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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2015, 19:50
by nursebean
Personally, I think ADF has really helped me. It's just finding what suits you isn't it Image
Candy, I LOVE your new avatar! Tres amusant! Image

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 08:23
by carieoates
Hello ADFers, how's it going,
I think I'm in sync with my bud bud next week aren't i ?

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 09:27
by nursebean
Morning all! Yes Oatesy, we will be in sync next week and then for the next one I'll be on holiday so I guess I won't be in sync with anyone :wink:
Good luck with your fast today. I'm just off out to enjoy a delish hot chocolate at our local garden centre. We go there every Friday. It always depends on whether its a fast day or not as to what I have: chocolate on a feast day, a pot of tea on a fast day. I wonder which day I prefer?! Hmmm :confused:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 14:13
by CandiceMarie

Hiiii Bean n Oates x just scootin past to say,happy friday x hope you enjoyed the garden centre Beanie x

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 15:00
by nursebean
You ARE scooting past aren't you Candy!! That is funny!!
Bean a busy Bean...but I'm getting there! At least there is floor space in the office now, which makes me feel so much more on top of things.
Have you bean to see "Whiplash" yet Candy?
How's the fast going Oatesy?

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 15:39
by carieoates
I'm really good thanks. Have a lovely day girls.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 16:49
by CandiceMarie
I love yr fishes @nursebean They really make me smile!
Its my n Beau's fifth anniversary of our first date..i' m not up to going out today tho..but we went out for a coffee to nice local bakery
As we walked in,the Shins were playing...Shins cd was the first thing Beau ever gave me! Synchronicity!
Have chased him home now as i feel like i' m trying to swim thru a vat of treacle and need to be on my my pjs now,warm n cosy.,think will be in bed soon.
I guess whiplash will be next week x!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2015, 12:17
by nursebean
HAPPY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CANDY!! Image sorry to hear you weren't up to much celebrating...but wasn't that strange hearing "your tune" like that. So romantic!
Oh I LOVE your little band there. They are super cute! I look forward to hearing what you think of Whiplash...but I should wait until you have a really good day before you go.
Its very quiet on the forum today isn't it. Where IS everyone? :confused:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2015, 08:38
by nursebean
Well, I made it through my fast yesterday. It went very well. And today? I am looking most forward to my Sunday roast.
Soon my fat will be as extinct as the DODO Image

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2015, 15:33
by nursebean
Any DODO fasting today? :confused:

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2015, 16:37
by CandiceMarie
@nursebean looks like DODO is DO DON'T today ..
Where is everyone?
I' m going for a nap..have had 530 cals already,not much else for Candy to look forward to til tomorrow
Eyes are stinging and muscles are hurting so, a nice lie down is just what the doctor ordered

See you later x

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 01:04
by MaryAnn
I was on a real roll after NY, but now I'm skipping a day so I can have fun at my birthday party/fondue night! It also means I can go for Thai food tonight. I feel a very little bit guilty, but that 64.2 on the scales yesterday morning has eased the guilt… I'll be fasting on Wednesday.

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 08:29
by Minsmum
Ooohhh Happy Birthday @MaryAnn Image mmmmmmmmm fondue....mmmmmmmm thai food........drools........can you tell I'm on a fast day??

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 08:39
by MaryAnn
oops sorry. The big day is actually on 2/2 but we're celebrating on Saturday… Good luck with your fast. That will be me tomorrow!

Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 08:55
by CandiceMarie
Enjoy yr pre birthday fondue fun @MaryAnn and please dont feel guilty
Living life is even more important than fasting so just enjoy yr bday celebrations x