FastDay User Blogs

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- February 2014

8th fast
14 Feb 2014, 10:15

One week later
11 Feb 2014, 08:42

Little by little
04 Feb 2014, 06:18

Doing well...
03 Feb 2014, 14:13

+ January 2014
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3rd fast

by juliusi on 21 Mar 2013, 08:35

So as I predicted my weight went up after 2 days of feast. The weight today is 78.5kg that is still .900g lower than the starting weight. so far so good. today is my 3rd fast day and I am pretty relaxed compared to the 1st one especially and the 2nd one. I had a nice dinner and this morning I am really fine, not thinking about food that much and I have already planned my meals for the day. As I thought 600cals are quite a bit of food and if I look closely to what i can eat i realize I have lots of choice and plenty of food. I now just need to get organised with the shopping and have what i need in advanced so not to eat always the same stuff.
Today I have thought to start with fennel again since I find it very good and above all seasonal. Just weighted what i brought with me to work and it goes 525g that are 47cals. I have planned to eat mushed potatoes at lunch and a veal steack at dinner that give me 400cals for the day. I have therefore still 200cals to spare that will be probably a bit more mushed potatoes and some bread in the evening with the steack. Not bad, really. I trained on Tuesday (run only 9km) and will have another run today. it will be an easy one since I have a race on saturday that will last for 6hrs stright. I don't want to get too tired and hopefully fasting today won't leave me with few energies for such a long race on saturday. It will be a good test and see the impact this diet has on me and my runninig. I must say that thinking back obn Sunday when I went for the 32k I felt a bit more tired than the previous week when I run 35km and did it at a faster pace. Must watch closer the impact of the diet on the training and see if I need to adjust the days or skip fasting when I have intense training days.
So 9.30 right now. Just 90 minutes left for my fennel :victory:
Ciao ciao

We have not inherited the world from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.
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