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Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013, 02:37
by mildew
6 weeks 5 days and 6.95KG off. That's over 15LB. Really happy with progress particularly considering I've stopped my walking exercise for the past 2 weeks due to a foot operation. Hope to get started again in next few days.

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013, 03:28
by Breadandwine
Great stuff, Jeff! That's very satisfying.

Hope your foot gets better soon - you'll need it when you're on holiday!

I'm up late listening to the cricket from NZ. Not fasting today, so I've just had a fry-up - and a couple of glasses of red.

I'm presently eyeing up the bottle and wondering whether to have another glass. But I have to pace myself, since England could hold on for another 90 minutes!

Cheers, B&W

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013, 05:33
by Marie2mil
Hi Jeff,
I'm from Adelaide, been to WA - lovely place,
Good luck with the program, and congratulations on your loss, 10cm off the waist is wonderful in such a short time.
I'm just moving from Calorie Restriction to the 5:2. (lost 12 kg in about 8 weeks with CR.)
I'm still a bit wary about eating "normally" on non-fast days as anything like wine seems to tip my weight, back up very smartly and then takes quite a few days to return before losing any more weight.
I'm going overseas too - in May and hoping to feeling much more comfortable in the aeroplane seat.
All the best to you and your wife,

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 01:43
by mildew
I feel a little guilty as I've been absent from the forum for such a long time. After my last post my wife and I headed off on a 3 month vacation to Canada and the USA, which included 4 cruises totaling 45 days. For those of you who know cruising you can imagine what my sweet tooth got up to during 45 days at sea. In addition the food servings in North America were huge and very fatty. Needless to say, with only myself to blame I came home in July weighing a whopping 121KG (never been that heavy before). Shortly after this I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent surgery on 17 December 2013. Luckily the cancer was confined and I got good margins (it was all removed). I'm now recuperating at home and just starting to get back into light walking exercise. Prior to surgery I embarked on a program of Diet and exercise and managed to get my weight down to 101.8KG by surgery date. Subsequently this went up to 104.4KG over Xmas but is now back to 102.4KG and reducing. I'm now firmly back on the 5:2 Diet (started last week) and determined to lose more weight. My immediate goal is to break through the 100KG barrier, something I have not been able to do for 25 years. Anyway enough of my ramble. Just thought I should be true to myself and get back on the wagon.



Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 02:13
by Debs
Oh dear, trapped with all that food!! Must be tough! We're only going for 7 days and that shoiuld do enough damage!!
I'm currently sweltering in the Pilbara, where are you?

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 02:36
by mildew
Hi Debs

I'm in Mandurah but a former resident of Karratha, Port Hedland, Derby and Carnarvon so appreciate what you're up against with the weather. We used to tell people in response to "is it hot up there", it's only hot between the buildings :) Miss the north and loved our 17 years up there.

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 02:43
by Debs
Yep, it is beautiful up here. I'm close to Port Hedland at the moment working on a rail line and trying to keep out of trouble!

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 04:23
by Chook
Sounds like you've had an "interesting" time. Welcome back and be kind to yourself.

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 12:10
by callyanna
Hi Jeff and welcome back! Glad to hear your surgery was successful and wish you the best of luck back on the 5:2 wagon. I've been to my brother's in WA twice and just loved it, such a huge state to get your head round though!

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 13:47
by Sue.Q
:clover: :clover: Hi @mildew :clover:
Welcome back Jeff so glad all is well for you know regarding your surgery, and as @debs said what a bummer being trapped with all that lovely food on board, never mind you know how to repair the damage so climb back on and get going before the next holiday. :clover: :clover:

Re: Hello from Western Australia

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2014, 14:09
by carieoates
Hiya @mildew just read your update, welcome back, we have something in common. I too had major surgery (hysterectomy) just before Xmas. Like you I lost weight and got really fit prior to surgery.
The hardest thing for me at the moment is that I think I got a lot of my pleasure (happy endorphins) from my various exercises. I'm steadily increasing my walks.
Having 5.2 sitting there waiting for me has helped immensely, 16.8 did get me through Xmas, with only a couple of pounds increase in weight, as I took everyone's advice and didn't fast for nearly a month.
So good to get it out into the open, makes it appear more real. Good luck with the weight loss and continued progression into previous fitness levels.