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PostPosted: 11 Jan 2013, 13:58
by Tracieknits
Ok, so I have learned TV is really bad! There are so many commercials designed to make us hungry - and of course most of it is really really bad choices!

What do you do to distract yourself from your hunger? I'm a stay at home wife and mom, so I don't have work to keep me occupied. I can knit, but it doesn't really stop the mind from wandering back to food - at all.

So ideas? ty!

Re: Distractions?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2013, 14:48
by diembroadhurst
I work from home, but am kept busy with my job in the main. I try to get out of the house when I need a big distraction - take the dog for a walk, go for a run. I'm hoping that my neglected veggie patch will become a good distraction this year - you could loose yourself in hours of land toil if you grew your own veg - especially if they were perfect to serve up on fast days :)

I also find the forums are a good way for me to loose far too much time - and I really do need to cut back lol!

Re: Distractions?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2013, 15:04
by carorees
Fasting today and have been very distracted by this forum!!! :lol: :oops: But I've also cleaned out the chicken coop, done a stint on the exercise bike and sorted out a big pile of washing. It is nearly time to go on the school run and as soon as I get back I will start preparing my only food of the day :D .

Re: Distractions?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2013, 17:21
by Liz
Hang around on 5:2 forums for far too many hours! But it makes me eat very slowly if I read posts while I am eating, so it does serve a purpose.