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Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014, 12:14
by Nicky_94
I only put vegetables, but I don't eat meat/fish/dairy and the veggie alternatives I do eat were not on there - I generally eat some kind of beans, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seitan, quinoa etc. often as a stir fry or pho type soup with soba noodles/zero noodles. I also often have salad (in summer) or soup (in winter) with some nuts/humous and a chia pudding for dessert.

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2017, 20:16
by fastfaster
On 5:2 fast days I don't eat regular meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.), but I snack all the time, like literally all the time, allthough I don't eat until 2 o'clock. When I get hungry before 2, I drink black coffee. Then when I start with the feast I eat a huge amount of egg whites, or cottage cheese with cucumber, a bowl of frozen fruit and when I am still hungry I eat celery. That is how I get it through the day, even though I just started :lol:
Hope this 5:2 is easy to maintain, because I already eat this food every day, even when I wasn't even dieting. :smile:

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2017, 20:37
by Sassy1
Welcome @fastfaster

Your fast day foods sound pretty fine - but whatever works for you on your fast days is good. You could consider adding more salad (non starchy) veggies to the mix, for variety and extra nutrition.

How long have you been following 5:2?

Just curious - in what form do you eat the egg whites? And what do you do with your eggs yolks?? Although the yolk I assume has more calories, it also has nutrition.

Good luck and best wishes! :clover: :smile:

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2017, 15:33
by MaryAnn
Welcome and good luck, fastfaster! when I first started I was having an egg for breakfast and then not eating until dinner. I've gradually drifted more to nibbling all day...

As Sassy1 says, whatever works!

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2017, 05:17
by Madmily
I mostly eat vegetables and fish , drinking plenty of water and make my own strawberry smoothies.

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 29 Dec 2021, 04:04
by Joedylan
Fat like yogurt and some vegetable and drink lots of water.

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2022, 11:02
by matthewdaniel
Fast day I mostly eat High protein foods like vegetables and fruits. Usually eat Diluted foods like fresh juice. typical 500-calorie fasting day might include oatmeal with fresh blueberries for breakfast, a tangerine for a snack, and vegetable stir-fry for dinner

Re: Weekly Poll: Which foods do you eat most of on your fast

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2022, 06:53
by Stein6419
I mostly like to eat meat, yogurt, eggs, fish, chicken popcorn, fries, fruits and drink fresh juice on my fast day.

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