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- July 2013
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Maintenance update after 3.5 months

by Franglaise on 03 Jul 2013, 08:23

So....I've been on maintenance now for three and a half months and am now 1kg below my original target of 57kgs. I can't face doing 2 full fasts a week so have decided to go with one full fast on a Monday, and then I skip lunch a few days in the week. I don't often eat carbs in the evening but often enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and a couple of squares of chocolate. I know it probably isn't the best use of calories, but it seems to be sustainable for me and I don't have to deprive myself of my favourite 'treat' foods (cashew nuts, cheese and chocolate).
I'm still running 5kms most mornings so am keeping quite active.
I bought a pair of size 32 jeans the other day (although they were stretchy!) and am feeling very confident in a bikini this year (even at 47 years old. So happy I found 5:2 as the WOE really works for me and seems to be easy to sustain once you are used to skipping meals :smile:

Susan - now on 6:1-plus-skipping-lunch-occationally maintenance
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