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Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:27
by byoung103
It's Monday again and I am fasting. Cold morning here in NSW but a beautiful dawn is happening just outside my window. Good luck to all fasting today.

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:33
by Wineoclock
It's a balmy 3 degrees here!!! I'm almost looking forward to my fast after my weekend indulgences. Good fasting all :grin:

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:46
by PennyForthem
Phew, 29C is forecast for tomorrow, and wall to wall sunshine. I'm fasting as I haven't had a proper fast for 3 weeks, due to hols and pressures of work last week (eating odd things at odd times).

So, I'm in! Big time! Good luck everyone!

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:55
by Tammz
Good morning fellow Monday fasters Im in and I really need a fast day today ,had a major wey hey weekend,thinking of just having a liquid fast today my body seriously needs a rest.
Good luck and have a great day :clover:

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:56
by annieliz
:clover: Good luck all,I just completed mine,so early to bed,fingers crossed for a good weigh in in the morning :smile:

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:58
by Doodle
I'm joining you all for tomorrow, and looking forward to it. :) It's my last week of teaching this week before the summer holiday and I always have my fast days on my teaching days - it just works well for me. However, the big test will be for me starting next week when I am home... (I CAN do it! :bugeyes: )

Re: What days do you fast?

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 22:37
by Mullumgirl
Hi there
I am fasting today and I weigh myself every now and again, prefer not to know really. I just put a whole lot of gym and work pants into the op shop bag this weekend, so going by my clothes is a lot of fun! This way of eating suits me so well, I know i will do it forever!

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 23:27
by Chook
Here as usual. Lovely, sunny but cold day here. Have fun everyone.

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 00:31
by byoung103
Not sure I can manage this today. Been really hungry all morning. Most unusual for a fasting day. Feel unwell with it. Maybe try again tomorrow

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 00:41
by MaryAnn
I'm fasting, too, after a weekend off (unusual for me; I generally like weekend fasting). So far, so good...

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 00:52
by AiriR
And here I am too! *waves* Actually had a pretty 'normal' weekend for a change, with no major extras so hoping for a good result on the scales on Wednesday. :smile: I'm doing a water (and black coffee) only fast as has become my routine on Mondays.

Byoung, be kind to yourself. No point in forcing yourself to fast if you're not feeling the best. You can always do it on another day. :heart:

Wishing everyone a successful day! :clover:

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 01:08
by byoung103
Thanks AiriR. Just had a coffee and feeling a bit better. Will wait a bit longer and see how I feel in an hour

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 03:38
by Zingbing
Oops had a week off with kids during school holidays, and weigh in result was not good, never mind I know it will head back down in no time.

So back into it this week, had a gorgeous walk this morning and enjoying a few T2 teas.

Testing my willpower today as I'm baking bread for the kids at the moment and it smells great...but I'm strong and I will resist temptation.

Have a great day all.

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 03:48
by GMH
I'm in today as I was invited somewhere for dinner last night, so missed my favourite Sunday fast and I am loving this fast. Too many days eating out and my tummy was in turmoil - ran out of Inner Health +, my saviour! I am 8 hours in and have had soup/black coffee and an apple - feel great. Vegies in some form for dinner. Weather stunning now, still not hot but not a cloud in the sky - I love it.

Re: Fasting today Monday 8th July

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2013, 04:12
by gigi55
I'm here too, been swimming and then doing some sorting at home.
I'm happy that I'm now up to 16 laps of freestyle, my best ever!
A coffee so far and a herb tea ( and water).
I think I'll have curried tuna and veg for dinner, some strawberries about 3 or 4pm if I need them.
Have a good day everyone.