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Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 01:14
by Juliana.Rivers
I decided to use all 3 measurements of current weight in my signature to cover all bases
eg. current reads
Current weight 1: 70.9 kg (actual)
Current weight 2: 71.365 (trend weight)
Lowest in last 10 days : 70.3 kg

i need the last one cause it inspires me to know i can make it that low, even if i doesnt hold for a few days.

In the absence of anything else like the Libra tool some here use, to find your trend weight is simple. Go to your progress tracker home chart and click on the very last point in the purple line. This is your trend weight.

YOu dont have to do same of course, but i think its a great sign of really where you are at in this weight loss journey

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 01:17
by Juliana.Rivers
I now use 3 types of weight to show the picture.

Current weight 1: 70.9 kg (actual)
Current weight 2: 71.365 (trend weight)
Lowest in last 10 days : 70.3 kg

The trend weight or the "smoothed" out figure is easy to get on your Progress tracker. just put mouse on the last point on the purple line ..

I find my lowest in 10 days a very motivational figure as i know i can reach that low in my journey

Feel free to use the same weight metrics on your signature if you think it benefits.

Cheers all

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 01:23
by Juliana.Rivers
ooops with the system gliche it duplicated my posts.

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 09:02
by DeeWidiastuti
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Postscript. i just checked the progress tracker and maybe the purple line is the trend line? it has some algorithm on it if you put mouse on. is this same as Libra trendline.
is this the same trendline that Kencc says in this thread. 5-2-diet-chat-f6/what-actually-is-our-true-weight-low-median-high-avg-t9253-15.html?hilit=trendline#p112560

i.e the horribel looking formulae he wrote amd descrobe as the 'trendline' used in the Libra/Fatwatch/Hacker's Diet charts is an exponentially smoothed moving average ..... a weighted moving average in which the weight factors are powers of S, the smoothing constant. An exponentially smoothed moving average is computed over all the data accumulated so far instead of being chopped off after some number of days.

I think the trend line in our Progress Tracker uses Linear Regression hence the straight line, unlike the Exponentially Smoothed Weighted Moving Average which gives non linear trend line. (Haha, all that statistics class back in university weren't for nothing afterall :D).

So they don't exactly give the same "trend weight", the later is imho more realistic because it still reflects the periods when you're, for example, on a plateau or (god forbid) gaining weight. However, for a shorter term purpose like our Christmas Club I'd say the Progress Tracker trend line is good enough.

I like that you've put in your trend weight in the signature Julliana, I think I'll do that too in the next check in.

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 15:14
by Matillian
Hi! Member 98 here,

No weight loss this week :confused:
It might be because I got my period this week but I'm not sure.


Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 18:13
by Ballerina
[quote="Matillian"]Hi! Member 98 here,

" I got my period this week but I'm not sure." :confused: .......................

Are you sure you are not sure? :?: :?: :?:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 18:30
by Mustnotgetfat
Help I'm new too this! How do I join please :oops: Sarah

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 19:13
by PennyForthem
@Juliana.Rivers will be along shortly (she's based 'down under for us Brits) to sort you out. Welcome to the #Christmasclubbers!

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 19:29
by rawkaren
Mustnotgetfat wrote: Help I'm new too this! How do I join please :oops: Sarah

Welcome mustnotgetfat :like: :clover: :like: :clover:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 19:35
by Matillian
Ballerina wrote:
Matillian wrote: Hi! Member 98 here,

" I got my period this week but I'm not sure." :confused: .......................

Are you sure you are not sure? :?: :?: :?:

Ballerina x :heart:

haha sorry, it was supposed to say "but I'm not sure it had something to do with not losing weight"

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 20:01
by Lil
Member #64 here. Weight loss this week only 0.2lb. 3rd week in a row with that loss but loss for the month is 3lb. Not very confident of reaching Christmas target at this rate! :confused:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 22:24
by Juliana.Rivers
Mustnotgetfat wrote: Help I'm new too this! How do I join please :oops: Sarah

Just by asking.

You are member 110! thank you for joining @Mustnotgetfat(love the name)

I see you are a new member and that this is your first post. Welcome to the forum generally. you will get so much support here for your weight loss journey.

What are your weight loss goals for Christmas. (you can edit your signature (user control panel -> profile -> signature) with this goal if you like.

have fun in the big Weight loss tent. aiming for 400 kilograms lost over the 3 months to december 25 so i can assure you that it will get less bumpy in here as we shed the inches.

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 22:29
by Debs
Bollocks to it all!!! :curse:
There, that feels better! Only 200g this week and that is my weekly average, good grief how slow is that? Doesn't help with the OH keep telling me, well nagging me to eat something on a fast day. He means well and supports my fasting but I just want to do what I want to do, which is a liquid fast and 16:8.
60kg by Xmas looking highly unlikely at this stage, more like 62kg :wink:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 22:31
by Nicolae
Me to I want to join but how do i do it please

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2013, 22:38
by Juliana.Rivers
Debs wrote: Bollocks to it all!!! :curse:
There, that feels better! Only 200g this week and that is my weekly average, good grief how slow is that? Doesn't help with the OH keep telling me, well nagging me to eat something on a fast day. He means well and supports my fasting but I just want to do what I want to do, which is a liquid fast and 16:8.
60kg by Xmas looking highly unlikely at this stage, more like 62kg :wink:

Per comment to Lil, there might be some other tent members with suggestions for you. Im sure OH means well but as long as you feel comfortable and healthy in your weight loss decisions, keep going with what you are doing.

200g is 200g and it all counts