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Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR YOU?

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2014, 12:34
by Juliana.Rivers
Been meaning to post this for weeks. I dont buy the tele normally but it was lying around and wouldnt you know it another article. ... diet,31873

the for and against

Yes - Associate Professor Amanda Salis, A neuroscientist with an interest in weight loss
No - Kate di Prima, An accredited practising dietitian

It touches on the intermittent window method too though they dont call it that

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2014, 16:08
by Ballerina
Carorees started a thread on this article on the 23rd of July but nothing wrong with it having another airing

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2014, 02:10
by Juliana.Rivers
Ballerina wrote: Carorees started a thread on this article on the 23rd of July but nothing wrong with it having another airing

Ballerina x :heart:

what is the link?

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2014, 07:49
by Sallyo

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2014, 09:20
by barbarita
What stuck out for me this time is the Puritanism of the dietician. She doesn't't want anyone to experience that fasting high from being in ketosis does she? She invokes the moral panic of it happening to a young girl who might then be lured into longer fasts, but ignores the fact that young people are not supposed to fast at all anyway. And she is horrified that anyone could go for even one day without bread and cereals!

The anti-fasting brigade really don't like that when we do eat we can eat more of what we want, not day after day after day of small portions of 'diet food'.

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2014, 10:34
by de_vi
Who needs coffee to get you up and going on a Saturday morning if you can also just read this article and stay like a carp with mouth left open gaping for air faced with such nonsense? I couldnt believe it! Where to even start: I find it very condescending how that nutricionist seems to think "normal people" are unable to figure out what to eat on a fast day. She does not seem to think an awful lot of her clients, either, but rather find them contemptful. (Or did I just read that into it?)

Further I really do wonder what the percentage of fasters is that might hold a circular saw - or likewise - on a fastday. As far as my experience goes, people with work that does require them to move around or work manually don't seem to have that kind of weight gain problem that requires diets, so wrong example I would say. Plus contradicted by the fact that in a fasted state your mind becomes clearer, actually - ok, maybe not on the first or second fast day but gradually it goes that way.

Similar for those with a an "extremely high fat burning rate" - I don't see them buying Mosley's book or browsing the internet for diet advise. Isn't that the people who always just say, with a sigh: "oh, I can just eat everything, I never put on weight...."

It's just a chain of made-up concerns about the wrong type of diet audience, how can she think in earnest somebody can take that seriously....??

So thank you @Juliana.Rivers for helping me reach awake state this morning :wink:

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2014, 10:49
by Juliana.Rivers
Yes articles like this can make you really angry.

Yes what we do is "unconventional" but that doesnt make it wrong or dangerous.

Re: Australia's Body and Soul Article 5:2 - IS IT GOOD FOR Y

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2014, 12:12
by peebles
If you think this is stupid and/or destructive you should see the toxic advice these dietitians give people with diabetes.

I suspect part of the problem is that if they ever opened their minds to the facts they would have to face the truth that they have been helping people worsen their health and shorten their lives. Since no one wants to fave that kind of truth, they close their minds and insist they are right. And keep telling us tyhay everyone must eat 300 grams of starch and sugar a day.