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Newbie giving this diet a whirl

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 14:27
by Tee

I am excited about trying this (although I did unsuccessfully have a go at it yesterday haha).

I am going to keep a log here :grin:

I'm 5.6 and weigh 10 stone, I am very active, I do pole classes and 1 to 2 hours in the gym daily. I have recently completely toughmudder which was a massive laugh, albeit hard.

I would like to be around 9'5/9'7 so I haven't a massive amount to lose, I am also fairly happy with my body, but would like to lose those few stubborn lbs.

My fasting day will be tomorrow but I will start it after my tea tonight and go through until the same time tomorrow then have my 500 cal meal.

I have a hours pole class then on to the gym for a fast burning class, followed by a chickpea curry and rice.

Tomorrow morning I have spin and abs class before work.

Over 5 years ago I lost 6 stone through Cambridge diet plan and kept it off, but I was 9'5 for a few years and the weight as slowly drifted up to ten stone.

Re: Newbie giving this diet a whirl

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 14:30
by Tee
Today I've had to eat...

A hand fukll of almonds (after the gym this morning)
40grams of oats with almond milk
Hummos with celery, pepper and cucumber
100grams of olives
1 piece of wholemeal toast with veggie pate

(this is what I would eat during a normal day ay work)

Re: Newbie giving this diet a whirl

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 15:11
by HopefulHeart
Welcome to the forums! Have you thought about starting a blog? It's on the menu at the top of the page :D

Re: Newbie giving this diet a whirl

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 15:25
by Tee
I tried to tinker with that earlier, is it sort of the same thing I am doing now? Sorry I am a bit stupid haha. I'll copy my stuff to that, thank you Xxxxx