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Fasting today Thursday 27 July

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2017, 06:23
by MerryMelb
Hi there

Anyone else in for a fast day today?
It's a bit cold here today - makes me want to east more! But so far so good. A miso soup at lunch, and at 4pm a small bowl of porridge to tide me over as I have to work between 5-8pm. Maybe a poached egg when I get home.
Porridge is not a normal fast day food for me, but I needed something warm and filling before work - that's my excuse :grin:

Happy fasting everyone!

Re: Fasting today Thursday 27 July

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2017, 10:14
by Margotsylvia
I am fasting as well. Black tea and water so far.It is very hot in here, unlike Melbourne. I will have tea with milk at afternoon tea time, about three o' clock. My husband is grilling meat later and we'll have it with salad. He will have potatoes, too. -He has never had any weight problems. I seem to have them most of the time!. :confused: