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Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 08:52
by prunella
#58 checking in with a 2lb loss this week! :smile:
So at the half way stage I'm just over half way to goal. Very happy so going for a long walk today in the glorious spring sunshine. I may even treat myself to a hot cross bun...

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 09:18
by Auriga
I am not a happy bunny this week...I did ADF for one week and have gone up in weight to 56k :confused: :confused: that's an increase of 400g!
I am now taking five days off plan due to my friends' visit and I don't expect to lose weight this week coming fact I shall probably put more on. :confused:
Oh well....damage control will kick in after my friends have gone home next Wednesday..... :grin:

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 09:45
by Lizbean
64# checking in. A 2lb loss this week - (weighing in at 134.2 lb) - and I'm celebrating some miles stones ......

Reached my SMART Easter challenge - 5 lbs loss to 135 lbs
my interim goal
my BMI is now in the green :like:
reached over a stone in weight loss

New goal for Easter is a further SMART 2 lbs loss to 132.2 (7 lbs in total for the challenge). I have a sneaky feeling my body needs to catch up - time will tell. :?:

@spanner catch you when you return from Snowdonia buddy.

Good luck everyone for the week ahead. :clover:

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 09:55
by Azureblue
Today I am down to 71.3kgs after two good fasts this week :0)

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 09:59
by Brand-ie
OMG super excited I weighed this morning at 219.5 lbs. That's under 100kg I cheered. I need to set a new target now, I am on holiday in a few weeks so perhaps I need to make sure I don't put to much back on.

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 11:18
by Tei88
#57 checking in! Today I am proud to say I have achieved my goal of 5kg before Easter! Goal weight was 105.2, weighing in today at 105! That's 5.2kg! :)

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 12:23
by niamo
no.66 checking in, have been plateauing for a while and even gone up a kg but I saw a loss of 1.5kg this week taking me to a nice round number of 66kgs :)

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 12:58
by LSD
#17 checking in, after taking a two week hiatus from weighing in. I thought I was getting a little obsessive and starting to weigh every day, so out with the scale batteries for two weeks.

I'm down 2lbs since my last weigh in, that makes 6lb loss total, 8 more to go!

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 13:41
by spanner
Number 86 doing a very speedy check-in
1kg lost!!!! Woohoo!!!

Cyber high five to my fast buddy @lizbean :grin: Glad you are winning too!

Catch you soon xxx :heart:

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 16:01
by icefast
#78 checking in. 92.1kg today. That is 1kg this week. Yes 1kg whoop-whoop :victory: :victory:
After having only gone down 200 g last week, this was a very pleasant and surprising weigh in this morning :grin:
Fasting today and this success sure helps with the motivation making fasting a lot easier :grin:

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 17:55
by Lizbean
@spanner- Wow, I'm so pleased for you, :like: you are back on track. Thanks for the mention - it's a pleasure to cheer you on - can you hear me chant? :wink:

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 18:56
by danielle21711
#26 checking in. Again no real fast days this week what with my life getting in the way and I simply haven't been bothered!! So it's been 20:4 for me everyday apart from a non fast day on Wednesday and a 16:8 today. None of it done consciously as I can't be bothered but somehow I'm down to 151.8. Body fat is also really low at 27.1. Can't really see much of a difference but my arms are a tad skinnier. I also got into a size 12 dress quite comfortably. It's made of stretchy material and I didn't try it on but the 14 looked huge so I just got the 12 thinking I'll fast into it of it doesn't fit!

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2014, 19:23
by ayamagali
#88 checking in! 131 on the dot, today. So .4 lb difference since I first joined this forum and seems to be in line with my plateau, yeesh! But a couple days ago, I did see 128 on the scale, makes me a little hopeful! Can't wait for Easter to roll around, hopefully a little lighter, a little smaller, and the end of my plateau confirmed :) Off for a run now!

Edit: I had to cinch up my spibelt on today's run!

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2014, 10:15
by Isis
No 4 checking in & I have lost 1.5 lbs. this week :smile: I hope this means I am back on track & that I can lose some weight each week.
Well done to the successful losers of weight & to those of you who were stuck like me just keep on going because you will get there :turtle: :bunny: ( I know they should be a tortoise & a hare :lol: )

Re: Your SMART Easter challenge!

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2014, 10:35
by carieoates
Checking in with another 1lb loss. That's 5lb so far. 5 more to go.