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Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 03:26
by Esmeralda
It's my fourth fast today and I'm so relieved to be away from food! Made a right pig of myself on chocolate yesterday and I felt awful as a result. Going to eat lots of stir fry veggies today and will hope to right some of the damage I incurred yesterday. Good luck to everyone else fasting today :D !

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 05:33
by Pilchards
Don't beat yourself up the whole idea of this is that you are allowed to eat "normally" on feed days and if normal for you means chocolate then so be it! I am fasting today and unlike some others find I need a small breakfast, especially if I am going to hit the gym. I had about 100 g light cottage cheese and half a punnet of raspberries this morning. Chicken breast with mushrooms and a little quinoa tonight will keep me within my 500. I am in Australia so just hitting that late afternoon hard patch. I find a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water keeps the munches at bay. Good luck to everyone just waking up in Europe and looking forward to the day ahead.

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 06:30
by pumpkin
Good luck Esmeralda and Pilchards. I'm fasting today and am stood in the kitchen sipping a black coffee and saving my calories for a ready meal this evg...which will be quick to cook and already calorie counted. We can do this. Tomorrow we can eat whatever we like...and it's going to be Friday. Yesss! :)

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 06:38
by Demi
I ate a rediculous amount yesterday too, must be well over 3000 calories, im just estimating though. I made zelnik which is this traditional Macedonian bready/pastry pie thing with a filling with eggs, feta cheese and leaks or spinach. It is incredible calorific and i worked out 1 slice was 850 calories, and i had 2 :( so thats 1,700 Plus around 200g of chocolate, about another 1,100 calories. Makes it 2,800. Plus 3 or 4 slices of bread and jam, dont know how many calories that was as i sliced the bread myself in big slices, maybe about another 700? And i had some fruit and some fruit juice, maybe another 200. Whats that at......3,700. Offftt! Not good.

Anyway, the day before yesterday was a fast day and i ended up nibbling some extra calories at night after dinner so that didn't go too well either and i never lost weight from the day before.

So i am fasting again today, will try to be stricter, need to make up for yesterday.

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 06:47
by boboff
This is my 10th Fast, 3rd of Zero Food.

I am finding I don't like the thought of it as much any more!

Still after today 3 days of, which having done 3 ADF is right nice!

Yesterday was good though, I wanted and did eat more "diet" food, crackers and Cottage cheese with Salad for lunch, bran for breakfast, just one slice of toast, and then a lovely chinese meal with Stir fry and sweet and sour for Tea, which was all healthy...Oh then a MASSIVE slab of left over home made Christmas cake with a cup of Tea! Lush!

This was the first day of "feasting" where I have controlled calories, as I wanted to eat better, not diet, just didn't fancy loads of carbs.

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 06:52
by Sarahmania
I'm fasting today too, my 5th fast. Got a really busy day planned which should help, I'll be saving all my calories for my evening meal. Feel a bit nervous as its early in the day but I know I can do it! Good luck everyone.

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 06:59
by LastChance
Me too...

Just about to tuck into a couple of dippy eggs and asparagus tip soldiers ;-)

Good luck to all!

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 07:12
by SianS
Good Morning Thursday Fasters,
8th Fast day for me today, and I've made another big batch of my spicy tomato and veggie soup to see me through lunchtime. I still have the other half a pack of Slim Rice to bulk it out with even more.
Dinner will be a big salad with Prawns. (must not fantasise about prawns)!

I got an interesting mailing yesterday a local small ready meals company called Cook! they have started doing lower calories meals and have put together a package of 2 meals a day for a week for a total of 4400 calories. Not cheap at £60 for 1 person or £105 for 2 people, but if I didn't have a permanently-hungry teenager to cater for it would suit my husband and I.
I probably didn't explain that very well but here is their website if anyone fancies a bit of "Food Porn" ... eal-boxes/

Good luck to everyone :D

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 07:41
by Minumonline
Me too. Nice to be back in routine after chaos of last week.

I've got 2 chicken breasts in spicy tomato sauce tonight, reduced ready meal in Waifrose yesterday :) Black tea and water till then.

This does feel like routine now. I'll go out at lunchtime for a walk/shop, otherwise at my desk all day. I'll go to the gym tomorrow morning befire breakfast to get some of the exercise & fasting benefit. Then it's officially the weekend :D

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 07:48
by Mettamezzo
Good morning to you fellow Thursday fasters! It's my second fast today. Monday went surprisingly well, but today I'm determined to keep myself busy to make the time go a bit quicker!!

Now this may sound daft but if I were to add a dash of skimmed milk to my tea, does that count as breaking the fast? The thing is I'm not only doing this for weight loss but also for the other benefits of fasting... repairing of cells as referred to in Dr Mosley's book and I thought that only happened if you fasted completely. I'm worried that even if I have a carrot stick half way through the day, that this would class as breaking the fasting hours, is that right? I aim to go for 12 hours straight but there's no way that I can drink black tea :-( I've tried and it makes me feel sick. I guzzled a couple of herb teas on Monday only to discover that they do have a few calories in them, meaning 2 or 3. Author Mimi says one thing and Michael Mosley says another and... I'm confused :?

Any info. most gratefully received. Good luck everyone.

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 07:50
by michele
I will leave those more experienced to answer that, but I think that if the milk is calculated in the 500 calories then it is not breaking the fast system.
Me too, and as others have said I feel much happier not worrying about 'can I have this/that?' and all that guilt of every day dieting. This feels much simpler and just is. I have found my appetite a little reduced on feast days, but that may pass!
I also feel some of that slight nervousness sarahmania- isn't it funny how we are so conditioned to fear where the next meal is coming from!?
Planning on just tea and water for the day, maybe a cup of hairy bikers minestrone, and a meal tonight with my partner. I like the idea of a proper meal and then a cup of Options hot chocolate at the end of the day so my tummy feels all warm and happy to go to sleep- who ever suggested that, thank you!
Good luck all XX

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 07:53
by YoyoJan
Good morning Thursday fasters. I've woken to a beautiful sunny day, so intend to get out into the garden to make a start on preparing the vegetable patch ready to plant a few things next month. That should keep my mind off food for a couple of hours!
My 5th fast today. I'm having porridge made with water, then Oxo cube drinks throughout the day when peckish, plus a tuna salad this evening with hopefully enough calories left for a few strawberries and a bowl of jelly.
Hope everyone has a good day - I really enjoy reading what you're all doing!

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 08:07
by Mettamezzo
Thanks Michelle, I might try a black coffee before I go out and then see how long I can go just drinking water. Yes I didn't go too mad on my feast days either, I didn't want to undo any good I might have done the day before. I am going out with friends on Friday night though so that's something to look forward to :)

I know what you mean about the nervousness. I remember way back at school a girl in my class had Anorexia and it terrified the life out of my Mum who thought I might go down the same path. I was a bit of a one for skipping meals in my teens and ever since then if she thinks I've not had any brekkie or lunch she gets on my case.. I'm 51 years old and she still gives me the 'look'- lol! Needless to say I haven't told her what I'm doing, it would completely freak her out. I haven't told any of my friends either so it's great being able to come on here and talk about it.

My husband has been battling his weight since he gave up smoking 20 years ago! The weight piled on and this is the first time in a long time that he's felt really positive about doing something about his weight. I think this way of eating is much easier for him because he doesn't have to worry about calorie counting etc. I do that for him on his fasting days, he knows exactly what to eat and when and it kind of takes the hassle out of it for him. He's reading the book too which is a good sign!!

Have a good day and I've just decided I'm going to get myself some Options in Tescos later! Thanks for the tip :-)

Bye for now
Annie x

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 08:10
by Bunnyhugger13
Good Morning fasters,

I made a bit of a pig of myself yesterday. My partner made a fabulous meal last night, but we need to have a bit of a chat about portion size :D.

I'm fasting today too.

good luck to you all xx

Re: Fasting today - 28 February

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2013, 08:19
by wildmissus
I'm fasting today as well. Weigh in day tomorrow which I'm quite apprehensive about. I haven't been overeating as much as I used to but my veg/fruit intake is quite low at the minute and still tending to snack on junk on fast days. Hoping that it's something else that will sort itself out with time.