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Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 134 members alrea

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:03
by Thelovelysqueaky
Thank you very much, I will look forward to reading the ideas.
I have several (fairly large) family gatherings to cater for and would appreciate some tasty low calorie options this year.
Your Christmas club is a great thread... The TV ads are getting me slightly panicky already, but it's lovely to feel that we can all navigate the excesses of the festive season together!

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 134 members alrea

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:07
by Juliana.Rivers
Azureblue wrote: 69.8kgs!!!!!!

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

whoohooo. is that your Christmas day target reached?

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 134 members alrea

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:10
by Juliana.Rivers
Katiemcax wrote: Hi there,

I'm new to this... sort of. I actually had some success in the spring of this year, but got off track due to some big life events. Trying to get back on track and lose a few kgs before Xmas and would love to join you folks if I'm not too late!


Sure thing. you are MEMBER 136

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 134 members alrea

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:16
by Juliana.Rivers
Thelovelysqueaky wrote: Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but could you start a thread for 5:2 friendly Christmas recipes? (Sorry if there is one and I've missed it) I could do with some ideas for family gatherings both before and during the holiday season.
Perhaps our global community can offer seasonal alternatives from their locality eg. Australian desserts or American cookies? It would be very much appreciated!

Great idea @Thelovelysqueaky Not sure if it was coincidental but @Julieathomehas done just that recently .. . 5-2-cookery-f29/christmas-is-coming-and-we-don-t-want-to-get-fat-t9572.html

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN BAY for XMAS club - 134 members alrea

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:20
by Juliana.Rivers
Paulyboy wrote: Ok, count me in. What info do you need?

whooohooooo a male member to the group... sorry if you missed the other thread but use 130 plus women are "seeking males" for company in the Chrismas tent so watch out.

welcome in .. you are member 137

if you look at my signature.. that kind of thing will be great.. helps with my stats collection of just how we are all doing and good to see when i can change peoples names to green in @Paulyboy POST NUMBER 1 meaning the person has reached their Christmas target already.

for signatures just go to User control panel, then profile then signature.

not mandatory of course as we are all free spirited in the tent.

(behave girls!) :grin:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 22:28
by Juliana.Rivers
I was thinking about the club goals and the time left... (i seem to do that a lot lately) and how all nearly 150 of us are probably wondering, with say 6 weeks to go for Christmas how we can speed up our weight loss with 5:2/4:3/16:8 whichever set of numbers take your fancy but in a sensible healthy way. No extreme fasting or anything.

To be frank if I extended teh purple line in the Progress tracker to my goal of 69.9999 i wont make Christmas. and as we know, we cant expect something to change if our behaviour remains unchanged. so need ideas to move that trendline angle a bit.

Im sure its been discuss ad infinitum in many threads throughout the forum but can we all brainstorm in the tent and come up with say the top 20 ideas for a 6 week fast sensible weight loss guide. what do you think?

anyone ready to submit the first idea. im thinking .. keep it brief just one sentence, what it is and maybe if you are that way inclined to put a bit of a science spin on it.. why you think it can work.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 07:07
by Minigill
Member #89 - Happy to report a 720 grms off since last week :clover:

Not quite sure what has happened to my system, but when I joined the Xmas club mid Oct, I had appro 8 lbs to loose (3.75kg) and thought it was a tall order to reach by xmas.

Since 23rd Oct, I have lost total of 7 lbs (3.1kg) in 3 weeks, bizzare ! I have been doing this since June, and the last two months I have been loosing more that when I started :wink:

Normal BMI looming fast :grin:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 07:12
by rawkaren
Juliana.Rivers wrote: I was thinking about the club goals and the time left... (i seem to do that a lot lately) and how all nearly 150 of us are probably wondering, with say 6 weeks to go for Christmas how we can speed up our weight loss with 5:2/4:3/16:8 whichever set of numbers take your fancy but in a sensible healthy way. No extreme fasting or anything.

To be frank if I extended teh purple line in the Progress tracker to my goal of 69.9999 i wont make Christmas. and as we know, we cant expect something to change if our behaviour remains unchanged. so need ideas to move that trendline angle a bit.

Im sure its been discuss ad infinitum in many threads throughout the forum but can we all brainstorm in the tent and come up with say the top 20 ideas for a 6 week fast sensible weight loss guide. what do you think?

anyone ready to submit the first idea. im thinking .. keep it brief just one sentence, what it is and maybe if you are that way inclined to put a bit of a science spin on it.. why you think it can work.

I'm contemplating one zero calorie fast day a week especially as I'm short. Today I'm also experimenting with a 24 hour break vs. 16, aka Eat Stop Eat. I saw this on another thread yesterday. ... sting-201/.

I need to try something as the plateau is getting a bit boring..... :curse: for example. I fasted yesterday and finished at lunchtime. I will not eat until lunchtime today which is a full TDEE day. Tomorrow would be a zero calorie fast. I wonder if just one of these a week might mix things up a bit.

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 08:00
by Juliana.Rivers
Minigill wrote: Member #89 - Happy to report a 720 grms off since last week :clover:

Not quite sure what has happened to my system, but when I joined the Xmas club mid Oct, I had appro 8 lbs to loose (3.75kg) and thought it was a tall order to reach by xmas.

Since 23rd Oct, I have lost total of 7 lbs (3.1kg) in 3 weeks, bizzare ! I have been doing this since June, and the last two months I have been loosing more that when I started :wink:

Normal BMI looming fast :grin:

Must be all the subtle reinforcement of the club. I Juliana.Rivers take full credit :victory:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 08:49
by Lastpush
Well done everyone! I've had a bad start as had a horrific tummy bug & only wanted to eat toast & pasta so am pretty much back where I started. Back on track now so will report in later in the week. Really encouraging to see your losses

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 09:27
by gym-sparkle-90
Happy to say I have lost 1 lb since last posting :) I'm now 57.8 kg, which means I have exactly 2kg to go until I reach my christmas goal of being 8 stone 11 pounds.

It's only been a few weeks but I honestly love this way of life, I just hope I keep losing steadily :)

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 09:32
by tickatape
1lb down 6lbs to go! :grin:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 09:37
by coffeetime
Member 119 checking in. This is working!! 60 kg - I've lost a whole kg in less than a week, only 1 kg to get to my Christmas goal. I don't want to lose weight too fast though, my face is getting too thin. When that happened a while ago I went onto maintenance for a while which stopped me looking so gaunt, although it could be that I got used to the thin face staring back at me from the mirror? Anyway my weight will increase again after my fast day yesterday.

I hope you are over your tummy bug now @Lastpush we still have six weeks to the big day, time enough to get back on track :clover: :clover:

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 09:53
by The Fishbaum
I snuck in through the backdoor but I am here and Member 138!

Re: OFFICIAL CHECK-IN XMAS club - 137 members - JOIN TODAY

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 11:41
by zizza
Right - that's it - it's high time I got on with this again (tried it this time last year and lost half a stone, but mum fell in and died earlier this year, so it all went out the window!).

So, I'm joining a bit late for the losing weight for Christmas, but 6 weeks is enough to make a good change to my size (actually it's 5 weeks until big work Christmas party and a dress that's currently a bit tight!)

I was 82.5 kg yesterday (so nearly 13 stone - grrrr - been hovering between 12.5 and 13 for a few years now - I'm 45). Got a free personal training session at the gym tonight (they sent me the offer to encourage me to go back - lol).

Ideally would love to be under 12 stone for Christmas - so that would be about a 6.5 kg loss - that'll take some determination, but here goes......

Wish me luck!