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Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 20:50
by GMH
Here we go again...sometimes I really don't know if I'm feeding or fasting when I drag my sorry butt out of bed in the dark! Well today it's fast day, so off we go again. Souper on the b4 and a flask of black with me too...souper is watery in a flask too, so will swill it this am. Thinking I might go back to 5:2 next week, need a break from 4:3. The fridge never has any food in it - the freezer is full tho :smile: My next task is to find some nice meals for feed days to jolly me up a bit.
Happy fasting everyone.

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 20:56
by gillymary
:clover: Good idea, wishing you easy fasting

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 21:08
by Rosieposie
I'll be fasting tomorrow: 18june. Had false start today so am going to make tomorrow work
Porridge for breakfast, after the gym.

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 22:33
by Golarne
I'll be with you in the morning. I've had an indulgent week with visitors, so need to get back to it. Unfortunately I have tummy ache. Not sure why. :bigfrown:

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 03:20
by GMH
half + through for me, guess you Poms will just be getting up for your Tuesday soon, then the Americans and others will join us. My day going really well so far...flask of soup & flask of coffee, plus a Pink Lady apple (I once worked with a skinny girl who told me she had lost about 30kg and she switched chocolate & Pink Lady apples in her head - worked beautifully for her!). Feeling a bit wrecked (flu-ey?) so easy work day and hopefully home early enough for Nonna nap b4 beach walk. Then dinner. Currently not hungry at all

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 03:41
by gillymary
GMH might need some yummy broth to warm up, hope uou feel better soon. This morning I was on the tail end of my yesterday's 5:2 fast and not opening the 16:8 window until 1pm. That's the hardest stretch for me in the whole 5:2+16:8 plan. That scabby dog would have done. I am through now have just broken my fast, ahhhh until Friday's am section.

If you are just starting out today and wishing you a good fast :)

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 03:53
by GMH
Thankfully all the scabby dogs have been taken home today ;>) Tho I'm sure some days there could be bits of fur missing when I take them home LOL. Beautiful sunny day here gillymary but I hear the nasty weather is coming from the south later today...maybe u will get it first. Will try to avoid the coast tomorrow as walking dogs in the rain is bad enough, but when they sling themselves into the mud, it's beyond a joke! I have Labradors and Labradoodle tomorrow and they of course loooove the filth and water. Here's hoping it misses me :>)

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 04:09
by gillymary
GMH just checked BOM and its exactly off Pt Perpendicular Jervis Bay out to sea, we are only having bit of drizzle for now and it's cooler. It's moderate rain by the looks of it and if it heads to land it will be miserable I am sure. I love walking the beach when the storms are about but probably wouldn't being responsible for a number of dogs. They would create a bit of mess too

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 05:35
by Susiewong
I'm in today too, almost dinner time, yay. Some days the fasting is very easy, today has been one of those. Some tummy rumbles now tho as getting tea organised!
All the best fellow fasters. Meant to snow here on Wed night/Thursday so not sure how good I will be sticking to the Thursday fast this week!

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 05:59
by SianS
Looks like I'm the first Brit in today.
Usual plan today black coffees and teas till I really need something (usually about 2pm) then some very low cal spicy veg soup possibly with some Slim Rice in it. I can make it all the way through to dinner time but I'm a nicer person, if I don't.
Not sure about Dinner yet it will be salad with Prawns, but I'm thinking of tarting it up a bit (and no, not one of Ballerina's French Tarts)
Good Luck everyone :clover:

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 06:37
by Saz71
I'm here SianS (waves)

Second fast day ever for me. Still in bed but about to have a coffee. I'm making pepper soup for a late lunch. Luckily it's eldest boys sports day so that'll keep me occupied until lunchtime! Chewing gum and a diet coke will be going with me.

Half a chicken breast salad then for dinner later on but not sure what to cook for the family. Something I'm not that fussed on is probably a good idea!!.

Good luck to all fasting today :)

Edited to add - ooh prawns Sian, forgotten how low calorie they are and how much I like a prawn salad. One for the shopping list

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 06:48
5pm and I'm happy to say I had a good fast today after yesterdays attempt.
Only had a coffee so far...dinner soon, all organised...but now my daughter is baking something...too scared to ask what it is, I'll have it for breakfast!!

Had a good workout too, easy night ahead. Another Brisbane cold day.

All the best for you starting your fast!

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 06:53
by greenmonster
Hi all

I'm fasting today - would have been yesterday but hubby was home instead of working away so I decided to enjoy a lovely steak & halloumi salad with him. Eating normally yesterday helped me get more done as well (I'm not one of those people who get more energy when fasting - maybe one day).

So today's a work day and I'm just having a huge milky coffee (50 cals) and will take some berries & yogurt with me and some miso paste and eat when & if I need to.

Half of the other steak from yesterday in a stir fry with spring greens & carrots tonight. Got some options hot choc sachets too so wil have one as pudding.

Good luck all!

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 06:58
by emsy44
GMH wrote: Here we go again...sometimes I really don't know if I'm feeding or fasting when I drag my sorry butt out of bed in the dark! Well today it's fast day, so off we go again. Souper on the b4 and a flask of black with me too...souper is watery in a flask too, so will swill it this am. Thinking I might go back to 5:2 next week, need a break from 4:3. The fridge never has any food in it - the freezer is full tho :smile: My next task is to find some nice meals for feed days to jolly me up a bit.
Happy fasting everyone.

Hi GMH Has your weight loss improved a lot on 3.4 I was thinking about giving it a go, but only if it really makes a difference. I do find it a long time between the fri fast and my tues fast. :?:

Re: Fasting today Tuesday 18th June

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 07:01
by Aina
I am fasting today as its a feast day for me tomorrow, literally :-) I have made a huge asian rice porridge that is about 450 calories. There is more then enough to make me feel full as I am making Malaysian food for my dinner guest tomorrow. I am so going to enjoy dinner and the yummy cake that I made tomorrow with absolutely no guilt at all!