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19 weeks in, first blog post.

by Julieathome on 07 Jul 2013, 21:48

Hmmmm, lets see, just some rambling thoughts actually.

When I started 5:2, back in late February, I was desperate, so was my eldest son. We both need surgery (for different things) and both our anesthetists have said no, not unless its life or death, until we both get our weight under 40 BMI. For me it means continuing constant pain, agonising, sobbing my heart out pain at times, for my son it has meant the loss of his job, his home and depression.

I have dieted all my life, people think I have done nothing but overeat all my life, nothing could be further from the truth, I have dieted all my life. I have had the carb loaded breakfast, I have had the 3 portions of fruit, I have cut fats out of my diet, I bowed at the alter of the food pyramid, I have obeyed dietitians, Weight watchers, Slimming World, doctors and the media all my adult life. I was a good girl and I ended up being 281 lbs and getting fat buster diet pills pushed by big pharma.

Now that I am ignoring official advice I am losing weight, properly, healthily and easily for the first time in my life. So is my son.

I am 2 stone down (28 lbs), still a long way to go to my ideal weight, but I am now back on the list for surgery and hope to be pain free before this Christmas. I also hope to be slim and svelte before the Christmas after and my 25th Wedding Anniversary. What an Anniversary present to give my wonderful supportive husband. The slim and svelte wife he married, even though he ended up with the blob from the black lagoon. He still found/finds me sexy, but he also deserves the real me back.

Doing the right thing isn't always popular.
Doing the popular thing isn't always right.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, again and again and expecting a different result.

Started 5:2 in February 2013 at 281lb's, 20st 1lb, 127.45kg
5 Comments   Viewed 6660 times


Bought a tear to my eye.. Well done and good luck wit the weight loss and ultimately the surgery. I too have surgery to look forward to in a short while.
motivating story, moral do not give up - good luck with weight loss and surgery
I'm particularly inspired by how you seem to manage to stay positive and cheerful (on the forum, at least!) in spite of the great pain and discomfort you obviously suffer. Don't know whether it helps at all that so many of us seem to have had similar weight-loss/gain experiences in our life. I know I for one have battled the bulge most of my adult life. Had great success with WW about 10 years ago, came off it and ended up 2 years later a stone heavier than I started with.

I really hope we've all found a way of sustainable (life-long) weight management in this WOL. In the meantime, keep your eyes firmly on your goals. I think you'll get lashings of support and encouragement on this forum. Good luck!
Good luck with everything, you have an inspiring story! /Annica
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