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Fasting Today, Tuesday, 16 May 2017

PostPosted: 16 May 2017, 13:04
by Tracieknits
Well I'm in today. I made a french lentil salad from David Liebovitz' Paris cookbook. We'll have that on top of greens for dinner with some grilled chicken breast. On fast days, if I need to cook it's best I get it out of the way early, as I'm not hungry in the mornings.

I've had my two cups of coffee and moved on to hot black tea (Marco Polo from Mariage Freres). Hoping to make it until dinner, but if I need to eat something, there's hard boiled eggs and carrots and hommus in the fridge.

Re: Fasting Today, Tuesday, 16 May 2017

PostPosted: 16 May 2017, 22:17
by StowgateResident
You sound very organised, @Tracieknits. I am trying to plan my meals more carefully this week, in the hope that it will prevent me just grabbing random stuff out of the freezer. Well done on sticking with it, especially if no-one else is fasting today! I have had a good day, even though I am not fasting. Good luck for the rest of the day.