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Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 06:17
by janeg
Well done that man! And have a brilliant birthday :victory:

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 07:12
by Franglaise
Excellent result, you are a real inspiration. Nearly 30kgs lost is amazing and so inspirational to everyone else. Happy Birthday!

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 08:29
by TheFrog
Congratulations on the weight loss and on your blood work - your cholesterol results are fantastic.

Wishing you a happy birthday - what a wonderful present to give yourself, your health.

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 11:40
by bycress16
WOW! thanks for all the wonderful replies and good wishes.

tink59 - yes I did calorie count on normal days. I used 'my fitness pal' and became quite obsessed about staying out of the red. Most weekends,however,I let loose.

Bruce E - Stupidly I did not take any measurements when I started the 5:2 as I thought it would just be another 'flash in the pan'. I have, therefore, used trousers for my waist measurements though it is even more encouraging that you think I might have lost more. As to the body fat, I just used 'before and after' calculations from the net. Not ideal but again didn't measure last August.

Julianna - I will try and put up 'before and after' photos, although not very savvy with the technology. Yes, I did Michaels 600 calories on a fast day. Fasted from 7pm-7pm, had a meal (550 - 600 calories) then nothing until next morning.

Thanks again for all the good thoughts. Best wishes to you all..Off for some cake!!

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 12:02
by sazzle72
Amazing achievement. Give yourself a big pat on the back :)