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Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 10:04
by Nicky_94
Member 28 checking in, I'm afraid I have had no change again this week, I'm so close to my target but can't seem to get there :(

Next week I might try 16/8 in addition to 5:2 and see if that helps...

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 10:06
by DeeOne
5 days in ~ #114 checking in.
I jumped on the scales this morning & I'm down 4kg :grin: Now I know its my first WLM week, so its mostly water. Plus I still have an intermediate day & Up day to go, but its such a morale booster I decided to log it. I will be keeping my weigh-in days to Saturdays & expecting losses to slow down to around a kilo a week. I do have loads to lose which is why I'm doing an adapted 4:3, so hopefully my losses may tend to be a little higher than the average for a while.(fingers crossed)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 10:25
by coffeetime
Member 119 checking in, 500g lost already after yesterday's fast, I know it will go up again but that's a good start! Woohooo

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 11:13
by Silverdarling
Down 1kg or 2.2lb this week so very pleased :victory: :cool: :victory:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 13:23
by Melinda_in_NC
Can I join, or is it too late?

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 15:57
by Julieathome
Logging in for the first time. I actually put on 6lb over the last month and have managed to battle it back down to an increase of only 1.5lbs. So my target is still a long distance away. But, I'm back on the wagon and being strict with myself again, so hopefully next week will see me below my lowest weight again.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 16:49
by LittleJoy
Hi Everyone! #66 checking in and I'm so happy to report that my goal is to go from 205 to 199 and I'm on my way (weigh)! I was so worried that I was going to stay at 207 for ever... because I kept popping back up there, but this morning's weigh in was at 203.5!!! Yes, I'm claiming the .5 because it was between the lines as far as I could tell... so 4 lbs to go. Wish me :clover: the same to you :heart: :heart: :heart:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 18:28
by wendyjane
rawkaren wrote: I'm going to set a new B/F goal of 3%., as I'm nearly half way there.

Is that a typo, @rawkaren ? Seems like 30% body fat would make sense, but at 3% you'd probably be dead! :confused:
Oh, wait, I get it - going down by 3 %!

Is there a way to cancel (not just edit) a post on this forum? Cause I would have just canceled this post, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do more than edit it....

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 19:19
by rawkaren
wendyjane wrote:
rawkaren wrote: I'm going to set a new B/F goal of 3%., as I'm nearly half way there.

Is that a typo, @rawkaren ? Seems like 30% body fat would make sense, but at 3% you'd probably be dead! :confused:
Oh, wait, I get it - going down by 3 %!

Is there a way to cancel (not just edit) a post on this forum? Cause I would have just canceled this post, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do more than edit it....

Yes I do mean 3% loss! :lol: :lol:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 20:26
by jmousey
Well this is a first - checking in on a Sat night, I think I may be growing up. Anyway, I am only starting with this xmas club this week but I wasn't too far off my goal to hit this week and I did lose. Check out my signature for details - next week will be the tell .Feeling super motivated with the club.

@rawkaren - can't believe you abstained from alcohol on your bday and stagnated - I really hope you lose next week - you defo deserve it. My bday in 2 weeks- dreading 31 yet hopeful at the same time

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 20:42
by Juliana.Rivers
Keep checking in everyone.. any new member requests, yes come and join us.. will officially reply with a number real soon. gotta do my "Sunday" thing

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 21:21
by MelbMandy
Member #124 checking in for the first time and happy to report a loss of 300 grams. I've officially broken my hoodoo of 61.9 kgs (haven't been able to get below that in the past year) and I'm well on my way to my Xmas goal - only 1.6 kgs to go!

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2013, 03:46
by Maggiee

Member 104 checking in - I am happy to advise a loss of .500g since joining the Christmas club.

Woohooo!!!! :lol:

thanks for the motivation Juliana,


Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2013, 05:05
by Juliana.Rivers
wow .. cumulative loss in the Christmas test is looking awesome. i soon will have a tally.

keep up the good work and lose those pounds and inches.. you will be happy chooks at Christmas each and every one of you.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 128 members stron

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2013, 05:30
by Debs
Another measly 200g from Member Number 85!!! I can eat more chocolate than that!!