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fasting for four days straight!

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2016, 00:26
by Janpartly
And believe me it wasn't intentional I couldn't eat if i tried:frown: I have been doing really well eating healthily thinking about my choices and resisting temptation. Then my hubby and i decided to treat ourselves to a night away, so we had a meal out and i thought a little indulgence wont hurt :shame: so i proceeded to eat a three course meal and wine, which is so greedy of me because i never eat a three course, two at the most. I did enjoy it but felt pretty uncomfortable afterwards.
Then in the morning at the hotel came the full English breakfast,yes the full works! As we drove home i became increasingly uncomfortable by the evening i was in total agony with what i thought was indigestion. This continued for another day with no let up just crippling pain and i ended up at the doctors who diagnosed biliary colic. In short my greed after watching my diet had a horrible effect i never want to repeat :bigfrown: My stomach is still tender but i had some soup today and will take it gently from now on. So lesson learned don't be such a glutton :oops:

Re: fasting for four days straight!

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2016, 00:54
by ferretgal
yes, I seldom pig out these days and fortunately have never overindulged to the point of needing medical attention--but I've certainly made myself feel gross and icky and guilty. :confused: hope you feel better soon!

Re: fasting for four days straight!

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2016, 16:41
by Tracieknits
Oh my goodness, nothing like unintentional fasting, eh? I'm sorry to hear you were ill and hope it doesn't happen to you again