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Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 02:26
by Juliana.Rivers
lizzieh wrote: Number 80 checking in for the first time...mainly because I've been ashamed to post anything - since Oct 1st (11.4) I went back up to 11.7 then 11.5.6 then on Monday I was 11.5.2 and today FINALLY I can report a net loss of 1lb, weighing in at 11.3.2 (157lbs). :smile:

Slow progress but in the right direction. I've been pretty strict on fast days, so all I can assume is I've overdone it a bit on feast days. Fingers crossed it doesn't go up again after the weekend. It's not that I go mad at the weekend but I don't deny myself anything. During the week, however, I try to go easy on Wednesday and treat it like a fast day until the evening, when I allow myself a proper meal and a drink. So I suppose I'm doing 4and a half: 2anda half, if that makes any sense! :bugeyes:

Congrats to the 1 pound loss @lizzieh... i know what you mean by not wanting to report a bad result.
4.5 : 2.5 is a nice way to put it actually.. somewhere between 5:2 and 4:3

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 03:31
by Juliana.Rivers
juliebulie10 wrote: Hi... just want to say how much I'm enjoying this positivity and encouragement of this thread... knowing I signed up to this is really REALLY helping me stay motivated and proving to myself that I CAN do anything I put my mind to and that I want BAD ENOUGH!!

Keep going everyone! Onwards and downwards!

JB x

Thanks @juliebulie10 for your comment
Im feeling the positivity and encouragement here too. Its really helping me stay focussed too.

Someone should reach their goal early, maybe end of November and thats when the excitement really begins
.must admit last night i had the most amazing display of food at an early Indian Diwali celebration. Dont want to put the picture up here as the food is too much. I ate lots all vegetarian . It was my feast day so it didnt matter. Im taking it easy today even though today is not an official fast day.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 03:40
by Juliana.Rivers
Skippy wrote: Hi all
Member 86 checking in. After a slow first 10 days or so things have suddenly moved very quickly -you were right to advise patience! New weight 105.8 so down 2.6 kg from last week ( 3.2kg since Oct 1st start) which I assume is something to do with water and glycogen storage last week that has been lost this time. I've been good but not that good!! Finding 4:3 easier than 5:2 and now moving more which seems to be helping to. I think it also helps that I'm new to this and have such a lot to lose. I know this success is unlikely to be repeated!

Great to hear everyone's reports and successes - inspiring and helpful to have community support. Wishing everyone a great weekend.

3.2kg loss since Oct 1 is exceptional. Good for you @Skippy

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 04:11
by Juliana.Rivers
Tanmc wrote: Hi would like to join challenge!!
Starting weight is 57 kg
Goal weight is 52 kg.
have decided to fast on Monday and Thursdays. on non fast days really need to watch quantities and have decided no cakes, bread and only occasional dark chocolate. I used to be a nut freak I have not had any nuts for over two months so I can commit but he problem is it fluctuates!!! .

Welcome aboard the weight loss train @Tanmc You are member number 110. All the best

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 07:35
by carieoates
CandiceMarie wrote: Lowest weight in 18 yrs @Carieoates That is fabulously fantastic..well done you! X


Thanks @CandiceMarie I am oozing determination at the moment.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 09:09
by mas54321
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
mas54321 wrote: #96 reporting in with week three results:
2kg lost - which is 200g better than last week

wow @mas54321 you must be so proud of the results! you might be first to get to your goal.. (Not that its a race) but i do remember last year the first one that got to their goal was very exciting indeed.

@Juliana.Rivers very happy - though since my challenge goal was to lose 12.5kg, i still have plenty to do, and am unlikely to be first.

I have been really disciplined- though every week so far has had me playing catchup to a "bad" day- stag do last night (ughh, the worst type of excess), last week my moms 65th (buffet food, cake etc), and the week before, coworkers leaving drinks...

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 09:23
by WarriorPrincess
Hi all, new member # 109 reporting for duty - I'm so glad I'm not too late to join you all. I posted last night without even knowing my starting weight - now, Day 1 for me, I've stepped on the scales & weighed in at 12st 7.5lbs. Target is 11st 12, so 9.5lbs loss in 9 weeks. I've done 5:2 successfully before - well, I thought it was successful till my partner realised I'd got a tomato intolerance. As I love tomatoes & was happily covering the rest of my fast day veg pile with a (carefully measured!) dollop of tomato sauce, I was triggering the intolerance twice a week (you don't need details, just think volcanic response!)Unfortunately, once I cut out the tomatoes my impressive weight loss on the 5:2 stopped completely. May have been the junk I was happily piling away on non-fast days?! Anyway, that was then & its all gone back now & I'm far too heavy for comfort again. But I know I'll have to do more than last time to lose weight as I'm not planning to add back the tomato sauce!
I'm planning 2 fast days at 500 cals, one mid-day at 1200 cals & 4 normal eating days, but with cals max 1800. If it works, I'll have a BMI in normal range by 20th Dec. Good luck to anyone fasting today - its good to have company!

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 03:22
by Julieshaun
Hi where do I put my progress for the Xmas challenge I can't seem to find it
Thanks Julie

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 04:09
by Juliana.Rivers
Julieshaun wrote: Hi where do I put my progress for the Xmas challenge I can't seem to find it
Thanks Julie

just here @julieshaun.. just click on post reply and add your progress and a comment if you want. later i will update the lenghthy post 1 on this thread with everyones results and stories (sometimes i will just take the good bits as i fear exceeding the 120,000 character limit Moogie gave me. should it happen i will probs remove the intro parts of each person's listing as many were quite lengthy

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:29
by JennyH10
Hi everyone #83 here with a 0.4 lb loss this week taking me to 1lb in total in 3 weeks. Painfully slow but the right direction I suppose!

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 12:28
by Tanmc
Well done moving in right direction . My first fast day coupled with coming off night shift a little difficult !! I can eat tomorrow !! already packed up my food for tomorrow which wasn't as hard as I thought. Keep at it!! Member 110
Nat - Australia

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 22:02
by Golarne
I've been fighting flu for over a week now, so no exercise and have had carbs in between meals. Result being that the scales were back to 60kg at the weekend. Today I managed to fast though, so I've not completely given up. Feeling fed up with being so tired. Grr.
Edited to say...
I'm loving reading everyone's stories though, keep at it everybody! :clover:
And thank you to @Juliana.Rivers! :heart:

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2014, 22:14
by Juliana.Rivers
JennyH10 wrote: Hi everyone #83 here with a 0.4 lb loss this week taking me to 1lb in total in 3 weeks. Painfully slow but the right direction I suppose!

Slow and steady is still good @jennyh10. Can you do one extra ommission/change do you think? if not, dont worry the loss in weight will accumulate over the balance of 9 weeks.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2014, 06:00
by TripHOPmamma
Hi #35 checking in, all exercise done and no alcohol this week. Had a terrible week eating wise, and after yesterday's sneak peak was fully expecting a monumental gain, but yesterday's fast must have gone well as I am reporting a 1/2 kg loss weighing at 87.7kg

Fresh start now, got a few family dos this week so am mixing up my fast days and sticking with no booze and will do my best not to overeat x

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 110 mem

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2014, 10:13
by JennyH10
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
JennyH10 wrote: Hi everyone #83 here with a 0.4 lb loss this week taking me to 1lb in total in 3 weeks. Painfully slow but the right direction I suppose!

Slow and steady is still good @jennyh10. Can you do one extra ommission/change do you think? if not, dont worry the loss in weight will accumulate over the balance of 9 weeks.

Thanks Juliana :smile:
I'm not sure... really need to find something I can replace bread with, that is definitely my dietary downfall. I'm doing 4:3 with no problems and don't fancy ADF unless I have to (like last week). I take fairly regular exercise but I could do with increasing that, it's just difficult to plan my time as I'm self-employed so when I get an order to do, everything else gets dropped...
Edited to add, I feel like I've lost more weight than the scales actually show, my jeans are falling off me and people have commented on my weight loss again, after ages of no change. I'm hoping next week will see a decent loss :smile: