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Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:34
by Juliana.Rivers
MelbMandy wrote: Can I join too please? Would be awesome to lose 2kgs by Xmas and no longer have to suck in the gut to zip up my jeans!

Plenty of time for 2kg for Christmas so get started not to waste a week. i am all too familiar with suck in gut issue which is definitely getting less

MelbMandy you are member 124

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:36
by Juliana.Rivers
JKW wrote: yes please can I join!

Absolutely JKW! you are member 125

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:37
by Juliana.Rivers
Sarjsmith wrote: Can I join too please @Juliana.rivers 7 lbs before Xmas would be great :-)

Come and join the rush @Sarjsmithin the better body tent. you are member 126

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:39
by Juliana.Rivers
nanajovik wrote: Can I join please. Current weight 71kgs. Hope to reach 67 by xmas.

Come on in @nanajovik Plenty more room in the tent as everyone else before you is shrinking :grin: you are member 127

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:45
by Juliana.Rivers
jmousey wrote: is it too late to join Christmas club?

Nope not too late. thinking of closing memberships on Nov 15 but i bend the rules all the time. just need enough time for people to make goals that are achievable and im guessing that 5 weeks is max.

anyway yes of course @jmousey, you are member 128.. get your signature going and ill use it in the summary sheet im hoping to get started on this weekend if my weekend obligations dont stop me. the results for club members all round has been amazing so this should get you highly motivated jmousey

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:49
by Juliana.Rivers
pist1958 wrote: No. 84 checking in :razz: .. The scale this morning showed 72,6 kg :like:. So the 1,2 kilo I gained last weekend for my grandchild's Christening is gone plus another 500g.. :victory: .

The official weightloss this week is 500g :lol: .. very pleased with that :razz: .

All together since I started in this lovely group the 23rd of Oct., I have lost 1,9 kilo.. Yahoooooooooooooooo :like:

i was going to do a summary post with a short comment for everybody but @pist1958, yours made my ears prick.. wow 1.9kg thats amazing loss since 23rd October.

What are your special methods that worked. some of the club members seem to be struggling (or just plateauing)... give us all some of your ideas.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:51
by Juliana.Rivers
callyanna wrote: first time I've been in the 6 st something range and really don't want to lose any more

love hearing this ..

well done callyanna!!!! :like: :like: :like:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 21:54
by Sarjsmith
Thank you @Juliana.Rivers member 126 checking for the first time at 111.7 kg weigh in today , onwards and downwards :-)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 22:09
by Juliana.Rivers
Sarjsmith wrote: Thank you @Juliana.Rivers member 126 checking for the first time at 111.7 kg weigh in today , onwards and downwards :-)

Thanks Sarjsmith. if you update your signature that will be helpful

to right of Home, click on User control panel, then profile then signature. you can use mine as a style or just do something short and sweet. most important thing i need is how many kg you have to go for your personal goal for Christmas so that i can incorporate that in post 1 im going to update with some core figures like that so at a moments glance wwe can see how people are going. and also the total weight loss since starting in the club as i have this idea of cumulative weight loss in the tent for 3 months .. its in the hundreds already based on a quick glance of peoples signatures. not bad work everybody :like:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 22:39
by P-JK
P-JK wrote: Seems there are only 2 guys in the club :?: So, time to join, although I can only pledge to maintain my weight as I reached goal some weeks ago. I do however pledge to maintain till first of January (meaning not to gain weight over the 'feasting' days).

So, could I still join? :confused:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 122 members stron

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2013, 23:25
by pist1958
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
pist1958 wrote: No. 84 checking in :razz: .. The scale this morning showed 72,6 kg :like:. So the 1,2 kilo I gained last weekend for my grandchild's Christening is gone plus another 500g.. :victory: .

The official weightloss this week is 500g :lol: .. very pleased with that :razz: .

All together since I started in this lovely group the 23rd of Oct., I have lost 1,9 kilo.. Yahoooooooooooooooo :like:

i was going to do a summary post with a short comment for everybody but @pist1958, yours made my ears prick.. wow 1.9kg thats amazing loss since 23rd October.

What are your special methods that worked. some of the club members seem to be struggling (or just plateauing)... give us all some of your ideas.

Thanks :smile:

I don't know if I am doing something special, but the way I am doing right now is 3 fasting days a week, since starting in this club (4:3) and then on my eating days, I am doing 16:8 with calorie counting. I know not all like this, but I have thyroid problems ( underactive thyroid ), so I can't just eat what I want on my feast days :smile: . Mostly I am doing zig- zag with my calories, different intake on weekdays and a little bit more in the weekends :smile:. On my fasting days I am only eating once a day. like some of you are doing. When I eat my dinner on feastday I don't eat anything at all before at dinner on my fasting days- 24 hours later. :smile: And when I do my 16:8 - No snacks after the window is closed again :wink: .

Pia :heart:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 08:35
by drilakila
Checking in today. Lost a little more and am only 1kg from this target! And yet I am not feeling very happy or as ecstatic as I have been. I think things are slowing down a little and probably because I am getting cravings and I actually went over my fast day calorie allowance yesterday. But this is not me being upbeat and helpful so sorry about that :-). Good luck everyone! x

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 09:27
by lulabella
Hi, Saturday weigh in.....not great 1.25lbs ON this week (0.56kgs) :cry:

So just to summarise.....stress and anxiety + food does NOT = maintenance or loss!!! :confused:

I'm feeling better today and am positive I can get back to it from today, I'm not fasting today as lunching with a friend, but plan to make good choices, back to fasting Monday :wink:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 09:38
by rawkaren
Another zero loss week from me I'm afraid. Stuck where I was last week, despite a 4:3, 16:8 week and being a good girl on feast days and not even a drink on my birthday :cry:

However the good news is that I have achieved my body fat loss goal already as I'm down 1.2% on the week and my waist is back to 27 inches! This is because I'm exercising like a banshee! I'm going to set a new B/F goal of 3%., as I'm nearly half way there. However the weight loss is looking increasingly unrealistic. :curse:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 10:00
by Suchard007
No 22 checking in: .25 lb gain this week - no idea why as I've had 2 good liquid fasting days and a good 5 mile hike on one of those days. So I'm guessing it's just one of those days when my weight is at a peak rather than a trough! 4 lbs to go to Christmas target - with an average weight loss of .5 lb a week and 7 weeks to go, I think it's highly unlikely that I'm going to make it. Still, you never know and I'm still going to give it my best shot :struggle: ... with a couple of mince pies and a glass of port beckoning me at the end... whatever my weight might be come 25th December