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Review paper on the 'eating window' method of IF

PostPosted: 06 May 2014, 19:02
by carorees
I just spotted this review paper on 'time restricted feeding' (aka the eating window method) published this month.

The conclusions are:
Results from animal studies show TRF [time restricted feeding] to be associated with reductions in body weight, total cholesterol, and concentrations of triglycerides, glucose, insulin, interleukin 6, and tumor necrosis factor-α as well as with improvements in insulin sensitivity. Human data support the findings of animal studies and demonstrate decreased body weight (though not consistently), lower concentrations of triglycerides, glucose, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and increased concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. These preliminary findings show promise for the use of TRF in modulating a variety of metabolic disease risk factors.

I can't get to see the full paper so if anyone has library access to it and can send me a copy or review it for me I'd be really grateful!

Re: Review paper on the 'eating window' method of IF

PostPosted: 13 May 2014, 18:38
by coffeebean
Wow! Thank you so much for linking this! I have returned to 16:8 today and love reading the research. I notice Dr. Varady coauthored this. I'll go on her facebook page and ask where to find the full study.

I read she will be doing a 16:8 study with actual participants (not rodents!) sometime next year. Also, I read an interesting inteview with her last year. This was before she wrote the book Every Other Day Diet. She said that she herself does not followed EOD, but prefers to eat 8 hours out of the day, so that she can dine with her child and husband.

I love 16:8!

Re: Review paper on the 'eating window' method of IF

PostPosted: 13 May 2014, 18:53
by coffeebean
Carorees, I am waiting for Dr. Varady to reply about the study. She is always great about answering questions - it takes about 3 days max to get an answer.

Thanks again for posting that abstract. Now that I have recommitted to 16:8 I want to read all I can about its health benefits. I am sorry I ever left it. I regained weight and lost that mental sharpness and clarity I had after about a month of 16:8ing. I want that back!

I will post any reply I get from Dr. Varady.

Re: Review paper on the 'eating window' method of IF

PostPosted: 13 May 2014, 22:49
by Melinda_in_NC
I am interested, too, in what Dr. Varady has to say. I am really liking her more these days. I was a bit put off by her when she kind of slagged off MM, but I got over that. I think she's really good.

Re: Review paper on the 'eating window' method of IF

PostPosted: 13 May 2014, 23:20
by MaryAnn
It's just a review of other researchers papers. It didn't seem to me like the few human studies were very comparable to the rodent studies. The ones with the shortest eating windows had participants eating their TDEE in that window, which was different from the rodent studies.