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Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 13:20
by chinchin
Sassy1 wrote: Hi @chinchin
We do the Melbourne-Adelaide trip quite often - hope it is not too hot for you traveling on Monday!
When traveling I used to always feel the need to eat and would eat way more than a sedentary day required!
But I have found that if I don't have anything to eat to start the day (I used to always have breakfast before we left) I can often manage to fast until I get to our destination. Lots of black coffee and water! But I assume you are not having breakfast and still feeling the need to eat? I recall asking for food travelling tips, and one suggestion was beef jerky, which can help limit the hunger. But not starting eating still seems the best method, if you can at all manage it (as we well know from fasting in general). Do you have things to do in the car to keep you distracted? (I am sure you do.) iPad games work for me, and I do also use my phone to give me an internet hotspot to check the forum and other sites.
Safe travelling! :)

Thanks @Sassy1, we are seasoned Melbourne to Adelaide travellers too. I read, nap, take photos. I've gotten really good at taking photos from our moving vehicle. :) We are keeping our eyes on the CFA and CFS websites regarding fires. They scare the heck out of me, but so far there isn't anything serious along the Western Highway that I can find. A fire in the Little Dessert national park south of Kaniva; not a threat to travellers so far.

All the best for tomorrow fasters. :clover:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 16:20
by Jacqofall
Hi. I will be starting IF tomorrow.
I am planning to do an adaptation of 5:2/4:3 by fasting Monday and Wednesday then doing 18:6 on Friday. I have made some turkey soup with the Christmas leftovers (sweated some onion, sprouts, leek and carrots, then added Turkey stock and the last of the turkey) .
I haven't weighed or measured and therefore set goal yet, but planning to do that first thing tomorrow morning.
Good luck everyone.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 19:08
by gym-sparkle-90
Me! I am back with tail between legs and a few extra pounds :oops: I am looking forward to it though, and have pre-planned my fasting days as well as got my gym kit ready for before work in the morning, eek. Sticking to fast days on a monday and thursday because that's what worked in the past :grin: Also going to the gym 3-4 times a week.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 19:10
by carieoates
@jacqofall, hello and welcome, I often do the same method as you ie MWF then 16.8 Friday, but the Friday eve wine and then subsequent nibbles messed up my good work from the rest of the week.
Good luck from me.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 19:20
by Lil
I'm intending to get back to my normal routine ( 5:2 M/W ) tomorrow. I did only 1 fast and one eating window Christmas week and 1 fast last week so there is some damage to be repaired but I know I can do it

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 19:39
by StowgateResident
Welcome back, @gym-sparkle-90! You're not alone in gaining a few pounds - there are a lot of us about! :cry: The important thing is that you are back and have planned for your fasts. The weight will soon go and, with all that gym-work, you'll soon be where you want to be! :victory: Onwards and downwards! :smile:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 21:30
by LadanTrying
Back in again starting tomorrow! I took the past two weeks off... first week I was quite well behaved, but this past week I've been very self-treat-ish. It's like a bad romantic fling.. fun while it happens, and then there are some serious regrets once the fog clears....

Not weighed in to see what kind of weight I put back on (I'm hoping just a couple pounds as it doesn't feel too bad so far).. will get through this week and then see. I may go up to 4:3 for some weeks, too.

About halfway toward my GW before the holidays, so I imagine I've got some catching up to do. Got 11 weeks to go until the Big Day, so let's hope I can make some good headway.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 21:46
by Wineoclock
I'm not starting but it is my first fast day of the year. I've started the fasting today thread so come and join us there as well. :grin:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 22:00
by WendyEL
Hi there,

I'm a total newbie to this and am planning to do 5:2 Mon/Thurs. However, I won't actually be starting until Thurs this week as I don't go back to work until then and with 2 children under 2 I couldn't possibly think about doing a fast at home with them!!!
Although I will still be watching what I eat on my rest days and I have already planned my meals for Thurs so actually quite excited to start.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 22:49
by Lizbean
Great conversation :cool:
@WendyEL and newbies - click here to join your Monday fasters thread and buddies I hope that helps. :wink:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2015, 23:09
by Jacqofall
carieoates wrote: @jacqofall, hello and welcome, I often do the same method as you ie MWF then 16.8 Friday, but the Friday eve wine and then subsequent nibbles messed up my good work from the rest of the week.
Good luck from me.

Thanks @carieoates for your comment. The reason for thinking this way is that after nearly 20 years of yo-yo dieting I am afraid if I have no-one telling me what I can and can't eat I am likely to go nuts and eat everything that doesn't move on my non-fast days. I hoped by reducing Friday eating window that whilst I will have the wine and nibbles at least I won't have eaten anything else all day. Does that make sense or do you think I am setting myself up to fail? I would ideally like to ADF but I can't ever see myself fasting at the weekend, which in my head includes Friday night.
Thanks so much for your interest.

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2015, 03:18
by RiverCityChick
Hi, everyone! Monday will be my first 'real' fast day, although I did have about 700 cal on Friday, to see what it was like. I would have made it under 500 cal, but we (my fiancee and I) rotate from days to nights (for his job) and it was a switch night, and we had a few drinks :razz:

As a result, I'll actually be fasting from the time we wake up (Monday evening) until the time we go to bed (Tuesday morning), so I'll miss out on most of the day with other fasters.

On one hand, I'm really looking forward to it, because I felt GREAT on Friday, on the other hand, it will be my first attempt at a fast when my OH is home and eating normally. It will indeed be a challenge for me!

I'm planning to start my day with some old fashioned oats (when I get HUNGRY, not when I wake up), and I have some vegetable soup leftover for later when I feel hungry again, and I planned on eating some pickles or something if I needed a snack, and some bouillon.

I did have a small victory/relief this evening, when my fiancee chose to start drinking lemon water with some Splenda in it, instead of sweet tea. This means I don't have to have any make, sitting in the fridge, calling out my name! I did some calculations, and I was drinking about 8 -900 calories a day in sweet tea ALONE! Not having a gallon sitting in the fridge to tempt me will be SO much more helpful! (I'm hoping that he will eat healthier with me at some point, but for now, I'm worrying about me.)

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2015, 05:34
by maryannemcconnell
Well here we go ... Fast Day no 1 of 2015. I am a re-starter, having seriously sat on the side-lines since about May\June last year. Need to take action urgently, 16 kg to lose! This day is very welcome! Good to know there are a lot of us out there fasting today, we can do it !

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2015, 06:07
by KataMac
I'm back and need a rev up.
Fasted for all of 2013, twice a week, lost 11kgs, all was fabulous with my goal weight about 5kg away... and then 2014 started with :cry: and I needed some time to grieve. That was all well and good, but I really battled trying to start up fasting again. I had just found my groove again, and then it was holiday/festive times and I have finished the year with a gain of 5kg. :frown:
So today I'm fasting. My goal is to finish 2015 at my goal weight. 10kg to go :grin:

Re: Who is Starting Monday 5 Jan?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2015, 06:08
by MaryAnn
Wow! so many new faces and returners. Good luck, everyone!!

I'll be here trying to do a better job of maintaining than last year, when I was derailed by a few holidays.