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Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 20:23
by jm1251
I'm in for the first of my two consecutive fasting days (week 6). Progress is still soooo slow that I'm getting more and more frustrated. Plus it's such a nice day that a nice glass of wine outside on the porch is sounding really lovely, especially tempting since I'm not losing by restricting!

But...I will try to make it through. Started the day with egg and spinach. Sauteed some green beans for lunch and will have a meditterranean-style dish of cannellini beans with shrimp, sundried tomatoes, garlic and shrimp. I did a light workout today but plan on hitting the elliptical hard tomorrow.

I feel as though I'm doing most everything right and should be seeing more loss...

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 20:29
by Flo
First fast day today, it went pretty well. As others have said the hot weather helps, and I had a busy afternoon so that too my mind of it. It came as quite a relief to be honest as I had such an indulgent weekend, and tomorrow I am out for a meal but I plan to drive to help cut out on wine calories.

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 21:02
by beckiec101
Completed my fifth fast day :-) start of week three and have lost 2.5lbs so far.
Can`t complain! I am lying in bed hungry though! My stomach seems to think my throat has been cut!

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 21:02
by beckiec101
Completed my fifth fast day :-) start of week three and have lost 2.5lbs so far.
Can`t complain! I am lying in bed hungry though! My stomach seems to think my throat has been cut!

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 21:40
by Mattsleep
I fasted today, love how good I feel by the end of the day, still find that bizarre :-)

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 07 May 2013, 22:10
by AnneBZ
Today was my third fast. Really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. I felt a bit spaced out all day. Skipped breakfast, apple for lunch and saved calories for dinner. Despite this am feeling hungry so off to bed.

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 08 May 2013, 01:05
by lizchuter
Having had the earlier part of my day go well, dinner did not fill me up at all (it usually does) so I am ravenous. :starving: Putting off my porridge for as long as possible so I will be able to sleep...

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 08 May 2013, 06:16
by Minumonline
Just broken my fast with a cheese/bacon/tomato ommlette - delic, and starting the day as I mean to go on, as low carb as possible. Ducked out of early morning run, due to the rain, but hope to go out later on when it dries up. Feeling energetic this morning, and hope to get lots done.

Re: Fasting today - Tuesday 7 May

PostPosted: 08 May 2013, 10:02
by Isis
Out of curiosity I weighed myself this morning post fast & have lost 3 lbs. I know I will go up when I eat but it has encouraged me after putting on 2 lbs in the last fortnight. I consciously upped my water intake yesterday & I think this must have helped because I am better hydrated now despite lots of loo trips yesterday.
My next fast day is Friday & this week I will really keep a check on what I am eating because it would be awful to have put on weight again when I weigh in on Sunday. So onwards & downwards & I hope everyone's fast day went well yesterday :wink: