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So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2014, 22:37
by JennyH10
and my OH has just come from the match (and work) with chippy chips.
I think I might kill him.
No court would convict me would they? Hanger is just as bad as PMT if you ask me :wink:

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2014, 22:39
by Juliana.Rivers
I am sure they won't convict you. It would be totally justifiable.

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2014, 22:47
by SSure
For him or the 2 of you?

Tho', off hand , I don't know which would be worse. Him bringing them home without considering it's your FD or mistaken thoughtfulness. :)

My DH returned home from a night with chums at a pub where they pair cheeses and beer. He's been rhapsodising about some of the combinations but I think he's so accustomed to me fasting that he doesn't even stop to think whether it's appropriate. :razz:

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2014, 22:59
by nursebean
Did you eat them? :shock:

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2014, 07:52
by carieoates
Mm. You can't beat chippy chips.

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2014, 08:10
by Debs
That is the wrong answer Ms Oates!!!!!
I hope you were restrained and only beat him around the head with a pickled egg!!!! :lol:

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2014, 09:17
by CandiceMarie
There was a fight in the chippy..a fish got battered! ;0)
Ohh gosh,chippy chips..the smell,the taste...did you succumb..and what awful timing,just as your fasting day is done x

Re: So it's 10.30pm on a fast day

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2014, 11:54
by JennyH10
Ha ha!! They were just for him, he though I'd be in bed. I stole a few, told him off for his bad eating habits and went to bed before I could steal any more. I told him he was lucky, could have been assault and battery (ba dum tish! :lol: )