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Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 11:16
by Lastpush
Hi all,number 71 checking in, some great losses. Am down 1 1/2 lbs this week but sadly this is just what I'd put back on when I was ill so not any further forward :confused: Hope to not eat it all back on this w/e, must stay focused! Got family staying so will be hard. Good w/e to everyone

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 11:17
by Azureblue
70.3kgs :0(

Cheered myself up with a hearty post fast day brunch of two fried eggs, three meat-free rashers, fried cherry tomatoes and button mushrooms and black coffee. Yes it was 466 calories but only 6g carbs, 35g fat (butter) and 30g protein.

Right, time to crack on :0)

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 13:14
by Juliana.Rivers
coffeetime wrote: Member 119 checking in, down slightly from yesterday to 9st 7.75 lb.

I'm never sure if we need to pop in here each day to post our weight or just change the signature?

Hi coffeetime. No you don't need to pop in here each day.. maybe once a week. If one doesnt have the time to both "check in with a post" and update their signature, then the signature is better as it helps in us knowing your stats generally.. really so that all tent members can easily know how things are going with other tent members. Kind of like an "open status". But if you have time, its kewl to say hello and check in also with a post.. telling us any particular achievements or to share any concerns with your pre Christmas journey.

so quick answer... once a week, both a signature update and a post, and if you cant just the signature will be fine.

I find people that update their signature also add a post in here every now and then.

but if for any reason you dont' want to do either,and just tell us how you go at the end of the month and also just before Chrismas, that's fine too.

The daily thing is only about the personal weight recording I recommend for this project only but again, you dont have to.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 13:39
by coffeetime
Thanks @Juliana.Rivers,

I have plenty of time for posting but thought everyone might get fed up seeing me here every day :?:

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 14:08
by Marybeth
Number 94 checking in: I'm down another pound to below my overall goal!--even after cheating a little on my fast yesterday--an evening handful of nuts and dried fruit--

I'm now in maintenance and will probably start 6:1 next week. Now back to altering those too-big trousers --no silver lining without a cloud :wink:

Everyone's doing so well here! Big thanks to you, Juliana.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 17:55
by wendyjane
Did I jinx myself by signing up for the CC? Was I just being too cocky, expecting to be at goal by Thanksgiving? Probably it's just a sign of the vagaries of our bodies, but this morning I weighed .5 lb more than when I signed up on Oct. 23. I had gone down .5 lb after signing up, then up 1.5 lb the next week, now down .5 lb from last week. It's called a plateau... Boo, hoo.

Well, as I said last week, if I can't make it (and that's looking like the case), I can always break camp and tote my sleeping bag and gear into the Christmas tent. Which wouldn't be a tragedy at all. As close as I am to goal, mostly I feel rather exhilarated.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 21:46
by dimmit
Hey there, just wanted to pop my head up again, I've not been writing much but been lurking most days since I joined the CC as proud member number 5 back on October 1st. Since then I've eaten more cake and general junk than ever in my life before, enjoyed 3 days with friends in France and indulged in mountains of cheese and lakes of wine, generally had a great time and not felt deprived for a minute. With all that I've lost 700g AND a whole 3cm from my waist. I'm well below average in the current rate of loss but amazed that all this indulgence has led to any loss at all. I've no big events planned between now and Christmas so I reckon there's still every chance I'll make my interim goal of 69.x. Thanks so much to all the CC members for keeping me focused with so much distraction around - without your funny contributions I'd be long gone and so would my waistline!!

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 23:22
by Juliana.Rivers
coffeetime wrote: Thanks @Juliana.Rivers,

I have plenty of time for posting but thought everyone might get fed up seeing me here every day :?:

I think we all thrive on the "frequent posters" .. never feel bad about posting lots even if its once an hour. lol costs nothing

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 23:31
by Juliana.Rivers
Its funny ive been compelled to read and sometimes comment on peoples check-ins and realise i havent checked in myself of late!


here we go

last 10 days

71.6, 71.2, 70.9, 71,4, 71.2, 70.7, 70.8, 70.7, 71.2, 70.7

I can never seem to get below that 70.7 but overally the trendline weight is going down. running at 71.7 and im hoping for a 71.0 soon. and then the magic 70 point something. meaning im nearing the even more magic 69.000kg which is the Christmas goal for me.

Speaking of numbrs its been one month precisely since I ever saw the 72 something number so its all good. I still remember months back when i can never get past 73.5 so definitely heading in the right direction. Hoping for the time when I can say same about the 70s range of numbers. I guess my overall weight loss is 4.3 kg since starting in April so i feel delighted generally about this way of life.

In another thread I committed to an extra "careful day" such that i eat like a "weight watcher would" but not fast. that might help ensure my goal is reached.

In a recent post i havent replied to, someone suggested adding activity to my next 5 weeks. Even if its not to "lose weight quicker" i just wonder about that so might post in relation to us all trying, for health to do a little extra walk or even picking up the weights that are lying dusty in the corner.

good luck everyone. if all 140 of you start posting im unlikely to comment on each and everyone of you and as long as you see my "thanked for posting" you know i have read it. occasionally someone says something that prompts me to say well done or something. if i havent for your post its not that its not recognised cause even 1 kg or 1 inch is awesome.

well done girls and boys and so happy to see so many happy peeps i the club.

wonder if we will make the 500 kg lost across the tent by Dec 25. hope so, or near to it. i figure 150 x an average 3 or 4kg lost each yes, we will get there

by end weekend hope to update the tally and hopefully will put more in green that is that you have made your goal already!. and as @P-JK suggested for maintainers, we write how much weight youve prevented by sticking to 5-2 or your method of IF. and put you in green of course

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 08:03
by Katharina
Reporting in with good results this week. Thank you all for the motivation I find here!
I want to reach my goal, but know that it is arbitrary. I think of it as giving me lee-way over Christmas. I am happy to maintain where I am, and don't want ever to be skinny/ bony! I will keep that bit of padding and am committed to be sensible and still have fun over Christmas.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 08:05
by Katharina
Would anyone please tel me how to get colours in my signature? Tried but failed.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 08:26
by drilakila
I seem to be hitting a plateau! Or even putting on a teeny bit. Oh well. Too many carbs on food days I think?. Plenty of time to lose the little I want to reach my Dec target. x

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 09:10
by Juliana.Rivers
Katharina wrote: Would anyone please tel me how to get colours in my signature? Tried but failed.

you have to do a full reply not a quick reply such that you see the little button called font colour just above where you post.

you type the text, highlight it with mouse think click font colour then chose colour.

you should see the user interface in the attached screenshot

unless you are using some strange old browser or a mobile device

let us know and we can sort it out.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 09:49
by coffeetime
Good morning form a dull overcast Cornwall, member 119 checking in.

I've been messing around with my signature stats again, rounding up the numbers slightly, instead of 9st 8.48lbs starting weight it is now 9st 8.5lb Just 0.02lb more which makes it easier to calculate and is only a small sip of water difference.

A slight loss this morning, 9st 7.5lb which means I've lost 1lb since joining the Christmas tent 8 days ago. Not bad.

Re: It's not too late to join the crowd in the Christmas Ten

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2013, 10:02
by carorees
Woohoo! Trendline says I've hit my interim target (73kg), weight this morning is 72kg, 2.1kg to go to reach the magic 69.xkg Xmas target! I think I might actually do it!