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Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 09:16
by Chickvic
Number 29 reporting in!

Weigh in today, have managed to hit 108.4 kg (my goal for Christmas!) So have adjusted my Christmas goal to 101kg/222lb. I'm not quite sure how I've managed to lose so much weight in a month but hey ho :bugeyes: :confused:

Have altered my sig to show as well :smile:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 09:56
by callyanna
number 100 reporting in!
My weight has remained stable since joining (probably need new glasses to read smaller divisions on my old scales so may have lost 1/2 lb(250 g), but best news is I measured my waist today and I've lost 2 cm, now 27.5 " (70 cm) so I'm very happy! :lol: :razz:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 11:01
by Juliana.Rivers
Wow how good to see all the signatures. I think it serves as a great reminder to all of you in the club cause every time you look at your posts you see how much weight still to lose by Dec 25. It will follow you till you get there, hopefully even before, maybe even by end November.. which is kind of safer cause of that 500g to 1k range in weight people have

I thought of one thing today while doing housekeeping (see my mind is always on this weight loss journey) to add the last date you updated the signature, cause it goes with you on all threads present and past. Ive done it on mine.

Also, this morning added a rating system with 1 to 5 stars.. see 5-2-diet-chat-f6/register-here-to-joing-the-69ers-club-t8676-480.html#p114295 for detail. good to summarise on the chart when i do, just how people feel they are going. wanna see all 5 stars by at least Dec 1... lol :grin:

thanks everyone.. makes my summary post job easy.

also thanks to @Moogie.. she extended the size of the signature (or number of characters allowed to be typed) , as she said for "wiggle room" .

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 11:03
by carieoates
Just checking in. No loss this week but have maintained. So still happy. Have a great weekend everyone.

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 11:12
by Wineoclock
Number 10 reporting in. Not gaining - not losing.
I spent today cooking and sampling recipes for my sons 21st at the end of the month so that Christmas goal is getting further and further away :frown:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 12:24
by Sue.Q
:heart: Happy Bunny today :heart: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
Holiday damage repaired so now I am on target for my Christmas goal :heart: it has taken me 10 days to lose the 5kgs but what's that in a lifetime Nothing :heart: Sue. :heart:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 12:28
by callyanna
Wow! that's a great achievement Sue, well done you! :grin: :like:

Now keep hopping and losing! :bunny:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 12:31
by drilakila
Done my signature!

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 13:14
by Marybeth
Number 94 reporting in--my weight this morning is 62.1422kg my goal is 61.235kg. Can I go back to our backward system now ;)? and say l37 pounds today, goal 135. Waist is 29.5 in. Not much change from last week. I think I may be overeating on non-fast days, including too many carbs. Will work on that this week.

Juliana, I like this challenge!

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 13:29
by spanner
Member number 76 checking in.

Have lost a mere 350g....But still its a while since the scales showed this number! I always knew it would be harder as my BMI decreased.

Might have to adjust Christmas goal to being 59.anything kilos rather than 59kg itself!! :smile:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 18:34
by Nessie
sorry computer illiterate, I use an I pad and don't know how to put in a signature since I am maintaining is it needed :?: :razz:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 19:22
by CandiceMarie
Marybeth wrote: Number 94 reporting in--my weight this morning is 62.1422kg my goal is 61.235kg. Can I go back to our backward system now ;)? and say l37 pounds today, goal 135. Waist is 29.5 in. Not much change from last week. I think I may be overeating on non-fast days, including too many carbs. Will work on that this week.

Juliana, I like this challenge!

Would love to have your titchy waist Marybeth! X

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 19:24
by CandiceMarie
Sorry for duplicate post..just shows how much i wd love a lovely nipped in waist ... I did have one but that was many years ago now! It disappeared along with the rest of my girlish figure! :confused:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 20:44
by Jem61
Hopefully I have managed to add my signature!

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 22:47
by Juliana.Rivers
Nessie wrote: sorry computer illiterate, I use an I pad and don't know how to put in a signature since I am maintaining is it needed :?: :razz:

No worries just at top of page to right of HOME and NEWS tabs you will see User control panel

then go to profile
then signature

then edit. you can use font colour to make it stand out (hightlight text then click it). dont use light blue as its hard to read.