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Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 23:20
by Sue.Q
Thanks Nessie you beat me to the question :heart: Sue
Just testing to see if i got it right :like:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2013, 23:35
by Juliana.Rivers
Chickvic wrote: Number 29 reporting in!

Weigh in today, have managed to hit 108.4 kg (my goal for Christmas!) So have adjusted my Christmas goal to 101kg/222lb. I'm not quite sure how I've managed to lose so much weight in a month but hey ho :bugeyes: :confused:

Have altered my sig to show as well :smile:

Wow well done on so much weight loss.

Wondering if this is a good "adjusted" challenge for you Chicvic. to get to the 99's . its only 1kg more and your doing so well anyway

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 00:09
by pist1958
Member 84 reporting: another - small - weightloss, 0,500g since the 26th of oct. :smile: .. All together since I joined this wonderful club the 23rd Oct.:

weightloss 1,3 kg :like:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 00:37
by Nessie
Sorry couldn't get the colour to work :confused: :cry: :doh:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 02:10
by Juliana.Rivers
Nessie wrote: Sorry couldn't get the colour to work :confused: :cry: :doh:

before pressing colour did you highlight the text on signature. maybe that

try it on any text even in a post as same method is used.
you can also use size of font. e.g. press normal to reveal tiny, small, normal, large huge. can be done at same time as colour

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 08:41
by Ballerina
Well, I did it, changed my signature AND managed to highlight it, :victory: how clever am I? :geek: Oh, just average you say, oh well...... :confused:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 08:56
by lulabella
Just checking in, no loss this week, but that is ok, as I've eaten/drunk too much!! ;)
Bring on next week!!! I'm going to be a good girl

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 09:01
by Sue.Q
:victory: OH Ballerina you're just so talented :victory:
took me 4 attempts and still didn't get the colour :shock:
maybe this time. :clover: Sue. :clover:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 09:06
by Ballerina
What I did was, when you have your signature showing on your profile, press the colour button then highlight the bit you wish to colour then press on whichever colour you chose and lo and behold, job done, or not maybe? Good luck :clover: :like:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 11:57
by rawkaren
I have done repairing from holiday horror. Lost 80g in the month. Considering I drank Paris dry of champagne, I'm taking this figure as a result :wink: Now that is out of the way I can start working on the Christmas goal....... :like:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 12:06
by Chickvic
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Chickvic wrote: Number 29 reporting in!

Weigh in today, have managed to hit 108.4 kg (my goal for Christmas!) So have adjusted my Christmas goal to 101kg/222lb. I'm not quite sure how I've managed to lose so much weight in a month but hey ho :bugeyes: :confused:

Have altered my sig to show as well :smile:

Wow well done on so much weight loss.

Wondering if this is a good "adjusted" challenge for you Chicvic. to get to the 99's . its only 1kg more and your doing so well anyway

Challenge accepted - lol! Have altered my sig to show new challenge! :lol:

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 13:17
by PennyForthem
Profile now updated.
Off out to friends for a meal tonight - and she is a seriously good cook!

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 13:50
by Sue.Q
:heart: Well Done to all. :heart:
:clover: well done Karen that is a result. :clover:
:victory: :clover: Extra Big Well Done to chickvic :victory: :clover:
:heart: Penny enjoy your meal tonight :heart:
I'm out for meal tonight with the outlaws will report back as requested :clover: Sue.

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 15:08
by rawkaren
Oh thank you @Sue.Q. I'm so relieved, I'm having a carbfest today. But fasting tomorrow........

Re: Official XMAS club-still taking new members-any size all

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2013, 16:14
by DeeWidiastuti
#75 checking in. Here's my daily weigh in.


It's moving to the right direction so I'm happy 'bout it. I hope to see the 54's in a couple of weeks. I also have updated my signature!