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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2015, 22:10
by CandiceMarie

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2015, 22:31
by nursebean
Only bean away a week and missing ADF already. Back to DODO-Dom next week ;)

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2015, 15:48
by Minsmum
Haha @Nursebean maybe that's what I need to get rid of those pounds!! Image

Thanks I did have a good shiFt home now nursing a poorly Min and stuffing my mothers day chocs :)

MM x
Ps I'm totally chilled about my weigh in on my satanic to the tip with them bad boys!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)nx

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2015, 20:47
by CandiceMarie
Get well soon little Min xx

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2015, 22:43
by nursebean
Teehehe, that's a very funny image @Minsmum hope tonight's shiFt goes well/went well too.
As for those scales. I think we'll ban them from the DODO tent. It'll be our Room 101 ;)
Oh poor Min...I hope she's feeling better now. She's not had a good time of it lately has she.
Look forward to fasting tomorrow. Are we out of sync again?

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2015, 23:29
by Minsmum
Room 101 like it :)

Yep I'm in for a Monday fast, good to have you back x

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2015, 23:35
by nursebean
And there's me thinking you were working tonight!
Oh goody, glad we're in sync again. I just couldn't keep away from the DODO. I have returned. And this time it's personal!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 03:48
by MaryAnn
After this weekend, I might need to start ADFing again, too!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 13:24
by nursebean
How lovely to see you back too @MaryAnn. I think that ADF is the easier method really don't you? I like that you fast on different days each week. Keeps things a bit more interesting.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 19:26
by Lori
Poking my head in the flap. After reading my lament about feeling like a dog chasing my tail, @nursebean kindly invited me to join in here. I have just spent some time catching up on this whole thread and it seems a very supportive and fun group.

I have to be honest and say I'm not sure I will be ADF every week, especially once golf season hits and I'm on the course every Saturday and Sunday as I'm not sure I can play golf without having a couple lite beers. :grin: Of course, they are only 100 cals a pop, so......... :?:

I think initially my goal will be to have 2 solid 500 cal days a week and then shoot for the other fast day(s) to be under 1000. I do quite a bit of exercise, so maybe I can get away with a few more calories on some days? It's all a big experiment, isn't it? I think being a member of this group will keep me more mindful on weekends where it just all gets away from me.

Thank you for the invitation and I look forward to getting to know you all!

By the way....I'm in the USA, Pennsylvania to be exact, so our days will not mesh very well, but I'll catch up with you when I can.

Today was/is my usual Monday fast........tomorrow I can eat! Woohoo! :smile:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 21:42
by nursebean
How lovely to see you in here @Lori. D'you know, I think you've got a great plan there. To fast 2days a week but keep the other days below 1000 cals sounds ideal. The fact that you exercise a fair bit no doubt means you can have a few more calories...when needed!
We all adapt fasting to suit our needs. I really look forward to hearing how you get on. :smile:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 22:49
by CandiceMarie
A pic of aDodo for the Dodo-ers x
@lori the only thing about yr lowcal plan is,it can be counterproductive
Might be better to do yr 2 day @ 500 cals and on the other days,eat to around yr TDEE,maybe just a little lower..and occasionally eat over yr TDEE ( keeps yr body confused so it doesnt go into famine mode,where it holds onto calories)
Further down the line,you' ll gave a lower TDEE as you lose weight,so might as well have the cals you CAN have for now

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 23:00
by Lori
@CandiceMarie Sorry to be confusing. I didn't mean I would have a day after day low calorie plan. I will do a 500 calorie fast Monday and Wednesday and a less than 1000 calorie day Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday, Friday & Sunday will be eat at least TDEE, if not more. I just don't think I can do ADF with all the fast days being 500 calories.

Thanks for keeping me straight!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 23:02
by MaryAnn
nursebean wrote: How lovely to see you back too @MaryAnn. I think that ADF is the easier method really don't you? I like that you fast on different days each week. Keeps things a bit more interesting.

I think 4:3 is easiest for me, but this isn't about what's easy; it's about what works!

Have a good week every one. :clover: :clover:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2015, 23:13
by CandiceMarie
Oh i see what you mean now @lori and i agree,coz i couldnt do ADF of 500 cals every time either x
I admire you DODOs so much, i doubt i could ever keep it up.
I did it for one week and felt overwhelmed! Having half the days at 1000 cals is much more doable,tho still a challenge X