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Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 07:24
by Tammz
I'm just popping my head in to see everyone*waves* even though I fasted yesterday,I felt a bit strange not to post on Thursday fasting thread,so good luck today every one :smile:

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 07:30
by GrumpyOldKev
Count me in too.

good luck everyone :clover:

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 07:34
by shoobie1
Morning I'm on my green tea then I have an innocent noodle pot (not sure how that will go) then a roast beef watercress and beetroot salad I'm going to attempt tonight! Not lost any weight yet this week. Think I need to focus on my feed days a little more

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 07:35
by Old Nog
Think I'll throw in another fast day today, after all there's a BBQ tomorrow night :cool:

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 07:53
by Azureblue
Fast day Thursday here I am. Lots to do so toodleoo!

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:16
by Patience
I'm in! Feeling really tired this morning (yawn) and also feeling a bit low. Yesterday was a good day though as I wore a lovely pink mini skirt which hasn't fit me properly since last May. :) Today I'm for some reason fearing that I'll never have the body I want (and used to have) again.

Anyways, have a lovely day everyone :) I'm off to have some low calorie jelly.

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:23
by mariamcmac
I am fasting today as well ... actually kept to my TDEE yesterday .. first time I have really properly counted every thing that I have eaten (and had to drink!- ie a small vodka!) good luck everyone ... I always struggle what to buy at lunch times ... any ideas ?

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:24
by Honeybee27
Yes I'm here too, doing today and will do Saturday as I'm trying 4:3 to get over another plateau.

All the best to everyone fasting today :victory:

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:27
by byoung103
Dinner time - woohoo!!!!

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:35
by gingerfurball
Hello all - I haven't been around for a couple of weeks...we've had some very stressful times. We had been waiting for my FIL to pass away after a bad fall (83 year old Alzheimers sufferer) and he lasted 3 weeks (with us sitting round the clock) and then he was buried...and in the same week my brother got married!

So I've been struggling with the fasts...subsequently I have put back 5 of the 10 pounds I had I'm back on track today...te sunny weather and my tight clothes now being my motivation!!

I'll be on liquids (tea and fizzy water) until teatime tonight when I'll have my take on a wagamama kind of thing....lots of spice and flavour and not too many calories.

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:50
by gillymary
Sorry to hear about you fil gingerfurball, hope things improve with your fast.
I am just about to tuck into garlic cauliflower soup someone posted on the forum. It tastes devine. OH has a Thai curry which I will have tomorrow
All the best for all peeps just starting their fast may it be a successful fast

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:57
by Motherof2
I'm in today. Hoping its an easier one than Monday's. Ever since doing 16/8 I've not been able to gorge which just feels strange! Good luck everyone.

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 09:00
by nickw
Fifth fast day and the worst so far, in a bit of a grumpy mood so just want to eat sweets! Black coffee and water it is though...

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 09:12
by mummybunny2005
Second fast for me this week, getting a bit down in the dumps. Yesterday's weigh-in showed a gain, and I hopped on the scale this morning (which I usually never do) to see if my first day of 16:8 had dropped it. Another pound gained! I'm going to ignore it - I had some salty popcorn lateish last night and I'm telling myself it made me hold water.

DH is out tonight so I am on my own for dinner and I really think I'm just going to have some muesli again, like I did last night (I just won't have so much). I love being married but every so often it's nice not to have to take someone else's wishes for a meal into account and to just have what you blo-dy well fancy.

Re: Fasting Thursday June 6th

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 09:21
by Dragonbirdy
Gingerfurball, sorry to hear about your sad time- it's so difficult to stay on track in stressful times! The good thing about this wol is ability to pick it back up, you'll drop that recent weight in no time :)

I'm also fasting today, but wasn't planned - usually if I'm taking me pa out, like today, can't do fasting as we go out for lunch to lush places, but yesterday's trip to the orthodontist kinda put paid to eating anything harder than a particle of dust :(