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Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 11:54
by DeeWidiastuti
Hi, #75 checking in here! Today I weigh 54.6 kg, which is a new low for me. Seems my weight loss is slowing down a bit, but I can't complain since I'm getting closer to my goal weight.

I baked a yummy cheese cake last week, only to discover that the husband doesn't like cheese cake! So I was bound to finish the cake by myself... good thing I only made half recipe :D. But eating a slice of cheese cake every day was so not helping the weight loss. :doh:

It also doesn't help having events almost every weekend til Christmas now :P... this season is hard for weight loss!

My Libra app predicted that I can reach the Christmas goal by early December.. we'll see about that! Meanwhile I'm gonna be switching to 5:2 + 16:8 for a while to kick it up.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 12:05
by jmousey
Oh crieky- I can't weigh til tomorrow as no access to a scales - is that ok @Juliana.Rivers

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 12:06
by jmousey
@Juliana.Rivers sorry please read last post

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 12:14
by Julieathome
Grrrr! still above my lowest weight after last months carb binging. I am finding that its easier to do full day liquid fasts ad the hunger monster isn't 'activated' anywhere nearly as much as having just the one meal in the evening (which is better again than 2 or 3 meals). But even with the subsequently lower calories this will gain me, I still haven't broken through the lowest weight barrier.

Perseverence is the key, I have 4 weeks till my date with my surgeon, I am going to break through that barrier long before then and be below a BMI of 40.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 12:34
by Nessie
Good on you Julie, we are rooting for you. It is sooo important that you do this. I am still maintaining quite happily but the hard time is coming as we ramp up to Christmas. Hope all goes well for everybody.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 20:26
by P-JK
For those who are on maintenance we should really develop some way of indicating our success (as it can't be measured by weight lost). Perhaps we could give ourselves 'bonus' points for each week 'on track'. 5 points per week since joining the club? Better suggestions are welcome!

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 20:31
by santa_nethy
Number 122 here checking in, stats below and very happy

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 20:41
by MelbMandy
Member #124 reporting in with a loss of 100grams today. Seems paltry but I'll take it (plus my buddha belly is definitely flatter so that's a bonus!)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 22:15
by Jem61
Morning Christmas Clubbers
Number 79 checking weight over the last ten days has been 55.4, 55.1 55.2 55.2 55.2
55.2 55.2 54.9. 54.9 54.6
My official weight in day is Monday(after 3 non fast days, so usually the heaviest of the week) but my weight is still dropping by 200g each week:)
True Weight Trend Line is 55.1kk
PS never thought I would see number 54 on scales again :)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 22:24
by Juliana.Rivers
jmousey wrote: Oh crieky- I can't weigh til tomorrow as no access to a scales - is that ok @Juliana.Rivers

Yes, of course. No hard and fast rules. i forgot to write down my weight yesterday on my fridge wall or i was a day out so i missed one.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 22:38
by carorees
P-JK wrote: For those who are on maintenance we should really develop some way of indicating our success (as it can't be measured by weight lost). Perhaps we could give ourselves 'bonus' points for each week 'on track'. 5 points per week since joining the club? Better suggestions are welcome!

Sounds a great idea! Or maybe you could visualize the kg you haven't regained! If you think how the weight was gradually increasing before starting 5:2, each week of maintenance is another, I don't know, 200g not regained?

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 23:01
by PennyForthem
#3 checking in after a few away days in Begium, home of chocolate, beer, patisserie and lace (thank goodness you can't eat lace!)

I have walked a lot, eaten a lot, drunk a bit (OK, probably a lot), been humbled at the war graves and got very wet.

Erm... weight? Well, that's for me to know and you lot to guess (for now!!)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 23:14
by Juliana.Rivers
P-JK wrote: For those who are on maintenance we should really develop some way of indicating our success (as it can't be measured by weight lost). Perhaps we could give ourselves 'bonus' points for each week 'on track'. 5 points per week since joining the club? Better suggestions are welcome!

I like that. i can add it to post number one.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2013, 01:44
by Juliana.Rivers
50 pages of posts. 748 posts in a thread. is that a record in here?

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2013, 03:38
by Michmash
Hi I would like to join or is it to late?