also think the drab and cold weather doesn't help. Yes ADF is looking more attractive as I think the discipline more often will do my mindset good.
Have a great day!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2015, 13:52
by maryannemcconnell
Have just had blood results and my cholesterol is not looking good! Am thinking of switching over to 4:3 but perhaps being a bit more lenient with calories (say 600 max) per fast day. And then cutting out all sugar all day/every day. Do you think this will work the same? Weekly calorie intake will still be less surely? Any thoughts?

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2015, 13:59
by nursebean
Hi Maryanne @maryannemcconnell and welcome to our humble DODO abodo!
I can only speak from personal experience but I find 5:2 too difficult because of the gap from a fast day to a normal eating day. I think if you can do 4:3 (which may be suitable for those who like to keep their weekends sacred) then thats a bit better..but then, why not go the whole hog and fast every other day? In your case you could stick to 600 calories if you think that would help you with the transition.
Please stick around. You'll get all the help you need in here...and more besides.
I look forward to hearing how you and Kelly get on. It would be great to see this tent swell in long as thats the ONLY thing that swells around here :confused:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 08:50
by Kelly25-tr
Hey there
Just reporting in to say I enjoyed my fasting yesterday and saw a fabulous loss on the scales this morning (don't you just love "first fasts" for that!). I am not fasting today (DODO) but already looking forward to discipline and losses. As crazy as it sounds I feel better in myself already!
Good luck to all of you who are eating to shrink today x

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 10:30
by Minsmum
Yay new people in the DODO tent. Welcome all. Seriously glad to be back on it, fasting that is, as much as I enjoy the occasional week off, my gut doesn't (TMI ALERT I could start my own brass band the way I have been trumpeting !!!!) I too feel swollen :( but normality has resumed and its black coffee, water, my 2pm diet coke to keep me going then salmon and stir fry veggies...mmmmmm nom nom.
The dog has been walked and I have a day of washing and ironing, oh Minsmum living in the fast lane again. Still can't complain after my decadent weekend. I now have to get back in the fasting groove and be good until Easter when we are off to Spain, where I shall be strutting my stuff by the pool. Well ok maybe not too much strutting and more laying on a sun bed cocktail in hand!
Oh and top excitement in the Min household.......

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 11:26
by nursebean
That is tres amusant Minsmum!! Trumpeting eh? I know that feeling...Image (sorry couldn't resist! :oops: )
Do you thin you noticed "swelling up" more when you're on holidays than you did before you fasted? I certainly do. Every time I say...I still cut out breakfasts on holiday and just be mindful of what I eat, and then what happens? Image...doh!
And Kelly?...woohoo! That sounds like a great start to your new fasting regime. Just don't do what I did yesterday and eat for the sake of eating. What AM I like!
So who's fasting with me today? I've got a couple of chicken thighs waiting for me tonight...only 308 calories so plenty of room to squeeze something else in should the need arise :wink:
Have a terrific Tuesday :smile:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 13:05
by carieoates
Hats off to you DoDoers.
I'm less hungry today than yesterday. Funny how that happens I love the day after fast for that reason.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 15:00
by nursebean
Yes it is strange isn't it. I'm not feeling the true effects of fasting at the moment because its that dreaded time of the month and so my stomach makes me look as though I've swallowed a bowling ball :shock: I'm looking forward to next week. There's no doubt in my mind that I've lost weight since I got back from Padstow though. I could seriously live life as a DODO (hopefully longer than a DODO!) with the odd break for hols etc. Thats whats so great about fasting isn't it. We can tailor it to suit our needs. I don't like the idea of just eating every day, I love the break from food :wink:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2015, 22:25
by nursebean
Well that's Bean done for another day!
Food tomorrow..hoorah! Image

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2015, 08:24
by Minsmum
Blah, yesterday's fast went well until I blew it with a carby blow out, just had to eat.... :( .....damn you totm! Beanie I think we are truly in sync, my stomach is bowling ball esque also.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2015, 10:09
by Kelly25-tr
Hey Dodo'ers,
I am back on fasting today and was positively looking forward to it as soon as I woke up .... it's now noon here and my stomach is already rumbling away but I know that'll pass. Fasting days feel like rest days for my body and that has gotta be good. :like:
I have a house guest this week so it is going to be a challenge in the cooking department but I feel up to it. Get me! Feeling very motivated right now!!!
Is anybody else with me today?? Have a great day DODO'ers

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2015, 13:37
by nursebean
Oh Kelly what a shame! We seem to be out of sync. Anyway, I'm SO pleased its going really well for you. Its funny but you almost enjoy fast days don't you and when they happen every other day it somehow seems easier. Good luck with your house guest, though. That must make things a bit more tricky but I'm sure you can do it. You certainly sound revved up!
Oh dear! Minsmum! What happened? :shock: It sounds as though we really ARE in sync, yes. I find I get ravenously hungry (or just eat for the sake of it) a few days before my TOTM. Luckily, at the moment, I'm not that hungry. Stomach is uncomfortable and bloated (but I still feel its smaller than it was in Padstow!) Once the TOTM is over...(soon I hope) I'm sure said stomach will flatten and I'll find I've lost a stone...
...dream on buddy! Image

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2015, 08:24
by Minsmum I'm fasting, today I will not succumb to a totm craving. Today will be a good day :)