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Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 07:58
by carieoates
nursebean wrote: Well, the results on my final weigh in were 11:13. However, I'm about to start my TOTM so to me I think I probably made it to 11:11. Im not going to weigh again until the day before my sister June!
Good luck everyone and Well Done Too xxxx

Well done Miss Bean @nursebean, I'm very proud of you, can't wait till I'm 11 something.

Libra is a programme or app which works out your real or true weight. There's a true weight app too. Basically it draws a straight line across your weigh ins to inform you of what your real weight is. After a few days at the same weight its logs you as that weight. As when you drop some weight its not your true weight until youve maintained it. But you already know this don't you.
Hope that makes sense.

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 08:05
by nursebean
Thanks Carie! Yes I'm pleased to finally be 11 something but annoyed with myself to think I was 10 something last year! Never mind, onwards and downwards as they say!
I wonder how Libra works out your "real weight" then! :confused:

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 09:39
by Isis
Firstly well done everyone who has succeeded with their challenge & reached their goal!
Unfortunately I have not done this & since Christmas I have bounced around a couple of pounds resulting in little gains & losses. Overall I am 1lb 6oz lighter which is rather laughable after three months. My GP suspects I may be hypothyroid & I am waiting for the results of a blood test that may explain what is happening to me.

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 10:14
by egregious
I'm afraid I have failed this challenge rather epically. Not only have I not lost anything, overall I've gained 1/4 of a pound(10 st 6.25lb). I am down from last week which is something, but I really need to get my finger out now spring has officially begun. Have started kettlebell training again, so hopefully that will help with the mindset. Well done to all the losers and to those who haven't like me, I suppose we just have to crack on. :)
No 23 10 st 6.25 no loss overall gain of 1/4 lb

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 10:20
by Lori
#10 reporting that I failed the challenge I set for myself of losing 5 lbs and only managed 4 lbs down. No matter! I gave it a go and it is what it is!

Keep the faith!

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 11:47
by nursebean
Glad I'm not the only one who didn't make it!! But I'm sure if we were to weigh again tomorrow, it would be a different story. Oh ok, maybe if we weighed next week! :confused:
The point to remember is that we're on the right path and eventually we'll be happy with ourselves! Keep up the good work! :heart:

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 13:05
by WarriorPrincess
Hi all, no 28 Leavers report: Could try harder!
- didn't make target of 11st 9
- didn't make revised target of 11st 11

- Dropped from 12st 2.75 on 20th Jan to 11st 12 today - a loss of 4.75lbs
- I'm below 12st. YEA!
- Ended the challenge exactly on my BMI 25 weight. YEA!
- Without the Equinox Challenge I'd have given up on fastdays entirely the last few weeks.

Thank you @MaryAnn for making it happen.
- Its been fun!!

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 15:54
by carieoates
Looks like challenger number two hasn't hit her goal either I'm 12.4.
Seem to be good at maintenance though. So when I do eventually get there I know I will be ok.
Thanks for sorting this for us Maryann.

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 15:55
by carieoates
nursebean wrote: Thanks Carie! Yes I'm pleased to finally be 11 something but annoyed with myself to think I was 10 something last year! Never mind, onwards and downwards as they say!
I wonder how Libra works out your "real weight" then! :confused:

@carorees knows this one

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 18:54
by SSure
#8 103lbs which is a little below my maintenance range of 105-110lbs but I refuse to consider that a last gasp fail :) I'm doing some new physiotherapy exercises and I suspect it's having an influence on my fluid shifts and that accounts for the drop which should regularise itself over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again, @MaryAnn

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2015, 23:24
by wildmissus
Well, I'm afraid I've not done very well either. At my final weigh in this morning I weighed 11st 9lb which means that I have put on 2lbs. I definitely feel that my body is fighting back and desperately wants to regain the weight which is not being help by my terrible sugar addiction.

I've had a few Patrick Holford books in the house for a while now and I've started reading a couple. He advocates a low GL way of life and has written many books, one called 'Burn Fat Fast' is about combining low GL with ADF. He talks about candida, its symptoms and effects which struck a chord with me, especially as I have had a sore, white tongue for many months which a double dose of Nystatin didn't solve. Candida besides causing thrush also causes inflammation in the body exacerbating conditions like asthma and eczema - my allergy and exercise related asthma has never been so bad and my eczema isn't so great either it also causes tiredness and joint pain, that's another two boxes ticked. Oh, and forget trying to lose weight!

The point I'm making is whilst I am disappointed that I have put on weight by staying on the forum and joining in the challenges I am still asking questions and trying to find answers and there is still such a lot to learn. Without you guys I would probably weigh 14st and be in much poorer health.

Thank you @MaryAnn for running this challenge.

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2015, 08:53
by brian1
Number 20 also didn't quite make it, ended up at 90.3 when i weighed in yesterday.
Lots happened in the last few weeks but I am not going to bore you with my personal dramas.
Well done to all of you who did so well and to those who feel it could have gone a bit better, here's to the next challenge.

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2015, 10:01
by Katharina
#7 last entry for the Challenge"
Weight today 131.1 lbs. started at 134.6 lbs. LOSS overall 3.5 lbs and pleased. BMI 24.75 in the green! :like:
All the details of my ups and downs were the usual and it's good the overall is a down trend. Feel fine. Keeping on patiently.
Have cut back the recommended fasting calories allowance; considering my age and weight already lost -(activity level remains the same.)
Roll on the next challenge as it really helps focus!
Heartfelt Thanks due to @MaryAnn for effort, work and support too. :heart:

Re: *2 days left* March Equinox Challenge

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2015, 21:43
by nursebean
For any of you who are feeling a bit disappointed and need a can always try the Bean Challenge and DODO for a month...after Easter now, by popular demand!
Go on, give it a go. It's only 4 short weeks ;). Who knows, it may be just the thing you were looking for! xx

Re: Congratulations, March Equinox Challengers!!

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2015, 00:57
by MaryAnn
Apologies for the radio silence for the last few days. I had good intentions of sitting down at my computer on Saturday but it just didn't happen.

Thank you everyone for participating! Congratulations to those of you who met your goal!! Congratulations to those of you who lost weight even if you didn't quite make your goal: that is not a failure :like:

Special congratulations to @WarriorPrincess and @Katharina for getting into the healthy BMI range!