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Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2015, 21:09
by WarriorPrincess
Thank you to all the people who sent good thoughts my way - someone here said I'd been blindsided & I've used that word a few times since then. Amazingly, my brother has agreed for my son to stay in his spare room so we can go on holiday tomorrow. We couldn't have left him alone, so the alternative was cancelling our flights to Florida. My brother is now officially a superstar!

One silver lining in a very dark cloud is stress must be weight-reducing - I weighed in at 11st 11.5lbs this morning, my lowest weight of the challenge so far, despite only 3 fastdays in the last 3 weeks & a vast quantity of comfort eating since Saturday. I so need the holiday - feel completely flattened - wouldn't recommend this as a weight loss strategy!

Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2015, 23:21
by Golarne
Excellent! Gold star for your brother :star:
Have a fabulous holiday!

Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2015, 00:36
by MaryAnn
I'm glad you get your holiday, @WarriorPrincess. You definitely deserve it.

I weighed in at 64.7 this morning, 0.8 kg off since my holiday, but still 1kg up from my lowest weight in the challenge. But within my 63-65kg maintenance window.

Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2015, 08:46
by LadanTrying
Probably too late for me to officially join in but my wedding day is actually March 21 so I had always had a 75 kg goal for that.. well I had hoped to reach 70 kg (my healthy BMI weight), but that flew out the window with all the drama of the past two months. I'm 77 kg as of this morning so it may actually be possible to reach 75 kg by March 21! I've shifted up to 2 fast days (M/W) and one 16:8 day (Fridays) to see if the mix up gives me a bit of a push in the last two weeks.

I'd love to have you all over for some fun and games on my wedding day if you want to make the trip to the Northeast in the UK! :) We're doing it in a medieval guild hall!



Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2015, 07:47
by Janpartly
#30 checking in to report a 1.5lb loss so that's 3.5lb to go :smile:

Re: *3 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2015, 09:29
by Brand-ie
Half a pound loss this week. At least it's the right direction.

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2015, 11:05
by SSure
#8 107.0lbs which is within my maintenance range of 105-110lbs so :cool:

@WarriorPrincess - enjoy every moment of your much-needed vacation.

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2015, 15:34
by Golarne
Made it! My ultra careful TDEE week and lots of walking had paid off! :like:
Now I have to try to maintain it till the 21st. It's going to be very hard because I have a busy family week ahead, seeing lots of different relatives in various settings including a funeral, so it'll be impossible to fast or to even go for a walk for three days. Lots of time sitting in the car! :frown:
On the other hand...I get to see my granddaughter. Yay! :heart: :smile: :heart:

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2015, 20:37
by wildmissus
2lb off this week which takes me to 11st 9lbs...oh well, at least it isn't a gain!

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2015, 13:53
by Isis
wildmissus wrote: 2lb off this week which takes me to 11st 9lbs...oh well, at least it isn't a gain!

Well done wildmissus!
I'm several ounces up this week so not good. I know that I won't make my challenge goal. I must re-assess what I'm doing on my eating days :confused: perhaps no more wine during the week?

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2015, 06:01
by RedRobin
#12 checking in 2.2 off for me so very pleased !!
Current weight is now 9st 4.8 :grin:

Re: *2 weeks left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2015, 15:04
by fancyacuppa
#15 here - plateaued since the last weigh in :-( Going to be touch and go whether I get to goal!

Re: *8 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2015, 02:34
by MaryAnn
There's just over a week left in the challenge, everyone! I'm, very frustratingly, back to where I started! But the upside is that I am within my maintenance window. So yay!

Re: *8 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2015, 07:44
by Janpartly
#30 checking in 0.5lb loss this week, which gives me 1.5lb still to lose for the challenge.

Re: *8 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2015, 08:22
by MaryAnn
Ooh, good luck @Janpartly!